-> _Estele City, Selen - Night _ <-
The Assassin pulled her dark blue cloak tightly against her shoulders. The metropolitan crowd gave her the opportunity to move unnoticed, another face in the blinking city night. The street lights gave her a chance to weave through the crowd, becoming another faceless, nameless walking shadow in the cool per-autumn evening. Her cloak acted as a barrier between her and the cooler air, a barrier between her and her surroundings.
Stretching out through the Force, she could feel the emotions and thoughts of the people surrounding her, using their own vision as a means of creating a mental map of her surroundings. With her hood down, her violet eyes could be seen calmly analyzing the data she was collecting. Her shoulder-length, raven hair was pinned into a tight bun behind her head, showing off the angular features that gave her an exotic but oddly attractive look. Still, the denizens of Estelle seemed to be per-occupied with own matters to pay attention to her.
The Assassin moved silently through the crowd, a tingling in the back of her neck warning her to mask her presence in the Force as her Target approached. Sure enough, two figures became visible. With a grace known only to those who had reached the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, she made her way effortlessly through the crowd, tucking into the shadows cast by the various overhead lights. As she got closer to her target, she could begin to hear his conversation.
"-I don't expect security to be a problem in any case. My agent's are scattered through the system," the Target was saying, the ends of his immaculate white cloak hovering just above the ground as they trailed behind him. His shoulder length hair matched the darkness of her own, and from what she could make out, he was incredibly handsome. Not that that changed anything.
She had long ago learned to silence her emotions into the recessions of her mind. Still, she was only human and had to admire the trait for what it was. It also bolstered her confidence slightly; Attractiveness wasn't generally considered a warrior's trait.
"I saw you helped Ronovi out with her mission to secure that hacker. Not a bad performance."
"I aim to please," The man walking beside the Target replied dryly. His hair was even longer than the target's, and his cerulean skin and red eyes pegged him easily as a Chiss. His face, though, was hardened with years of experience. She knew she had to execute this perfectly. If she didn't, she knew that the Chiss would not let her escape with her life. "Was there anything else you needed me to take care of?"
"Just continue with your preparations for the War," the Target replied evenly, his hands clasping casually behind his back. Neither spoke for a few moments before the Chiss turned his head to the side. "How's your, back?"
"Still a little stiff," he said, rolling his shoulders to stretch the muscles of his back where he had been stabbed. The Target did well to hide any change in posture. She could see the corners of his eyes narrow ever so slightly though. "It's my pride that's taking time to recover."
The Chiss remained quiet, not out of fear for upsetting the target but out of a calculated decision not to press the matter further. The crowd began to thin as they continued their walk to the space port. They continued to converse quietly about other matters of importance.
The Assassin watched as the duo turned a corner into a winding road that she knew to be a quieter route towards the docks. Glancing up at to the tops of the buildings, she caught the glimmer of a cloaked figure. Raising two fingers, she subtly motioned with them in the direction of the Target. The figure moved as if one with the shadows, and she was confident that the only reason she had spotted him was because she knew where to look. Rex was like that. He was one of the best marksman she knew, and it comforted her knowing that her brother was always watching her back.
It was almost time, though.
From out of the folds of her cloak, a slender dagger appeared. The hilt was a dull matte grey that matched the equally dull blade. The perfect killing tool, handed down to her by her master. Her footsteps became silent as she became one with the shadows, closing the distance between herself and her prey.
The target and his Chiss companion entered into a stretch of road where finally there were alone. The Assassin allowed herself to focus and slowly, she began to sink into the very ground she walked on.
And in a sudden blur of motion, she rose from the very same ground behind her Target, deftly sinking the tip of her dagger between his shoulder blades. She was completely exposed now, her shapely figure on display as she felt the cool air invigorate her senses. She welcomed the satisfying pierce of blade into flesh. In the same flowing movement, she retracted the blade and prepared her retreat back into the shadows...
...And found herself stepping back into the body of her Target, Quaestor of House Qel-Droma, Marick Del'Abbot. A slender, matte-black knife pressed against her throat. In disbelief, she watched as the Target she had struck with her knife shimmered and then evaporated into thin air like a desert mirage. An illusion? It couldn't be, there was no way he could have spotted her.
Swallowing, she steeled herself with her years of training. Rex would still be able to get off the shot, and she would be free. She just needed a distraction. With a sly grin, she spoke softly in the most seductive voice she could muster.
"You don't want to kill me. Do you? We can work something out," she purred suggestively, rubbing the curves of her bare body against the Quaestor groin.
The Hapan's eyes narrowed ever so slightly in anger as he only pressed the knife harder against her throat. She knew the reputation of Arconan's lent itself to the stereotype of homosexuality, but reports from Shadow had indicated that the Quaestor was straight by all accounts, and was even engaged.
