Fist of the Brotherhood Report


Fist of the Brotherhood Report

Yay Fist Report!

First off, exciting month in the world of TOR right? As I said a few weeks ago, pre-ordering is now going on. Bioware is having a limited release so that it encourages loads of pre-orders, but also limited the amount of pre-orders available. They are not region locking servers as of yet, so our EU members can play with the North America players. As for our members in Asia and for those down under, TOR won't be available for some time, but, you can still go and order a copy from a North American website, or EU website that is selling it. Your credit card also won't be blocked if you are going this route to play, just expect a lot of lag. They have also said though that there will be 19 playable worlds, with lots of smaller ones. Tattooine will take a half hour to go across and is actually one of the 19 playable worlds.

Last week, Araxis and I acquired a ventrilo server for the DJB's use. For the time being only 25 people are allowed on it, but when TOR is released that number is easily going to triple. Here's the info for you all to join: Ventrilo Host: Ventrilo Port: 4422 Password: djbrulez

Now for some fun facts. Our Dark Jedi Brotherhood guild has over 160 members as of a few minutes ago. All things considering that's high. You want to know how high? High enough that our guild is number 17 in terms of numbers on the Bioware site. Let that sink in a moment. Number 17 out of over 29,000 guilds that are Empire aligned. That's freaking awesome I think.

Now for some teasing from the stuff I've been working on for TOR....

Clusters of Fire/Dueling: Standard rules like Jedi Academy apply but first person to 3 will win * Winner = 1 CF * Loser = .33 CF

Clusters of Fire/Raiding/Instancing: A designated official must be present for ALL Raid/Instance attempts for CF’s to be considered. * Successful Instancing, each member earns 1 CF’s per Boss downing * Successful Raid, each member earns 3 CF’s per Boss downing * Unsuccessful Raid/Instancing, no CF’s are earned * Successful Raid Completion, each member (who was a part of the whole raid from start to finish) earns a bonus of 5 CF’s * Successful Multi-Raid Completion (Week End Bonus) earns all participating members a bonus 15 CF’s (minimum 3 DIFFERENT Raid completions)

Is there more to the stuff I'll award CF's for? Yes. Will I be showing that soon? Maybe. Just waiting for more info. ;)


Halo:Reach Firefight: For the month of August, in Halo Reach, grab a friend in the DJB and jump onto Firefight matchmaking. The top 3 members that have played the most Firefight Matchmaking matches, will earn crescents. Submit all matches here

JO CTF 2: Its JO CTF month! Get a CTF match going for this month, and submit the scores under Other Gaming 1, to earn crescents. I know how badly you guys love your JO CTF. cough Taldryan cough nudge nudge

Special Gaming Event: League of Legends: Download League of Legends, it is free, to play this month against other members of the DJB. Submit these matches under Console Gaming 1, and SC2.

Curbstomp the Gamers: This is generally simple. Throughout the month I will be calculating how many matches everyone plays, the ones with the highest matches played, wins

Beat up the FIST: The final beat up comp for this year. Beat me up in any of the supported games, and the person who wins the most matches against me for this month will win the comp. Submit all matches against me under Special Gaming 1.

Gaming Stats Breakdown: Members gamed: 27 Up 10 from June's 17 Matches Played: 614 Up 382 from June's 232

GMRG Breakdown Total Members: 80 Rank 1: 66 Rank 2: 5 Rank 3: 1 Rank 4: 5 Rank 6: 1 Rank 7: 2

For full stats go here.

Just a reminder of the commands in #dbgaming:

!lookup RC Server !lookup JA Server !lookup JO Server !lookup MW Server !lookup GMRG !lookup Rules !lookup Ventrilo

Oddly something funny from me:

Furios asks: Do you plan on using any new games for the DB? Honestly, I want to allow more games into the DB. Heck I would have allowed Gears of War as a supported game if I had more members play it so that it'd be worthwhile to have in the DJB. I am open to suggestions for games that you want supported, as long as they can either be modded to be Star Wars related, or Sci-Fi.

TL:DR -DJB Guild at 166 members -CF stuff teased -New Ventrilo Server -Do some comps! -Game to get GMRG rewards! -TOR is getting closer

Like always, hit me up in an email ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), here, or on IRC for any questions, comments or concerns.

I'll see you in #dbgaming or #outerrim.

-Fremoc Pepoi Sadow Fist of the Brotherhood Son of Sadow

You see that people, Gears of War could be a legal game in the Brotherhood. Anyone that owns an X-Box has to of played one of the two Gears games. If you own it check out the Gaming section of the Forums and look under the section titled Gears of War.

See Tee Eff!

There's a link to a new Old Republic Flashpoint, its lower level so it is one of the first ones you will see in the game. The video is about 13 minutes of in game goodness

Yeah i had that link included in my competition reminder email :p

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