Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Hello again, and greetings, Tarentum. Also, hello and greetings to others who read these reports. It’s my privilege to continue to lead Tarentum and to pass on information that may or may not be vital to the continuation of both House Tarentum, and the prosperity of the Brotherhood. Or, maybe I’m just filling my report with fluff. I guess it’s up to you to determine that.

First, I’d like to thank those few members from Tarentum, and the few from Arcona who participated in “Into The Underworld: A Tarcona Event” for the past several weeks. Competition participation was not high, and that can be attributed to several factors. When it comes down to it, however, I take full blame for that. I attribute it to not being able to inspire and motivate members into participating in the events, and I will take that into account in the following events that I plan, or those that are planned between the combined leadership of Tarentum and other facets of the Brotherhood.

As I continue to spend time in the position of Quaestor, I relearn vital lessons of the past, continue to try and enhance what leadership skills I have or previously acquired, and so forth. The fact is, I spend time in this job and hopefully improve, just as much as each member improves by spending time within this Club. Prior leadership experience helps, but there is always continual change, evolution, and relearning what the Brotherhood is. I hope you’ll forgive me for not creating a more inspiring, motivating competition, and I hope I can learn from the successes I’ve had, and from mistakes that I’ve made.

Let’s get down to business.


Tarentum’s Military

As I’ve mentioned elsewhere in other emails to the membership of Tarentum, there are opportunities for members to be a part of Tarentum’s military. These members will not be exclusive officers or senior enlisted in the military, but will take on those roles as Force-using members of the House who prefer to exist within the military, but also have side training as Force-using warriors and more. In many ways, these are people who see their characters much like Luke Skywalker in the beginning of “Empire Strikes Back,” and are members who enhance their natural leadership qualities and abilities by what they have learned within the Force.

If you want to be involved in Tarentum’s military in the Army, Navy, or Starfighter Corps, there are opportunities for you. The military High Command for Tarentum now stands as Demosthenes as General of the Armies, Scion “Firebird” Altera as Admiral of the Navy, and Rax Von-Klug as Commandant of the Starfighter Corps. Working in unison with these fine men will be Archean, representing the Summit authority among the High Command. These four individuals will be directing all the efforts of the military, in helping to motivate it through the rebuilding that is being undertaken, and the expansion of what already exists.

We have several members who have already expressed interest in being a part of the military faction of House Tarentum, and what it will represent to the House. If you’d like to volunteer to be a part of the military, please email the military High Command officers (Demos [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]], Scion [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]], and Rax [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]) and CC the House Summit (Archean [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]] and myself [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]), and let us know which branch you’d like to be a part of, and where you’d like to evolve your character within the military.

This is an opportunity for members who want to be in positions of command on the battlefield, who want to sit in the captain’s chair of a great vessel, or leading men with guns blazing and ordinance firing, or strapped into the cockpit of a screaming fighter that claims superiority over any battle in space. This is an opportunity to evolve fictionally, and exist in some epic stories. I encourage you to be a part, if the military is something you, or your character would be interested in.


Tarentum’s Force-Users

In addition to those who want to focus on a military career, those who want to mold and evolve their characters into a bad ass Force-user can also work towards the darkness that Tarentum has in store for its members. We’re still evolving this story thread out, and as might be seen in the epilogue from the “Into The Underworld” event, there are darker things on the horizon for the Force-users of Tarentum who want to focus on that type of character mold. Again, I’ll play this one close to my chest for about a week or so while I still throw some things together, but you can expect to see more on this next week in my report. If this is where you want to go with your character, get in touch with Archean and myself.


I’m going to leave this report there. There’s still a number of things in the works, but we’re getting the rebuilding work on the military, establishing its leadership, and opening up opportunities for you there. We’re building competitions, trying to provoke competition within the House, and elsewhere within the Brotherhood, and preparing for an upcoming Great Jedi War that is rumored to be coming potentially in a few months. There’s a lot of room for growth and improvement, and a lot of opportunities for all of us. If I can do anything for you, make sure you let me know, and Archean and I are always happy to do whatever we can for you.

Tarentum is all about its members, and the friendships we foster here. Each of you is not only an important member, but vital to the future of the House and everything we have to offer. Have a great week, Tarentum. There’s a lot to keep our eyes out for.

-DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae Quaestor, House Tarentum Sith Order

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