DB News Digest September Twenty-Five, Two-Thousand and Eleven - The Tenth Great Jedi War
New MAA Report: Family Audit. New Fist Report: TOR, Rites of Combat changes New GM Report: No new news on Personal Possessions or the Grind Path, but progress is being made on the Clan Possessions system. GJW.
Revan News We have one month until we launch ourselves into the world of the Great Jedi War. We're going to have to show up in strength - I'd love to see us launch into another year with the intensity we had in Spoils of War. Do you remember that time?
Get yourself organized now. Load games onto your computer and warm up. Get ACC qualified and adjust yourselves into that mode. Brush up on your graphics work, your grammar, or your trivia skills.
In other news, with the strong showing in gaming by Tiamath and Enapace, we've earned Gaming House of the Month - for the second time in a row. Rock on, gentlemen. I wouldn't have expected it.
Rollmaster Opportunity Callus needs some time away from the position of Rollmaster for the House - and perhaps you can be the one to fill the position.
Here's the requirements list: - Equites preferred; Knights will be considered as well - Active on IRC, email, and forums - Team-focused mentality, good organization and diction, friendly and knowledgable, mature - Previous experience as a Master in a Master/Student Program (recommended)
Your application (which must be sent to me, James, Halc, and Muz) should present your plan for the House's Master/Student Program, new member greeting and retention, and regular interaction. As Rollmaster, you will not just be "meeting and greeting" members - I'd like to have you work as a third member of the House Summit in brainstorming and running events. Mention any experience you've had in leadership in the past.
This search isn't just running inside of the House. If you feel qualified and would be interested in helping to lead House Revan, I'll be accepting any applications that are sent in. I want the best applicant - there is no deadline for this one, but sooner is better. And now is best.
Other Leadership Opportunities These aren't normal positions of leadership. They are crucial, unusual positions that you should pursue if you believe that you're gifted in one of these areas or you would like to have the chance to interact with some of these folks.
Recruitment: Valkas is assembling a team under the supervision of the GM and DGM that will be trying to bring in new members. You must be committed to this club if you'd like to do this. You'll be someone's first contact inside this club. It's likely that most of this effort will be using Twitter and other social media (Valkas says Facebook has been having good luck as well), so you'll also need to be active and engaged on multiple different sites in order to work with him effectively.
Once you're settled into the process, maybe you'd even help me out in getting news out through the @HouseRevan account into the world at large.
Speaker for the Voice: Vodo needs help. "... an active member who is fictionally oriented and looking for some part to play in the grander scheme of things." Do you want to help integrate the Voice's (amazing) fiction updates into the environment of Revan? I'll recommend you if I see that you can do this position well.
And outside of helping the Voice, I'll want your help working through writing-based events in the House. You'll be crucial to me too. Think you can do it? Talk to me.
Competitions September Trivia is already out - check the mailing list. This is the last month for trivia on [Revan] Trivia Ladder II. Check in the Competition Results section below for the current standings and who won Trivia for the month of August!
For many of us, our history is full of individuals who shaped us - our masters, mentors, and leaders. Write about a lesson you gleaned from one of these role-models in prose or poetry for [Revan] Lesson.
Build a false identity. Perhaps you've been assigned to an infiltration mission or you just need to bluff your way through a conversation with a target. What is your go-to disguise? For [Revan] Identity, use whatever format you believe will describe your alternate identity best: writing, graphics, audio recording, film... anything. Like the other "self-discovery" projects that have been running, treat it like an experiment. I won't force you to maintain these identities through IC events like run-ons. They're just meant to get you thinking.
I really encourage anyone with a taste for gaming to go and find Gratuitous Space Battles either on its own or through Steam. You might have missed the massive sale on the game and its downloadable content, but there's hope that we'll have a DJB-specific mod rolling out (according to Fremoc's latest Fist Report) - and in the meantime, there is a wonderful competition available from the Fist's... fist... that will reward you for playing in the game. This goes out to everyone, not just Revanites. Get GSB.
Invasion of the Masters Yes, this does bear mentioning - and separation from the rest of the report. There are four master/student pairs currently in House Revan. There is one master in the House. How does this work?
No, I'm not teaching everyone. I mean, I would if I had the chance, but... yeah, I don't have that much to offer. Huge thanks to Dante, Fremoc, and Shikyo who have all stepped up to support our active Journeymen on their climb toward Knight. And thanks to the students in Revan who are honestly pursuing (and getting the attention of!) the very talented, experienced, active, and willing members of other Houses.
New Members, Transfers, and Promotions Tiamath: GRD Enapace: GRD Sapharia Tailoul: ACO Grael: NOV
Crescents and Other Awards (Since July 4th, by Eiko's counting) Eiko: 65 CFs Enapace: Diamond (1st Place - ICGE, Tie), Amethyst (3rd Place - Curbstomp the Gamers), Quartz (3rd - Sydney Shark), Dark Maven - Philosophy, 47 CFs James Roberts-Brannigan: Emerald (1st - Contacts), Topaz (2nd - Sydney Shark) Sapharia Tailoul: Topaz (2nd - Contacts), 4 CFs Tiamath: PoB (Perfect Record: 44-0), Diamond (1st Place - ICGE), Ruby (2nd Place - ICGE), Ruby (2nd Place - Curbstomp the Gamers), Amethyst (2nd Place - Beat Up the Fist), Emerald (1st - Sydney Shark), Topaz (1st - Miami Shark), 158 CFs
Merit Awards will be mentioned in an internal email, along with a healthy amount of praise and explanation.
Competition Results Miami Shark 1: Tiamath (1,293,280) 2: Talrish Drassh (1,206,350)
Sydney Shark 1: Tiamath (3,922,802) 2: James Roberts-Brannigan (3,511,730) 3: Enapace (2,400,365)
Contacts 1: James Roberts-Brannigan 2: Sapharia Tailout
August Trivia 1: Elad (17) 2: Enapace (17) 3: Eiko (17) 4: Tiamath (16) 5: Saphy (13)
Trivia Ladder 1: Elad (30) 2: Tiamath (28) 3: Saphy (27) 4: Enapace (17) 4: Eiko (17)
Quaestor's Notes Anniversary To those of you who have been a part of House Revan at any point in the past year, thanks for what you've taught me. I hope that I didn't scare too many folks away. I really must be weird.
I mean, they (the DC and fellow leaders) tell me that I'm fighting "an uphill battle." I think I'm weird. I keep notebooks of competition ideas, draw little sketches of masks in the margins of lecture notes, and sit around on the weekends staring at my computer screen just because there's someone on the other end of the internet who's interested in a little conversation or gaming.
Despite the worry that this House is in dire trouble, I'm trying to still understand it. I want to pull out my hair somedays when you (all of you) give me massive scares like the two AWOL checks and weak mega-competitions. Then, I'm caught off guard by things like "Gaming House of the Month."
Since when do we game? I thought that was a longstanding rule.
Anyways. One year ago, I was a Jedi Hunter and I felt like a noob. I was still learning to fill out competition requests. Yes - I was really sitting around in leadership and Ash would tell me that I needed to add something else into the forms. Have I come a long way? I've come a way, that's for sure. I'm not sure how "long" that way has been.
If you don't mind, I'd like to learn more. I'd like to serve you all better.
I'm trying hard not to be a follower or a manager.
What I'd really like to be someday is a leader. "One who leads."
TL;DR - GJW X on September 25th - Revan Still Games?! Gaming House pt. 2 - Recruitment/Fiction Assistants Available - Competitions - Out of House Masters? Yes - Crescents, Merit Awards, and Gaming - Eiko's been QUA for a year.
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