Wiki Tribune Report


Wiki Tribune Report

<span style="color:#AAAAAA; font-size: x-small; font-style:italic;">Hmm...I have to do reports now? Let's see, the first step is a big obnoxious banner...</span>

Wacky Wiki Wednesday - It's wiki-tastic!

Wiki Tribune Report

<span style="color:#AAAAAA; font-size: x-small; font-style:italic;">...nailed it.</span>


Hi! I'm Ben. Last week, I was responsible for making silly comments on IRC and keeping Howie fed with bamboo. Now, since you all read Halc's report, you know I've been recently placed "in charge" of the DJB Wiki. <span style="color:#AAAAAA; font-size: x-small; font-style:italic;">The silly comments duty remains an important part of the portfolio.</span> I'd say I plan on making large, painful changes to how the wiki runs, but I'd be lying. Current wiki staff are welcome to remain unless they decide I'm too wierd to work for or something. Regular users can keep categorizing their uploaded images and being awesome little worker bees. Run into a problem or have a wiki-related question? Pick your favourite wiki staff member and pester them mercilessly. I'm <span style="font-family: monospace">benevolen</span> on IRC, and if I don't respond right away I'll get to it when I wander back to my computer. <span style="color:#AAAAAA; font-size: x-small; font-style:italic;">Being a huge nerd-type, rest assured I don't leave it unoccupied for very long.</span> Or you can use the bat-signal (add ** { {WikiStaff}}** to the article). Great justice will be dispensed, accompanied by large letters obscuring the actual violence. <span style="color:#AAAAAA; font-size: x-small; font-style:italic;">Adam West Batman was the best Batman.</span>

X of the Y

  • DJBWikipedian of the Month for July 2011 - Shadow Taldrya, for his ruthlessness against Google Cache cruft

  • Featured Article of the Month for July 2011 - None; Look for this again in August

While I get to pick the wiki member of the month, and quotes are almost always used <span style="color:#AAAAAA; font-size: x-small; font-style:italic;">unless they're really bad</span>, the Featured Article is chosen by viewers like you! See an article you think is really good? Nominate it, then go vote on some of the others. Dark Side Scrolls are up for grabs, and they are very shiny indeed.


Yeah, I think that's good for now. Tune in next time for wild hijinks, <span style="color:#AAAAAA; font-size: x-small; font-style:italic;">the smallest text you'll ever bother to read</span>, and horrible catastrophes (aka, I might try running a small competition).


<span style="color:#AAAAAA; font-size: x-small; font-style:italic;">Well that was only about half as painful as I remembered</span>


I give this report 9 Panda Pelts out of 10. A little more green would have put it over the top :P

Oh my, this was a great way to get people to read your report. it was enjoyable and short. LOL

Halc, I am going to cut you into tiny little pieces.

Do not hurt my pandas! :P

Apology accepted:P

The blue guy reminds me of stickdeath.

How. Dare. You. The Blue Guy has a name.

Stick Hat Bootman esq.

SHB for short.

Ben is Tribune?!


haha, much <3

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