SW Korroth Takakoa Monastery Harakoa (New Tython) Yhi System, Esstran Sector (23 Oct 2011) 35 ABY
_The Lightwalkers filed into the monastery hall one by one, silent, their shoulders hunched. The dust of battle blanched their robes, the stench of sweat, dried blood and scorched clothes now pervaded the hall. The battle had been long and hard, at times their efforts had seemed in vain, the enemy's senseless hate unstoppable. But it was not for the battle of lightsabers and of blasters that they walked in silence, with their shoulders hunched. It was the battle of will, the temptation to respond to hate with anger, to recoil from death with fear, to strike at a murderer with revenge, to succumb completely to one's internal turmoil. To gain power from the dark side.
That all of the Lightwalkers trod with a heavy step was proof that they had won against the temptation of the dark side. They did not rejoice for their own survival, instead they mourned for the death of the innocent, and they felt the cries of those who were left behind. The Jedi dispersed through Takakoa Monastery, each going off to recuperate in their own way. Lightwarden Korroth climbed up a spiral stairway. It was curious, he mused, that this was the first time he saw the monastery. The peace and tranquility of this lonely sanctuary provided an agreeable contrast to the furor and turmoil of the past few weeks.
Still absorbed in his thoughts, the Pau'an pushed open the door to his office. He looked up, and in the room stood a surprised Harakoan. The rag-clothed humanoid uttered a nasal hoot, then he leaped onto the windowsill. Korroth lunged forward to grab his collar, but the smelly rascal jumped out of the window and disappeared into the twilight.
"What in the name of Urr ..." uttered the Lightwarden. The office had been turned upside down, datachips lay scattered on the desk and the floor, a chair was crushed under the weight of a toppled bookshelf, plant pots had burst open on the ground, spilling dark soil everywhere. The unwashed smell of the Harakoan still hung in the room.
"Korroth!" Lelila shouted as she burst into the office. "Intruders in the monastery!" Then she looked around at the shamble of the room. "Oh."
"Have you caught any of them?"
"No. They were natives, but faster than any I had ever seen, Commander."
"Yes, right, Lightwarden. Shall we follow them?"
"No," Korroth replied, "they'll have disappeared by now. Tell the other Lightwalkers to search the monastery. See what they have stolen, if anything."_
The Tenth Great Jedi War has come to an end. I would like to thank you all for your efforts. You've shown to the House and the Brotherhood that we're a unit not to be trifled with. Now all you have to do is keep up this excellent work, as there's a series of competitions coming up just for the Lightwalkers.
Important: send me a list of your submissions to the GJW (unless you have been doing so already) from Week 0 to Week 4. This list is essential to reward your efforts, so don't delay.
The GJWX is over! Send me a list of all your submissions during this Vendetta.
If you've been following the storyline or the comic, make sure to read the last instalment.
Important: send me a list of your submissions to the GJW (unless you have been doing so already) from Week 0 to Week 4. This list is essential to reward your efforts, so don't delay. Remember to 'cc.' any competition submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] (for the House Summit) and to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] (for me). This way we can track your activity and reward you properly.
OPM Elleron Morakei
DJK Jendan Aybara
Lightwalker Elleron Morakei, OPM, #307 Lightwalker Guinevere Deschain, KP, #10397 Lightwalker Kiritea Urkaia, OT, #10416 Lightwarden Korroth, SW, #8488 Lightwalker Jendan Aybara, DJK, #9900 Lightwalker Sa Ool, DJK, #10051 Lightwatcher Morotheri, JH, #12049 Lightwalker Lelila, ACO, #12288
Force be with you,
Korroth Lightwarden Consular Warrior of Odan-Urr GC-PoDP/AC-ToSH/DC-CP/GN/BN/Cr-6S-5E-3T-2Q/CF/CI/DSS-AgL/LS-AgL/S:-9Rm-1P-4U-10De, SW, Lightwalkers CMDR
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