Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Hey all,its’a me…Mario! Wait, that’s not right…checks his notes. Oh right, lets trythis again.

Hey all,it’s Talos, your Aedile! Yes, it’s that time again…REPORT TIME! And while Iknow I’ve been promising that these reports would get shorter, there’s been acouple of problems with that:

1) You, my lovely Galerians, just keep onkicking butt and taking names and being all around bastions of activity andexamples to the Brotherhood at large.

2) We, your Summit, have this horribleaddiction/disgusting fetish about rewarding your awesome activity withpromotions, Crescents, Merit Medals, and whatnot. And these awards must bepublically announced and recognized, and so that leads us to long reports.

I would drawa diagram if I could…but I can’t. So I won’t. Anyway, as established above, wehave a lot to go over, especially awards, so lets get to it!

DB Digest:

*The GJW X is getting ever closer; word from theIron Throne is a late September release date with a total run of 4 weeks. Acomic will be done by the sexy Jedi-Art-Trick which will show the plot inTechnicolor, but there will also be a fictional story for those who wouldprefer to read it. Or for those sickos who prefer to read the story and thenlook at the comic…like me.

*Word from the Office of the FIST…Star Wars: TheOld Republic is available for Pre-Order; you can do so with one of two versions:1) The $150 Collector’s Edition or 2) the Standard Edition ($60). I myself, asa Freshman in college, ordered the Standard Digital Copy. Further word from theFIST places the launch date of TOR in late November…but who knows?

*The Herald surfaced from his Naval duties (seewhat I did there?) and released a report with some data and crap. I was goingto pay attention, but then I saw the new Order robes and sabers and I forgot.All I got to say is…you the man Shik! Oh and Obelisk Rangers FTW!

*The Deputy Green—err, Grand, Master, HalcyonTaldrya, released a Star Wars book update, most notably the news that the SWBook collection is moving to an eBook reader near you and the release of thethird TOR-themed novel…REVAN! There was also another release of one of the freeLost Tribe of the Sith books ‘Pantheon’. Haven’t checked it out yet, but it’son my list.

And that’s it, really. The Brotherhood is, as always, movingalong with new developments in our canon and the outside world (TOR, books,etc).

Chronicles of the Clan and House Hoopla:

Now, I know that Clan and House news are usually twodifferent sections, but since the big thing in both realms is the wrap-up ofOhAI, or Operation Ad Infinitum, I’m just going to list all the awards and deedsof House Galeres in one place, as Galeres clearly wiped the floor in the wholeOperation. 

Bear with me Galeres, we have a lot to go over and for that,I apolo—wait a second…no, I don’t apologize! It’s your fault that I’ve got somuch to report so you can suffer too! And when I say ‘suffer’, I mean be proud…very, very proud J

:: Operation Ad Infinitum Awards ::

Sashar Erinos Arconae – Crescent with Amethyst Star x3,Crescent with Sapphire Star, Crescent with Emerald Star.

Talos Erinos – Crescent with Sapphire Star x2, Crescent withEmerald Star

Celevon Edraven – Crescent with Emerald Star x2, Crescentwith Amethyst Star, Crescent with Sapphire Star, Anteian Cross.

Juda Kodiak Erinos – Crescent with Amethyst Star

Cethgus Entar – Crescent with Sapphire Star x2

Cassandra El’sin – Crescent with Sapphire Star, Crescentwith Amethyst Star

Sanguinius Tscurya Entar – Crescent with Emerald Star x2

Xathia Vahillus – Crescent with Emerald Star

Kratus Vahillus – Crescent with Emerald Star

Tirano Yamayura – Crescent with Emerald Star

~~ I’d also like to give a shoutout of major congratulations to Celevon Edraven and Sashar Erinos Arconae, whotook the whole Operation by storm (placing 1st and 2ndrespectively) as well as Soulfire Strike Team, who retained their title ofBattleteam Elite, and Revenance Virtuom, who gave them a run for their money.

 :: Other Awards ::

Kratus Vahillus – Grand Cross ofthe Dark Side (for remaining consistently active since joining Arcona andalways volunteering to aide his Summit. Oh and for some other things, likeleading a BT, in units not as cool as ARC)

Xathia Vahillus – Grand Cross ofthe Dark Side (for judging and administrative work in the ACC)

Sashar Erinos Arconae – Grand Crossof the Dark Side (for quick and professional judging in the ACC)

Cassie El’sin – Clusters of Fire

Cethgus Entar – Clusters of Fire

Tirano Yamayura – Clusters of Fire

Juda Erinos – Clusters of Fire

 :: Fictional Awards::

A rare section I know, but you’llbe seeing more of this as the Special Tasks Group and I continue to make progressinto Galeres’ fictional resurrection. And to start off the fictional resurrection,we have two fictional awards to give not to not very fictional people.

So let it be known that for theiramazing performance in Operation Ad Infinitum, Sashar Erinos, di TenebrousArconae, and Celevon Edraven are hereby awarded the Kama of Galeres! Congratulations,my friends, well earned indeed!