What the Assassin failed to factor in was Marick's brooding male-chauvinism. She had to pray that Rex could get the shot off. It was her only hope.
With an uncharacteristic, sadistic grin, Marick raised his free hand to his lips.
"Have you secured the second?" He spoke into his wrist-comm. It was only then that the Assassin realized that the Chiss was nowhere to be seen. A sudden chill ran down her spine.
"Secured." A dark voice replied.
The Assassin tried to free herself, but felt a sudden pain jolt up her spine as the Quaestor's finger tips knifed into her kidney.
"You can torture me all you want, I'll never speak!" She spat, growling in pain.
Marick's grin faded as he addressed the Assassin. "You already gave yourself away with that little stunt, Taldryan." His voice was steady but she could feel the venom dripping from it at the mention of her House name. "And as for your accomplice..."
An agonizing yell echoed out through the street. From up high, the sound of neck bones cracking echoed out. The plummeting swish of air hit hear ears, followed a few heartbeats later by the dreaded splatter of flesh and tissue impacting with the ground.
"No!" She screamed while fighting back tears. "Rex! I'll kill you for that. I swear by the Force I will KILL you, you hear me?!" She tried to break free of her captor, but it was no use. And then she felt a sudden pressure at the back of her skull, causing her vision to blink away. Her anger dissipated as she slumped forward into unconsciousness.
Marick rolled his shoulders again to stretch. The sound of footsteps landing with force-enhanced grace beside him turned his head. Invictus looked at the body of that he had unceremoniously dropped from the top of the building. "What are you going to do with her?" The Chiss inquired.
"She'll be put into a cell in the dungeon of the new Headquarters on Ol'val. I'll conduct the interrogation myself," the other replied.
"And with him?" Invictus gestured at the mangled body lying off to the side.
"Put a nice bow on him and send him back to Taldryan. If they want war, they've got it," the Quaestor replied coldly.
Invictus kept his stoic reserve, but deep down he felt a shiver creep through him. He had never heard Marick's voice that icy or determined before.
Welcome to another House Qel-Droma Queastor Report. This will not be my last time addressing you all before the war, so expect a lot more of me leading up to it. Also, I am giving Invictus a pass from his Aedile report, so try and actually pay attention to mine ;). As usual, I will try my best to make this report as informative and relevant as possible for you, and if you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, feel free to drop me a line anytime: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
This report is brought to you in part by the letter "W" and the word: "Winning".
-> Announcements <-
** In case any of you don't pay attention the DB main page (not like me, of course, who checks it EVERY day), there was a plot update recently that featured Clan Arcona, and more specifically, your beloved Quaestor. In the events of this story, two members of Taladryan are captured by Marick, but are subsequently broken out by their comrade. During the escape, the Taladryan used a trick known amongst the members of that House to get the jump on Marick, stabbing him in the back between the shoulder blades. The point of this whole story was to rile up tension between Taladryan and Arcona (as if we needed any more reason to want to beat them) and I hope you are all as eager as I am for payback. I will personally lead the charge in taking down anyone that stands in our way.
Read the piece here: Plot Update #4
** In his first month with us, Invictus has really been kicking some ass. He has maintained an active level of activity while setting a good example and offering to help out any of the younger or older members. He has been great about filling in for me if I have to step away for something, and it truly is an honor having him as part of my team. With that said, I figured I'd share a special document with you, to help better understand what Invictus actually does around here:
** Sang also has been doing a great job as BTL of Shadow Gate. I know he and Ronovi are working on some cools things for the Battleteam, and I'm sure he'll keep up the good work. Also, props to Sang for being a sport about us harping on his mom. But seriously, let's get off of mom's because I just got off yours. (Snap!)
** To anyone in Qel-Droma, Arcona, and DB wide that had a family member or someone close involved in the events of 9/11, my heart goes out to you. It's strange to think it's been 10 years, I remember it so vividly. I'm sure it effected me more than others because of my connection/proximity with the city. Regardless, my thoughts go out. Anyway, the time has passed, just figured I'd sneak a little moment into my report out of respect.
** The Shade Warrior Tournament has wound down to the semi-finals. We have epic fights between Dash and Zandro and Wuntila and Invictus. These are some of the best writers in not just Arcona, but the entire brotherhood. A lot can be learned from studying their fights. Check them out here.
** I'd like to welcome back Sarek Tabanne from his leave from Arcona. It's good to have you back, especially in time for the approaching war!
** I heard a rumor that Wolvie was back as well. Must mean there's a war'a'comin. Prepare for total pwnage.
** Even though he's off the hook for his report, and his contract states that all motivational and inspirational stuff is -my- job, expect some updates from Invictus as well in the coming week.
