The entire House of Odan-Urr was assembled in the main hall located in the city of Menat Ombo. Destavol was a bit nervous, had it been only a month ago he would pry be using his lightsaber to kill most of the younger and weaker members of the house, and using his fellow Sith Assassins to gang up and slaughter the more skilled and learned of the Jedi - but he himself had now converted from the Dark Side to follow the path best suited for him as a Grey Jedi. Further more, the entire House and Jedi Council had entrusted their special Jedi Policing unit to his leadership. He had heard word that the QUA would not be sending a report this week, but he was not sure where the AED was. Quejo had just finished giving his report and statements to the house, and it was now his turn. So he stood from his seat and walked to the podium, removing the brown hood of his cloak from his head. He gazed out over the crowed of Jedi, Tythorian officials and militia that were present. Despite his history, he could sense that these people were happy that he had come to their house, and were generous that he was now using his skills to defend the people of New Tython, and innocents around the galaxy were he could. He smiled and gave a slight bow before starting his report...
NOTE - Until the new name of the BT has been selected I will be going to call our BT HOU Team One.
HOU Team One BTL Report #1 - 4-10-2011
Greetings and welcome to my first report as Battle Team Leader of HOU Team One. This is of course just a temporary name, so please deal with the generics of it until a suitable name has been designated for it. Thank you.
1 - Activity Report 2 - Competitions 3 - Awards & Promotions 4 - BTL Closing Statements
Section One - Activity Report
First and foremost I welcome those of you that have dedicated your time and efforts to joining our new Battle Team. For those of you who do not know much about this team, it is HOU's Gaming BT which will be leading the front in any and all future competitions for HOU involving gaming. I am very thankful to have already gained the membership that we currently have, and could not ask for a more dedicated team than what I have already. We still have positions available for occupation if anyone in this house is interested in joining. Currently our Battle Team stands at a count of 9. This week has been a rather unorganized and slow week due to the Battle Team just opening, and some issues regarding the process in which our name and back story applies. However we have worked out this situation swiftly and are now moving to perform with 100% performance towards our primary mission statement.. which is to kick ass in gaming for HOU. ;-)
This week I have to say congratulations and biggest thanks to Zeon Blacktooth who has been earning CFs at an alarmingly fast rate. He has also been participating in the DJB JA Training Program which is being run by myself as Head Instructor, and Quejo and Smoke as our Senior Instructors. This program has recently been made THE OFFICIAL terms of JA Training in the DJB, which I am very proud to say because a lot of time and effort has gone into this not just by myself and my fellow instructors but by those of you who are participating as well. Aside from Mr.Blacktooth I have to say that Habib submitted a Background and Name for our Battle Team that has me thoroughly impressed. Good work sir, and both of you keep up the outstanding work! Those that did not gain notable mention in this report, do not feel left out as I am equally as thankful for your efforts in JA and other gaming activities during our Training Night, ICTE and other Gaming Nights in the DJB. Given the statistics I have seen with HOU in the gaming community this week alone, I think it is safe to say that this Battle Team is leading the way in DJB Gaming on at least the Jedi Academy front, along with the House if you include Quejo who plays JA more than anyone I know lol. Aside from these statements on activity, I am about to start some other competitions for the Battle Team including a Banner Emblem and a gaming ladder for our members to participate in.
Section Two - Competitions
Currently there is only ONE competition running for the Battle Team, but this will change after this report and I will release details on these once they are deemed official. This competition is the NAME... THOSE... GAMERS!!!! Competition which was started by Ji. Details about it can be found at For those of you who have already submitted - I would like to add something that is not detailed on this competition listing. We are NOT just looking for a name, but also a Background Story to be placed on the BT's Wiki once we have an official name. We currently have several name submissions, but only one Background Story - and I will note that unless you guys can come up with a BG Story to accompany your name, more than likely that single submission is going to win because its a killer good one lol. Anyway, other than this as I stated we will have a few other competitions started within the next 24-48 hours so just be patient and you will be able to do your daily killing as needed. :-)
Section Three - Awards & Promotions
Join me in congratulating those listed for the following reasons..
I've noticed however that there has been a reasonable delay on a lot of CFs, and I am not sure why but the issue has been reported to the DB Gaming Staff and should be sorted out soon - I know several other members of this team have been playing JA and should have been awarded medals, but for some reason Zeon is the only only one who has been getting them on the regular basis. So yeah, with that said I will report any delayed medals in next week report. Congratz to all of us who have earned medals and promotions, and soon to come medals. ;-)
Section Four - Closing Statements
This week in RL.. hell this last month actually, has been mortal hell on me. A lot of stuff is troubling me in RL, which may force me to go into a LoA if things do not change soon. For the record, I do not run this BT alone - JS is also considered a BTL. So you guys can go to him as well if there are any issues. Despite all of this, as far as DJB work with this BT is going, I am impressed. We have had some issues here and there - but we are over coming them and pulling together as a team. There are a couple of you that I'm going to be emailing privately because I am seeing a lack of participation, you know who you are.. I am not looking to chap ass - just wondering whats going on, and if there is anything I can do to help. :-) Outside of 1-2 people, everyone else is really pulling together and busting ass out there and that great to see. Keep it up guys and you'll all be getting rewarded by this time next week! At first I was not sure if a straight Gaming Team would really work, but now that I'm seeing the results with my own eyes I know I was just paranoid and that together we alone as this BT can rock this entire DJB if we want to. Guys and gals that are playing JA, PLEASE SIGN UP FOR THE DJB JA TRAINING PROGRAM!! It will make you so much better at the game, and you will earn medals in the process to accompany the skill and abilities you will gain from the experience of training with our Instructors. If anyone of you is curious about this, and I don't just mean for the Battle Team but I mean for the entire House, just e-mail me and I will be happy to explain the entire program to you. We have a lot of fun with it, and we even do class training which is a big difference than 1 on 1 training - and lots of fun too! Well that does it for this week's report. Thanks to all of you who are in this Team and out there making a name for us, and the House. Good work, and see ya next week!! :-)
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Awesome report Dest, i havent been in a report that many times in like ever lol
Awesome report Dest, i havent been in a report that many times in like ever lol