<font size="4">Life is a road with twists and turns. Kaira had found her place in Odan-Urr yet she was alone with her daughter as her husband was nowhere to be found for the time. It was good she could keep busy as she trained the new recruits into their Jedi house. The Archpriest life had changed a lot since she had come to Odan-Urr. Yet she loved every moment of it. The new challenges that lay out before her not only as a leader, but also as a mother to her daughter and house.
Today would be no different. She had to get a report out to the house to give them an update on the news and what would come in the weeks ahead for them. Kaira knew that without a bit of guidance from her and the other masters in the house the journeymen would loss focuses. The last thing she needed was a bunch of lose Jedi with no focus on tasks. It would be good to have them busy with their work. Kaira would keep them on task no matter how hard that would be. </font>
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<font color="#520393"><font size="4">Hello House, so this is my first Roll master report to you. The first few weeks on the job have been slow to start. I am just getting everything together and trying to get our Journeymen active. So that is what I have been doing since I started on the job.
I know some of you wish to be masters and some want students that info will come later in this report. Right now I wish to give a few News topics to get out to you all.
First off we have a lot of contests going and I hope to see all you Journeymen and others competing in the contests. It would seem that Clan Naga Sadow needs a Roll master. If you are wishing to be in leadership here is a shot at it. The front page has all the info you need to know about what they are looking for to fill this position. Good luck to any that put in an app.
Just a heads up to all you that like to follow the news in the brotherhood Tarentum and Arcona are having a feud. Watch the site for updates on their feud.
That is all the news at this time. Keep watching for Reports from your house leaders and read the front page of the brotherhood site to keep informed of the latest changes! </font>
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<font color="#520393"><font size="4"> It is time to tell you all about the house Contest and Site wide contests going on in the brotherhood for the weeks head. Good luck to all those that enter contests!</font>
<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">House Contests</font>
{Journeymen Contest}<font color="#128412"><font size="4">Light and Dark</font></font> <font color="#128412"><font size="4">A Swashbuckler's Story</font></font> <font color="#128412"><font size="4">Fire Race</font></font> <font color="#128412"><font size="4">Lord Of the Gnats</font></font> <font color="#128412"><font size="4">May Haiku</font></font> <font color="#128412"><font size="4">We're Not Alone! (GFX)</font></font> <font color="#128412"><font size="4">Mechanix</font></font>
<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Site Wide Contests</font> Operation: Hardware-Blasters <a href="http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=5641>Force Recon Rise of Evil [DGM] Report Lyrics
<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Gaming Contests</font> Alien Versus Predator JA Mosh Pit Land Warfare Special Gaming Event: Allegiance Soul Calibur 4 Weekend End of The Year Gaming
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<font color="#520393"><font size="4">It would seem some changes are underway in the ACC. Tim our Combat master has set up a new system if your looking for a match. He is calling it Match Maker. If your up for a match take a look at the changes he has set in place.
There have been a few matches in the last few weeks that have ended here are the results of those matches.
Kaira Vs Quejo: Winner Quejo KP Guinevere Deschain vs. DJK Eiko: Winner Guinevere
That is the news I have for the ACC at this time.
Good luck to all those in matches and those looking to get into matches in the weeks to come. </font>
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<font color="#520393"><font size="4">There has been quite a few medals given out since the end of the IG so I will go though what I have of the medal count so far. Good job to every one who earned medals! (SoR= Seal of Return)
Kaira: CoF-13, 2-Amethyst Star and 4 SoR Quejo: CoI-1, 5 SoR and CoF-7 Guinevere: CoI-1 Ma'ar-Tyrius: Amethyst Star and 4 SoR Habib: Ruby Star and 2 SoR Saveron: 3 SoR Solari: 1 SoR Tyno: 1 SoR JS: 1 SoR and CoF-4 Ji: 1 SoR Murtallica: 1 Topaz Star</font>
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<font color="#520393"><font size="4">Nothing to report here right now. I hope in the weeks to come to see more Exams being taken so I can report on how much work our Journeymen are putting in. </font>
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<font color="#520393"><font size="4">Alright we don't have a lot of students at this time. How ever if you are of Protect to Jedi Hunter and wish to have a master please email me to remind me that you don't have a master but would like one.
If you are a Jedi Knight or higher and wish to be a master email me so that I know to add you to my list of masters.
Here is a list of pairs we have at this time. Kaira- Zeon JS-Murtallica Severon- Lelila</font>
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<font color="#520393"><font size="4">Promotions: No one at this time since I have come to the job has moved up. I hope to see that change in the coming weeks.
New members: No new members right now.
Leaving Members: A few of our ranks have moved on to other houses. We say a good by to Akhera and Malik.</font>
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<font color="#520393"><font size="4">I will end my first report by saying I am proud of our house and the work we have put in so far. I hope to see more work in the next few weeks in the area of getting our Master Student program up and running. It should be a busy few weeks for your roll master but that doesn't mean I wonÃÆÃâÃââÃÆââââ¬à ¡ÃâìÃÆââââ¬à ¾Ãâât be watching to see who will be the next to gain here in Odan-Urr. Keep up the hard work.
Heads up for all those that don't know a bit about me. I foster dogs for a nonprofit. Do to that fact my weekends tend to be very busy. I am always out at dog events or doing something with family. It doesn't mean I am not watching you all it only means I am not around as much. I will always give an email up date if I do not plan to be on at all in a weekend.
Because of some things that have happened I will also be out on Wednesday mornings into the afternoon. Don't worry too much it is just my volunteer day with foster group. I like to share when I might not be on so that you all know and don't look for me on those days. Keep up the hard work.
Just a quick shout out Thanks Zeon for the Artwork!
May the force watch and guild each of you though out your week and beyond. </font>
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no prob master soz it wasnt better