** I'd like to take a second and express how disappointing I am in the turn out we had for the events that ran this past month. I understand everyone is busy with real life, and the war is coming up so I don't want to burn anyone out, but It's sad that the only people participating in the events are the ones who helped come up with them. -I- should not be placing in GFX competitions. You've seen examples of my work, and it's really, really bad. You can draw a stick figure in MS paint and probably beat my submissions ;). Anyway, if no one is going to the events, I'm not going to have my staff work hard on creating them. We try our best to create a fun environment, but without feedback from you guys, I can't begin to make adjustments. Please let me know what you like or don't like about the activities. I have yet to receive any questions in my inbox in relation to anything I've said in one of my reports. You know my door is always open:
There is no reason you should not be able to get in touch with me or arrange a chat.
-> Recognition <-
Moving away from my ramblings, here is my favorite part of the report. I will be focusing on HQD members only (from the time of my last report), and if I miss something please let me know.
** Promotions **
Seth Kast: Promoted from APP to NOV !
Giovanni: Promoted from JH to DJK!!
Phantom Tempest: Promoted from APP to NOV !
Talin: Promoted from APP to NOV to ACO!
Kerr'ek: Promoted from ACO to PRT!
Mazer: Promoted from NOV to ACO!
Sangs mom: Promoted from Town Bicycle to VILLAGE Bicycle!
Keep up the good work guys, but I want to see MORE of these!
Medals (Shineys!)
Ronovi: x3 Crescent w/ Topaz star
Ronovi: x1 Crescent w/ Ruby star
Good job troops.
-> Competitions <-
Arcona Competitions
Check out these awesome competitions that Celahir, my Quaestor brother-from another mother--not Sangs mom, believe it or not--came up with!
** Brotherhood Competitions **
Instead of posting all the various competitions that are going on throughout the brotherhood, I'm going to link you to the activities page: Competition Page
From here, there are filters you can apply, such as the incredibly useful, "Stuff that matters to me" filter. This will allow you to see the DC's (Dark Council) events as well as any that you are eligible to participate in. I'd recommend having it bookmarked and added to your queue of things to do when procrastinating more important things like paying bills...coughs
-> From the Commissioner's Office: Arcona Contract Bureau <-
From the last report:
I'm currently working on a proposal to have the ACB become a part of the ACC and adapted into the Brotherhood as a whole. If you have any interest in helping out, please drop us a line at: [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
Now, a few of you newer members might be asking, "what is the ACB?". Fortunately, there is a brilliant Q&A for you guys to read: HERE
As it stands now, I consider the ACB still in its "BETA" run, so I'm constantly evaluating what can be changed, and what can be tweaked for the better. That goes for grading, as well as time limit. The ACB is supposed to be a way for you tailor a writing event to your own taste. I don't want it to ever feel like a chore, and want it to work FOR you. Keeping that mind, if you need more time on a contract, just let me know. I have no problem doing that. Just let me know what's going on. If I don't hear from people, I will start closing contracts, which as per the rules will net you -2 on the ladder standings.
Also, there will be a new grading system I'm rolling out. I will be adding a 4th tier to the grading called "Superior". These will be reserved for the truly remarkable contracts that stand out from the rest. I feel that this allows for a bit more complexity in the ability to critique and offer feedback on the work you do. So, to recap it will now be: Needs Work, Satisfactory, Excellent, Superior.
Questions or comments you know what to do.
As of today, I will be closing out all uncompleted contracts, and each person will be docked (-2) points from their ladder standing for failure to complete mission. Ronovi deserves some recognition for not only completing every one of her contracts (while filling in as interim-Headmaster) but completing them with grace, style, and some beautiful writing. If you ever need pointers on how to write a proper fiction, just read one of Ronnie's contracts.
That is all for now, I will be suspending the ACB for the duration of the GJW. If you would like to get a mission in before it for practice, please let me know.
-> Closing Time/TL;DR <-
So, let's look at a quick summary of this report;
Taldryan is going down.
Invictus rocks as Aedile
Sang proves to be a good BTL
People got promoted
People got medals
Arcona Contract Bureau all contracts closed. ACB closed for GJW, still a chance to sneak a mission in!
Still no release date for TOR.... :(
RL/Paying bills sucks, so procrastinate by taking part in DB activities!
Cel put up some awesome/fun comps. Do them.
Oh, and the GJW is coming. Expect updates from myself and Invictus in the coming weeks
Number of Sangs mom jokes in this report: (2)
In closing, there was no new questions on my formspring. So, I will go back and share an older one. You can ask me anything on My Formspring in which I will answer in character as Marick.
"Anonymous" asks: Why is Invitus's long hair so much cooler than yours?
Marick replies: "Hahaha, please. "
That's all from me for now. Expect a few more annoying e-mails from your summit in the days leading up to the war.
Arcona Invicta!
May you find order in the chaos of the darkness, -Marick Del'Abbot
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Very interesting, I must say. Very well-written and concise.