The war is over, and Arcona is the victor. Congrats to you guys!
So to start things off, I want to direct your attention to the Clusters of Fire grid which is part of my Project Blackburn, aka DJB Gaming Expansion Pack 2. During the middle of the month of October I made an addition to it were Non - Star Wars games will be earning about 25% less than a Star Wars game. Why the sudden change though? Sometime within the next few weeks I'll be putting up a news post about what exactly has changed through the coding of the website. Namely there will be some games added. ;)
Secondly, I introduce the GMRG only event known as Gorefest. Gorefest will take place on the last weekend of every month, were members that are rank 2 or higher will be able to compete against other members either equal in rank or higher. CF's will be doubled for this event and the person with the best win-loss record will be declared Gladiator of Gorefest for the month.
Third, I've had a massive addition with my staff. Specifically ToR related, I hired Taig, Archangel, and Shadow Taldrya. And returning is Kano with his knowledge and ideas for console gaming. Welcome to the team guys.
Competitions for the month:
Bryar Bowl: The Taldryan summit is running the Bryar Bowl this month. The first round should be posted sometime tomorrow.
Against the odds: This is a competition that Tiamath submitted before war that will run the course of this month. You and another member are to challenge Tiamath to a Power Duel in JA. The two with the most wins earn crescents.
Accept the Call: For this month all Call of Duty platforms are allowed. Report all matches under AvP.
Space Marine:For this month Space Marine is an accepted platform. All matches should be submitted under Console and Special Gaming 1.
Title of Titan: Over the last year and a half the title of Titan of Republic Commando has been something that Dante, Smoke, and Fremoc prided themselves over. With Smoke rogue, Dante and Fremoc have decided to put the titles of Titan on the line. Your objective is simple. Win as many Republic Commando matches as possible during the month of November. The catch is, Dante and Fremoc are going to try to re-earn those titles. Top 3 members with the most wins in Republic commando will earn crescents and the title of Titan of Republic Commando
GMRG Breakdown Total Members: 95 Rank 1: 76 Rank 2: 7 Rank 3: 2 Rank 4: 7 Rank 5: 0 Rank 6: 0 Rank 7: 2 Rank 8: 1
For full stats go here.
For a list of the commands in #dbgaming either do !help, or click here.
TL:DR -Gorefest, last weekend of the month, GMRG only -New Staff Members -Project Blackburn will be released fully this month -Gaming Nova have been recc'd and approved. Congrats to everyone
Like always, hit me up in an email ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), here, or on IRC for any questions, comments or concerns.
-Fremoc Pepoi Sadow Fist of the Brotherhood Son of Sadow
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hahaha, YES!
Titan of Republic Commando just as I get back into the swing of RC? HECK YEAH! Then Gorefest? Then Call of Duty!? This. Is. Epic!
Also, and to anyone here who doesn't have my PSN added, my tag is: HeraldOfPwn Just be sure to leave a quick note when sending the request letting me know who you are! I'll be hard-core MW3'ing it up when it comes out next Tuesday, so I'll be up for anyone who wants to join me 24-hour prestige!
I am with him on this. I will be running a tourny at the store I work at for MW3 and as soon as it ends I will be playing until I either prestige or have to go back to work. My 360 gamertag is: Johnny Carmine
I'm torn as to which system I should be getting it for >_<