Herald Report


Herald Report

The first thing I want to address is the Face Selector. Yes, it is being worked on and after talking with Muz, we're looking at doing a mass release. Some people have been asking about starting off with a "starter pack" first before expanding however we don't want to alienate anyone too badly. Lately, I've been working on the Mon Calamari species and they're probably one of my more favorite to design. As things are completed, I'll make sure to release some spoilers for you all.

In addition to Muz's forum for questions, I decided to get in on the fun and created my own. You may ask questions anonymously or leave a name so I can give more information directly to you, instead of just answer the question simply. If you would like to ask a question, you can find the link here. Feel free to ask what you'd like though expect sarcastic answers to stupid questions. :-P.

Now, let's get the sexiness under way.

Wuntila Zratian Entar Jendan Aybara Fremoc Pepoi Sadow

Completed by Ekeia:

Raiju Kang Tlaloc Elols Jaek Aralias Araxis Pepoi Farron Celevon Edraven

Teu Pepoi Cassandra El'Sin

Completed by Jeric:

Wuntila Zratian Entar

Sarak asks: "Will there ever just be a regular black trim for the Robe selector?"

Not that I can think of. Looking back at the Codex, the biggest thing they mention is members of the Brotherhood wearing trims that matched their Orders in order to identify them. However, the higher the rank, the less that option exists, I believe. With that in mind, we members of Big Brother want to keep an eye on you. Hehe.

Cethgus asks:"Will we be seeing an Custom Robe competitions coming up in the future?"

At this moment, no. Right now, a lot of people have been asking about what rank they get custom robes or what they have to do to get them. We've gotten to a point where a fair number of members have them and they are becoming more "uncommon" than "rare". That's the whole point of custom; having something that is harder to obtain. Maybe later, we will see however do not get your hopes up now.

Mirado asks: "Will we ever see other melee weapons (vibroblades and the like) on the selector screen?"

Aside from the ones you've seen as Journeymen, I would not count on it until Possessions is released. We figured that something on dossiers until a saber was available would be alright for the time being. However, our primary weapon is the lightsaber. While I can think of two people in particular who have weapons not sabers past DJK, I also know the conditions and such behind the reasons why. So for the time being, you get sabers. Sweet, sexy sabers.

If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to send me an email or find me in #HRLD_Office.

Robes: 113 Lightsabers: 607 Warbanners: 424 Miscellaneous: 132

-DA Shikyo Keibatsu Sadow Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Samurai of the Keibatsu Bloodline

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