Xen'Mordin Vismorsus stood staring out across the capital city of Ohmen. The funeral, a solemn and private affair had been over for several hours. Now even the embers from the funeral pyre were slowly fading. Eelysa Dravvad walked up silently not wishing to disturb Xen's deep thoughts. She stood beside him for several moments before breaking the silence.
"He was a warrior, and had a warrior's death. There are more pressing matters to attend to sir," Eelysa said.
Xen knew she was correct. The Angelo Palpatine Dante had died in service to the Brotherhood. After a life of battle and service he had reach the end of his service. It was a fate most in the Brotherhood would eventually have to face. Not many who follow the path of the Dark Side managed to find a peaceful ending.
"So what is so pressing?" Xen asked.
"You have another meeting with representatives from the Jusadih System. And reconstruction plans are preceding slower then expected sir," Eelysa responded. Xen could tell there were more then just typical construction delays going on. He gave her an impatient look.
"We have found a... ship sir. An old ship."
Xen arched an eyebrow.
"Prep a team. I want a full mission plan when I get out of this meeting," Xen said.
Greetings Scholae Palatinae, I know it has been a while and I would like to apologize for that. There has been a lot going that I've been dealing with both DB wise and in RL so my last planned reported ended up getting skipped. However, that is passed and I am redoubling my efforts, focus and motivation here. This house has been limping along and I hope the continued work of the HSP Summit will provide you all with interested and drive once again. So on to the report.
There have been some fairly major things going on DB wide. One of the most notable and important issues is what has been happening with the DB Wiki. As already explained in previous news posts, the wiki went down and Orv has been working frantically to get it back up and running. However issues with this is that much of the information on it will be outdated. I urge you all to read the combined new posts from Orv and Anubis here. It has a lot of information about what has been going on and what you can expect as the wiki is fixed.
A second major thing I want to bring up is the Independent Games. Having gone over the results and participation from it, I can say it was rather disappointing how few of us managed to participate. I urge you all to let me know what kind of things you like doing around here in the DB so at least some competitions and projects can be tailored to your interests. This house needs to get active and involved again. There is a Great Jedi War coming up in a few months and I very much hope everyone in the house can find events in it that are interesting and participate in them.
We have seen some recent changes to some ACC policies. First is the possibility for Requalification, where if the ACC finds you in need of some refreshment of how to properly battle you may end up needing to requalify before being able to have new matches. There have also been some hall movements where the Quick Skirmish Hall has become the main arena for ACC battles. Finally the CM has opened up Matchmaker. This is a program where you can sign up and have 2+2 battles set up for you every Sunday night, without you having to go find an opponent. You can opt in and out as you wish.
On the house front, most of the work has been internal. We had left the time frame for the IGs free hoping you would be able to focus on that. However, after seeing how low the participation was I began discussions with the rest of the summit about what can be done. We talked over strengths and weaknesses and came up with some plans to work to be better as leaders. Some of these new plans you will see shortly.
As well we have moved further into fixing the fictional realm of the House to fit more in line with our long-standing Imperial ideology. While the issues with the wiki have slowed down this project, at the very least, our new prospectus should be up some time after the Wiki is once again open. Arch and I are working on what is missing and needs to be fixed about the rest of our fictional realm, and if you would like to have the chance to help with it, please email us. Also Dante is working on fixing the House military breakdown, as all posted information was based on a very outdated system.
Now some of you may have noticed in a fictional update on the site, which moved the plot of the DB forward more, but the character of Angelo Palpatine Dante was killed in service to the Brotherhood. Consequences of this event will be felt for a long time in the story line of our House and DB wide.
I have opened two new competitions for you all to enjoy. They are based on our house's fictional reconstruction following the near civil war experienced in The Neutralization. I hope you all find them interesting and fun. Cultured Experience: This is a poem competition where you are to capture the ideal essence of what the Cocytus System is in written form. Monumental: This is a graphics competitions where you are to design and illustrate a monument/memorial to those who died in defense of the System during terrorist attacks by The Cause.
Our alliance with PLA is moving forward. The intro fiction for this report is part of a set up for our first event between our two houses. It will be a runon and I am looking for house members who are interested in signing up to participate. I will be sending out a secondary email about this when the start date gets a little closer, but if you want to secure one of the limited slots for it please let me know as soon as possible. It should be fun and I think you will enjoy it if you participate in it. The goal is to have it start toward the end of June and run throughout July. So please let me know if you are interested in it.
That sums up another report. Again I am sorry I skipped when my last one should have been. If any of you have suggestions or comments or concerns please feel free to email me or hit me up on IRC. As well I want to promote My Formspring Page again. It is a good tool and I have gotten some very good questions on there. Until next time,
Xen'Mordin Vismorsus Quaestor of Scholae Palatinae
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