_The Tower seemed almost eerily empty without the ongoing orders being given by the infamous Kal di Plagia Vorrac. His departure had shocked many within Plagueis, but none were more impacted than his very own Aedile, Jaek Kaeth. He stood now before the space where the throne Kal had sat on for so long had used to be. Now it was replaced by a mutli-faceted desk laced with holonet feeds and computer terminals linked to all manners of Plagueis activity.
Standing before the desk were his Aedile, Tra'an Reith and the returning Braecen Kaeth. Jaek had glanced at them both, his curiosity as to what they two thought of being lead by someone fresh from the ranks of Journeyman. He pushed the negative aside and moved to begin issuing his first orders as the Quaestor of Plagueis.
"Braecen, I want you to check the line of communication between us and all of the Plagueians in the field. I want to make sure that none of our transmissions are being lost. Also, I need a report on the activity of the Prospects first chance you get." Jaek turned towards his Aedile, "Tra'an, with the recent dissolution of our Battlegroups and the formation of Primus Pilus, I would like you to aid in the allocation of resources to Unus command as well as assisting him should he need it."
The two men nodded without hesitation.
"Dismissed, Gentlemen." Jaek spoke as he returned to his command desk._
It's Report Time!
Greetings Brethren,
Not more than a week ago the Brotherhood saw off one of its most dedicated and persistent leaders to date. A man whose views and reforms of Plagueis has made a stable foundation for which this House can grow and prosper as it once did. A man who pushed us further and further....and further still until we reached our potential...in which he would give us yet another nudge pushing us past it.
We wish Kal di Plagia Vorrac and save and well journey in all of his travels and we shall be awaiting your return with eager unrest.
With Kals departure, I have stepped into the Quaestor spot as his former Aedile. Moving up from Aedile would be the ever-capable Tra'an Reith, and stepping into the Rollmaster spot is none other than Braecen Kaeth. Braecen had returned shortly before Kals departure and after showing outstanding amounts of activity, we awarded him the Rollmaster spot. We are glad to have one of Plagueis most renowned members back amongst us.
On a separate note, the Battleteams have been dissolved and reformed into a singular group known as Primus Pilus, lead by none other than DJK Unus Domus. With the research and development of the Battleteam quickly underway, I will have further information on it in my next report.
As you are all probably aware,** ITS THE EFFIN INDEPEDENCE GAMES!** Seals to be had and Novae to be collected by the lot of you, I know you are more than capable so show me what you are made of instead of shooting paper wads at the back of Muzes head.
Onto the current projects in the R&D department of Plagueis;
Operation: Desert Fortress - Headed by Kodais Great Wiki Cleanup - Headed by Several Members Forums Cleanup - Headed by Alaris Plagueian Path - Headed by the Summit House Enemy - Headed by the Summit HSP-PLA Alliance - Headed by the Summit Di Plagia Revamp -Headed by the Summit
Hosted by the Voice of the Brotherhood None; Currently.
Hosted by the Fist of the Brotherhood
Soul Calibur 4 Weekend
Specifics: Every Third(3rd) weekend of the month, Soul Calibur 4 will be an allowed platform for Clusters of Fire.
Report the matches under Console Gaming 1 and the platform as Console.
Plagueian Competitions
Masters Of The Skies
Specifics: I would like you to describe in the star Wars Theme, but you can use any form as you wish. I would like you to tell me in your own words, how you feel about being in the Plagueis Navy, and what job you have within it, and describe a Battle you have had, in your time within the Navy Branch, and how you survived, this or you could describe a daily routine, you have within your Branchâ¦..
Submit to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and Plagueis activity tracker
New Beginnings
Specifics: I would like you to design a New Insignia, for a new star ship or destroyer, that is going to be put in Our Fleet, you can design in free form, but to be kept in Plagueis and the star wars theme.
Submit to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and Plagueis activity tracker
Brotherhood-Wide Competitions
Dark Brotherhood Sig Banners
Specifics: Dark greetings to my Brothers and Sisters,
By now everyone should be familiar with the The Old Republic guild going live! I know many of us have been anticipating that. :)
Due to the nearing of TOR, and the introduction of a guild system, I view this as an excellent chance to bolster our numbers. Since the majority of us use forums, and forums generally have space for a sig, what better opportunity to get the DJBâs name out there than with some snazzy sig banners? The details!
Utilizing an image size of 400X120 design a sig banner that either captures the essence of your House or the Brotherhood as a whole. Since TOR has been seeing quite a bit of activity, itâd be impressive if you could find a way to merge TOR and the DJB. ;) Now remember, these should be blank slates so that any member can quickly add their Dossier information to them before plopping it into their sig space.
The best three submissions will be presented with crescents and all submissions will be placed into a topic on the forum so members have a choice.
In submitting the competition, email to Diclonius, and CC to respected House leaders.
Incoming Members: Braecen Kaeth Yeldarb Vohokou
Outgoing Members: Kal Vorrac (Rogue)
In closing, I'd like to thank all of Plagueis for their support and dedication, without you we are just a name. I'd also like to thank Yeldarb and Braecen for returning, not a moment too soon with the ongoing Independence Games as well.
*To Sum It Up! *
*Kal Vorrac Steps Down *Jaek becomes the New QUA *Tra'an becomes the new AED *Braecen becomes the new RM *Battleteams dissolved and reformed into Primus Pilus *Unus gets BTL *Braecen and Yeldarb are Back! *IGs, get gaming!
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