Independence Games 2004 - they're coming!


Independence Games 2004 - they're coming!

We had them in 2003 and they were quite a success, so here they come again!

In the next days, the call will go out to all Dark Council members, Consuls, Proconsuls, Quaestors and Aediles to create and run one cool event for the entire Brotherhood. That one thing they've always dreamt of doing but never had the chance to.

As you know it from last year, this will be a diversion from the more serious competitions of the Grand Jedi Wars and Order Wars, with a more lighthearted nature in the events. (And if you weren't around back then, prepare for the ride of a lifetime).

We will have a few rule changes, but in general the concept will remain. We'll also keep the concept that Clan placings are determined solely by how many 1st, 2nd and 3rd places you received, but we'll also add a new category for individuals: The MVP categories.

These categories encompass events of a similar nature (e.g. fiction, poetry, graphics, trivia, Obelisk MP, ...) with anywhere between 3 and 7 individual compeititions. And depending on your placements in the single events, you'll place for MVP and ultimately get those Level 1 Crescents you've been looking for!

This of course doesn't say that the individual events won't have medals. To the contrary - we'll hand them out as the events deserve them and I already got an order placed with Anteiian Medals, Inc. for a whole crate of shiny new Crescents to hand out.

So, prepare yourself to dethrone Arania Lawakiro (individual MVP 2003) and Clan Satal Keto from their status as defending champions - or, to defend it with all you have.

The Games begin on Independence Day, April 12, 2004.

Be ready... because the others will be.

I thought the GJW was supposed to start some time in April? Won't this complicate things?

The GJW will start immediately after the IGames.. Already all worked out.


Yup. And expect a couple of IG competitions from me that will give a bit of an epilogue to the Sith War and lead in to the real start of the Great Jedi War, so fear not, the IG will have its place in the history books.

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