Got some good news for you all. I just did the point totals for the team, and I gotta say, this was a tricky month on my less than impressive mathematics skills. There was a great mix of CoF's and competition awards, and even some merit awards. This leads me to a big point of this report. I'm sure by now you've all heard rumors at the very least, about the possessions system. I know I've ranted on it a couple times. In simple form, once this system goes live, we get paid. What determines how much money we make is the amount of shiny we're packing about. So, mo' shiny, mo' money.
Next up, the competition running right now. This is part AWOL check, part competition. Because of this, I want to repeat something all of your summit has said many times before. They're here to help, so hit them up, ask what kinds of things they look for in an application. Remember, this is an application for a battleteam leader position within a CLAN structure. This position doesn't warrant a bag full of sacramental awards to place. Just be honest, and put yourself out there. Zeak has done this already (and Zeak, you better believe your Master reads this), so he's most certainly in the clear. He gave me one good, honest paragraph, that's it. Got 12 days left, plenty of time, but don't wait too long.
I'd also like to take a minute about the state of Naga Sadow as a whole. Like I've said before, the Regulators are comprised of the active folk within the house. What you may not know is the amount of work that your summit has put into taking Naga Sadow back to clan status. When the Dark Council first made the change from clans to houses, their plan was for this to be a temporary change. Knowing that, we work, tirelessly, endlessly, towards making Naga Sadow a clan again. Do we know when that could happen? I wish. I envy the shoes of the person that gets to send that E-Mail out, in fact. You're probably asking yourself "What in the Sam Hell is he going on about if he doesn't know exactly what's going on?" and if that's the case, I couldn't blame you for asking. No, the reason I'm going on about it is because we're kind of the first line that people look at. It's something of a misconception that the Summit are the first people that get looked at, since they're the ones in charge, but when you look at the people they're leading, you really see the impact the Summit has on their House.
So, that being said, nothing's changed. We want to see everyone succeed, same thing we've been on about for ever.
Speaking of. I had myself a talk with a few people involving the team feud that Roxas ran. I got some opinions from you all, I got some opinions from the Summit and others. We learned from it, and, we're gonna try it again, later. Until then, ask Masika what she got for being the only person to do every event.
One last thing and I'll be done. I want to talk about the alliance between Taldryan and Naga Sadow. I've been in contact with Rian, the BTL of their Phoenix team, which does roughly the same thing we do. Train promising Journeymen and the like. We're hoping to do some cross-team work in the future, so if you have any ideas on stuff you'd like to do, I'm open like a 7-11.
Until next time Regulators May the Force be with You.
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