Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Welcome to another Caliburnus report! It has been a long time since the last one, but do not worry. I am not dead ...yet. I am still here to torment and to badger you. This is going to be brief report least it was meant to be let's get down to the bussiness.

I News

DB News

In recent weeks, there have been technical issues with Wiki taking place. However, the Wiki is now online once again. Most of the data has been restored, but some articles have been lost, so be kind and check if your articles are out there. If not, please publish them again.

The ACC news is that there have been Matchmaker created for these, who do not wish to look for an opponent. If you subscribe to this, you will be matched for ACC opponents. More information on the Matchmaker on DB website. In addition, there have been the restrictions on changing Character Sheet during the duels abolished. More details at news section on the DB main site.

There have been some issues with DB site and Wiki, but everything should be fine now. If you find any bug, please contact with Orv.

There are numerous TOR news on our website. If you are willing to play this MMO in ranks of DB Guilds, get subscribed and watch out for further notice!

House News

There has been important matters stressed in Quaestor's report, which is accessible at We are going deeper into the fictional development of the House, so be ready for updates in this aspect. Also, the character of Angelo "Dante" Palpatine has been killed in official DB storyline. Though Dante stays with us under changed named, the death of his previous character will affect our storyline much.

There are some ideas to promote the activity within the House discussed. We have some pretty cool ideas in this field, but we are more than open for any suggestions from you. We wish to help you, but we also require your help. Thanks to you we may perform our duties in much better way.

II Battleteam Leader Office

Unfortunately, Acolyte Lucien has left the House and the Battleteam to join his students at Plagueis. Good luck!

There are several areas that I would like to improve my performance. Please send all suggestions in this matter to me, so I find what your expectations are. It will really be very useful for me.

III Featured Competitions

Always remember to visit our Competition Center, which can be accessible through this link and through the DB main website.

This time, I would like to feature the follow competitions: - Three easy competitions from Archangel, our beloved Aedile, which revolve around renaming most of our fleet. They are nice opportunity to get some nice shinies. - Two Voice competitions, one of which is very serious piece of fiction, while the other one shall be more a comedy-like story. - Few Fist competitions, which are perfect for all of us, who wish to have some gaming time.

There is also an upcoming Run-On between our House, House Plagueis and House Revan. However, it is restricted to four ( 4 ) members of each House and its main goal is to see, if there is an interest in our units to take part in allied set of competitions between mentioned Houses. Unfortunately, I must say that all spots for HSP are already taken, but there can be the number of participants expanded to six ( 6 ), if there is enough interest in IHR.

Also, I will start some more ( late ) competitions to help you develop your characters, as soon as I recall all the missing details. It is because the file with the comps ideas have vanished somehow and I cannot find nor retrieve it. Stay tuned, as I will do so very soon.

IV Key Issue

This time, the Key Issue are your opinions about us, the leaders, and about the Battleteam / House. We are here to make the things better and to improve both the House / Battleteam and our own service. While we are able to look on our duties with criticism, we may overlook some important matters, just because we do not see it from our point of view ( which depends on the point of sitting ). That is why, you and your opinions are so important. They are very valuable source of information for us, which allows us to review and to improve the matters, which are pointed out by you.

Thus, do not be afraid of expressing your opinions, as we all need them for the good of the House. Only together we can make our community more enjoyable to stay.

Respectfully, DJK Xantros BTL of Caliburnus

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