Time for another Aedile Report!
Some of you received an email last week. Those of you that were able to respond and gave me your feedback, I appreciate it. Those of you that were unable to, I still hope to hear from you at some point, even if it's just a brief couple of lines.
So, this past week didn't go as planned. Yours truely came down with a really bad summer cold. Summer colds are worse then winter ones cuz you really don't want to snuggle up with your favorite blankey and drink hot tea. :-P But I'm starting to feel better now so onward and upward!
Alliance with Clan Naga Sadow As you are all aware, we have aligned ourselves fictionally with Clan Naga Sadow. Now, Sid and I and the Sadowians, don't want this to be just a ficitional thing contrived by a couple of summit leaders that went out drinking together one night. Not at all!. We are looking at ways for the two units to participate in things together and are working on that right now.
I would like to encourage all of you to try an include CNS in any ficitional comps you do to get use to their fictional aspects. Part of the reason I'm here is to help with that, so if you are working on a ficiton comp that say, Halc has put out, or Vodo and want to go streaking through their Summit meeting or something and need details, well, hit me up and I'll be glad to share with you the wierdness that is CNS. Hehe! :-)
Promotions! Sadly there have been no promos in the past week. Come on, guys! Get out there and do stuff and whatnot! Yoooou Cannn Doo It!
Awards! Rigar and Ben have earned a few more CF's this past couple of weeks. Way to go! Shadow Taldrya has earned an Anteian Cross for his addition to the monthly fiction. Congrats Shad!
Competitions! Comps can be found here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.php If you are logged in, click on 'Stuff the matters to me'.
I have a comp that is waiting for approval. It starts Monday and is a fiction comp. I'll be sending out an email once I have Korras's blessing. :-)
Aedile's Drink of Choice Tonight is... Ok, so...I got used to writing reports while drinking when I was in Naga Sadow, so each report will conclude with me sharing with you what I'm drinking while writing my report.
Tonight has me enjoying a hard cider for the moment. This one in particular is called Original Sin. It has a light fruity flavor (duh! it is a cider :-P), and reminds me a little of champagne. I do recommend it. After I finish with this, I'm thinking Dragonberry Rum with Sierra Mist.
If you have any suggestions for future drinks, please let me know and I will entertain the idea (really depends on what it is, how hard it is to make and if I have the liquor to make it. :-D).
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Gin and tonic for me. :P