~~ Congratulations to each and every one of you who gotawards! Though it flooded my inbox with bright yellow letters, I loved it! Youall are one of the best units in the DB and I am proud to be your leader. Seeingthis amount of awards for Ad Infinitum just makes me salivate at what theresults of GJW X will be. Congratulations, all of you!

:: Projects ::

Wait...projects? You mean to tell us that the Summit isdoing something other than making up goofy callsigns for each other andchilling on mIRC? Why yes…yes we are. Here’s what is going on in Galeres:

AlphaProject “Fictional Resurrection” -- Exactly what it sounds like! Withthe help of three wonderful assistants (Celevon, Xathia, and Kratus), I am takingapart, cleaning out, and modernizing the Galeres Wiki Page as well as integratingHG’s new cover identity (Starscream Tactical Solutions) into the House’seconomy. Expect the explanation behind Starscream to be released within theweek and the House Wiki Page to be finished by August 10th. 

Beta Project“Not Everyone Can Hurl Objects and Play with Laser Swords” – Not soobvious, but what this project consists of is the write-up and wiki-zation ofabout 6 NPCs that are integral to the operation of House Galeres. Mostlymilitary officers but with a tough mercenary and a flamboyant tailor, this willbe quite the interesting project and I’ll be looking for some Journeymen toassist me in getting them up on the wiki. If you feel that you’re interested,shoot me an e-mail between August 6th and August 18th andI’ll get you set up!

~~That about wraps up this section. While there are only twoitems listed under the heading, I can assure you that a lot of hard work isgoing into crafting these vital pieces of our House’s identity.

:: Competitions ::

Well, everything is pretty calm in the wake of Ad Infinitumand preparation for War, but you can still find a plethora of gamingcompetitions from the FIST and an RO from the Voice.

But if you&#226;&#128;&#153;re in Clan Arcona, which you all are, andtherefore really cool, you can find a series of light and fun competitions putout by the High Summit for your enjoyment. They&#226;&#128;&#153;re easy, relaxing, and a greatway to get even more shinies and flood my inbox. So check your e-mail. Find thecompetitions. And do them. Thanks <3

And yet, it doesn&#226;&#128;&#153;t end there; if you&#226;&#128;&#153;re in RevenanceVirtuom, which some of you are, your Commander, Cethgus Entar, has put twoadditional fun competitions that you can find in your e-mail inbox. While theymay seem silly, it&#226;&#128;&#153;s an easy way to, yes, flood your Aedile&#226;&#128;&#153;s inbox. 

:: Rise, a Knight! ::

DUN-DUN-DUN! Here, lady and gentlethings, is the crux of thereport. As you all know, Knighthood is a major mile stone in the career of aDark Jedi and when a House/Clan knights a member, it&#226;&#128;&#153;s a big deal. Well,because Arcona simply does everything better than any other House/Clan, we didnot knight one member this past month&#226;&#128;&#166;but two. That&#226;&#128;&#153;s right&#226;&#128;&#166;TWO new membershave taken their place among the KNIGHTS OF ARCONA.

Celevon Edraven and VanWyck, we salute you and wait withbated breath as you continue to traverse down the Dark Path, gaining skill, knowledge,and power all in the name of Clan Arcona.

House Galeres&#226;&#128;&#166;meet your two new DARK JEDI KNIGHTS! Congratulatethem, embrace, buy them drinks, for they did what not many Journeymen can claimto do&#226;&#128;&#166;they pushed through the mire of the Journeymen Requirements and bear nowthe rank of Knight!


:: From the Desk of the Aedile (Closing) ::

Well, here we are for the third time&#226;&#128;&#166;at the closing of areport. Please, try to refrain from crying as Kratus just mopped the floor.  I just want to say that I&#226;&#128;&#153;m ridiculously proud of all of you for yourachievements, be it medals, or promotions; I know I haven&#226;&#128;&#153;t been the mostvisible leader since taking office but I just want to assure you that I havebeen around, I have been working for you all, and most importantly, I have beenwatching all that you do. And I am so very proud.

House Galeres truly contains the jewels of the Brotherhood andwhen we answer the Dread Lord&#226;&#128;&#153;s call and march to war under the Shadow Banner,let our skill, loyalty, and pride blind the other Houses and Clan as we squashour enemies and show the Brotherhood once again why Clan Arcona is the rightfulFIRST CLAN!


 ::Special Note  (This actually is important)::

Starting tomorrow, July 31st, I will be on aweek-long Leave of Absence as I am going to a conference in Connecticut.Unfortunately, I will be unable to be on IRC or continue work on the twoaforementioned projects (but my assistants will). However, I should be able tocheck my e-mails via my iPhone at least every other day during the week(service permitting) so if you need anything urgent, is the way to reach me.

Although to make matters easier, I suggest you seek outQuaestor Celahir or Sashar (Dash) if you have any questions or concerns, asthey&#226;&#128;&#153;ll be able to assist you much quicker than I could.

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