Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Cethgus walked down the corridor a smirk came to his face as he did so knowing that at this current moment his team was waiting for him in the meeting room. Beside him walked a covered figure the cloak covering his appearance the hood preventing the features of his face being seen. As the two of them walked into the room the rest of the team were assembled around a long table, turning to face Cethgus as he walked in and stood at the top of the table.

"Right, well you all are the useless bunch they stuck me with then?" His eyes darted to each of them as he studied them for a second before putting a data pad onto the table considering what to say to the group.

"Simple, the training will be hard, you will be pushed past pain, made harder and stronger, and if you fail me I will not hesitate to kill you. I expect the best from each of you, so please do leave if you have too or if you can't live up to my standard?" Cethgus allowed his eyes once more to look at them all before he looked back to the datapad.

"Right then Roll Call, so the following are in the team, Cassandra, Inarya, Xathia, Sanguinius, Archer, VanWyck" He called their names and acknowledged them all as the hooded figure stepped forward and looked at the others pulling back the hood.

"And Saarin my second in command, we both look forward to seeing you all doing the hard work for us both, for now you are all dismissed."

........................................... News:

Right well, First of all I am the new Battle Team Leader, and being one I am making a few changed around here, first of all the battle team has been renamed to Revenance Virtuom. So with this name change we will be looking at creating a new purpose for the team, this will be done over the next few weeks so please keep an eye out for this as we should be getting something out as soon as possible. So Just keep looking around, also as a standard I will be doing a report each week to keep all of you up to date on how things are going in the team, house and clan so just keep reading them to get the basic information down for now please people.

Second thing that is on the news page is that Saarin has been made XO of the team, this means that he will be helping me around a lot and if you have any questions and I am not online please feel free to PM him with them. At the same time as well if we are not online please email both of us with any questions at all and we will both be happy to answer your questions.


As the team is new, I haven't got the chance to get any medals in or anything like that from any of you, so no worries on this one really. Just remember that they will come in time and at the same time as this I know that you all will do your best and I am sure medals will come in by the buckets once we pick the speed up and get slamming on competitions and gaming. I will be keeping my eyes on the gamers, this will be your moment to shine as always.

Antei Combat Center:

Again the same for the Antei Combat Center, I will be keeping a close eye on our writers, I know that they are amazing and will make us as proud of them as the gamers will do, so keep working hard and I know that you will all make us proud in the future, and I will be watching you all to see how you are doing, so just remember do what you enjoy doing.

Shadow Academy:

This is for everyone, you can all participate in the Shadow Academy, you still have the time to take exams so please get at least one in a month if it's possible, but at the same time I don't want you to feel you have to, just remember if you have a spare thirty minutes free please take a shadow academy exam. So just try and get them done people, but for now just remember to do your best that is all I ask.


My main thing here is I have a say, if you put the effort in you will get rewarded for it, and this goes for most of arcona, so remember just keep working hard as you can and people will get noticed for their hard work, so just wait and be patient people and it will come eventually, and if you are at the rank of Journeymen and are stuck on what to do please feel free to catch me on IRC or via a email.

A Mention:

As always I feel the need to mention this person, though they are not a member of the team for the past days since I got battle team leader, he has continued to help me and work on improving and designing the basics fiction and stuff for the team. This is going to be awesome when it is done, but that is all I'm going to say, so if you see him on IRC just say thanks for all the work he has done for the team you guys are yet to see ;), so I thank you personally Maaks.

Last Words:

Well that’s letting you all know where things are currently standing at this current moment in time. With the team being new I know that you will just be getting use to the way I run things, just know we are a one single unit, I’m here to help all of you and if you have any questions I can’t stress enough that me and Saarin are here to help all of you.

Cethgus Entar Battle Team Leader of Revenance Virtuom Professor of Combat

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