Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

**Jusadih System

Force Point

In Orbit over Kapsina

36 ABY**

Tra'an Reith looked out of the space station's transparisteel viewports with a stoic gaze, taking in the glow of the planet beneath him. To his eyes, Kapsina's night side held a dim lustre, the planet's cities vibrantly bright and alive amid total darkness on all sides. It struck the shapeshifter as a symbol of his House, of hope for Plagueis; Ascendant might, small in size, yet with might enough to batter back the emptiness that surrounded it. His hands ran across the handrail of the new Cardan-class station, his eyes taking in its features; no longer would the Omicron Platform have to police the entire system. Now, rightfully, his seat of command had its own full-time station. The sound of a door hissing into the ceiling drew his attention, even as the Force alerted him of his Aedile's unorthodox Force presence. Turning, the Quaestor stood taller, his expression one of power as he looked down upon the Yuuzhan Vong.

"Quaestor," the alien hissed, his words oddly slurred through a permanent grin as he dropped to one knee and cast back the cowl of his parasitic cloak. His tentacle-dreadlocks slithered as he bowed his head, shining as black as his amphistaff. "You have summoned me?"

"Indeed." Tra'an replied, maintaining dominance even as the Force seemed to scream about Shai. His yammosk tissue connected him to the Force that surrounded him, but it was an aberrant thing, unnatural and twisted. It was one of the reasons he was so useful; the bizarre signature made him resistant to Force attacks. "Pirate attacks have ravaged many commercial interests in our absence, particularly those of Sistros. Rollmaster Domus has informed you of them, no doubt."

"The Bloodhawk Butchers." Sarak hissed, his accent and guttural inflections twisting the words as they were dragged from corrupted teeth. "You have a plan, Warmaster?"

The corner of Reith's mouth quirked up in a smile; the remnants of the Vong's culture rarely surfaced in Shai's speech, but when they did, Tra'an did not suppress them. He was a Shamed One as well as a Sith; it was well that he remembered his place. "I do. Assemble our finest. Ready them for battle, along with a platoon of the heavy troopers." The Shi'ido turned away from the Vong, senses still keen on his movements. "They will descend into hell; they must be prepared. It is time we dealt with these pirates ourselves."

Tra'an's personal communicator beeped; keying it, he saw the tiny hologram of his aide, Libra Tzo, standing at attention. He pushed aside a surge of emotion, maintaining strict power over himself; his affections toward Tzo could not get in the way, especially not with a creature as deadly as Sarak so close at hand. "Quaestor, the Atrum Pars II has just sent its signal; we believe they are ready to interdict the Ensaari smuggler."

"Excellent." The Quaestor replied. "They will learn what we do to those who consort with rebels." Switching off the communicator, he looked to Sarak, still kneeling. Turning slightly to hide his right hand, he placed it on his lightsaber hilt, ready to fight. The Vong might have become ambitious. "Is there something else, Aedile?"

"Quaestor..." Sarak asked, meeting his eye. Inwardly, the gaze turned Tra'an's blood to ice; that gaze was like looking into a moral vacuum. Nothing but sick pleasures abided in the Vong's mind. "The Butchers. How do we intend to catch them?"

"It's simple," Tra'an replied. "We will give them an offer that they cannot refuse."


This is The Plagueis Report, Edition Number 5!

The Great Jedi War has come and gone, leaving us in seventh position. With a small but solid core of activity, we proved that we were still alive, and willing to fight to prove it. Our thanks to Vessicant, Arcadian, Furios, Koga, Kal, Unus, Sarak, Maol Nor Lexu, Kodais, and Shirai.

Without you fine, hardworking Plagueians, we would not be where we are today. As we look forward into the future, there are a host of competitions ongoing to help keep you busy!

Koga Kage has two new competitions launching tomorrow, not to mention Kal's own set of tiered competitions that will dovetail into the new storyline we are developing for Plagueis. If you would like to be immortalized on the wiki and become a canon piece of Plagueis history, now is the time!

Tiered Competitions

Introduced this month, we are bringing forth a new form of Competitive Activity: Tiered Competitions. Each month, we will feature competitions built for and geared toward our full Dark Jedi, those at the rank of Knight and above. In addition, we will be releasing separate competitions for our Students(PRT-JH) and Prospects(APP-ACO). The duties of a full Dark Jedi are too dangerous for a trainee, unless accompanied by a Master, and our Journeymen must learn if they are to grow.

Knights and above will engage in dangerous tasks and perilous missions for the House and the Military Regime; as their training is complete, they are ready to go out into the Jusadih System without observers or protectors and perform the will of Plagueis. Battling against critical foes, struggling to complete important assignments, and faced with odds only a Force user could survive, their missions will be fast-paced, action-packed, and lethal in their design. In addition, they require more effort and offer greater rewards for their completion. Students may also participate, but only if assigned to and accompanied by their Masters during these missions; learning in the field is encouraged, but our future Dark Jedi must be protected as they train.

Students and Prospects will take on various tasks within and outside of the Temple of Plagueis. These, while not full missions or as dangerous as a Knight's work, will be aimed at building their skills, training them in various abilities, and readying them for the Brotherhood as a whole. Student and Prospect storylines will feature such items as lightsaber practice, physical training, Force study, and naturally, the more brutal facts about life in an academy full of Dark Side students. It is far from safe here; several times, their limits and lives will be tested, and they will compete against each other in many ways and in many different locations. The strong survive and thrive; while these competitions are less demanding, they also offer slightly smaller rewards, though their lessons are invaluable. The Taskmaster will oversee all such competitions, offering help wherever it is needed and lending a hand wherever possible; he is there to help, not to judge events. That duty lies with the Summit.

The method behind the Tiered Competitions system is simple: We seek to train the less-skilled members of the House, put increased emphasis on Master/Student pairs and promotions, reward those active and skilled with bigger challenges and better rewards, and make competition fair to everyone. Knights and Equites have braved trials and challenges, in fiction and outside of it, that are far beyond what most Journeymen encounter; after months or even years of activity, they have practiced and developed skill-sets that our Journeymen are just now stepping into. Thus, the well-trained will compete on their own plane, while those still learning can still go out, get rewarded, and ready themselves for the big leagues. Equites cannot swipe easy medals from Journeymen, while Journeymen need not fear putting an entry in; they have a much greater chance at winning and advancing.

Will unsegregated competition still exist? In a form, yes. It will be diminished from the whole and emphasis will be put to our Tiered system, but there will be events where the two can intermingle and compete against each other. While getting everyone familiar with each other and providing a nice change of atmosphere, as well as any improved reward we can provide, these competitions will exist to train us for the Vendetta events of the Brotherhood and ensure we can all work as a team.

Any questions on the Tiered Competitions system can be directed to the Comments section. If not, feel free to email any member of the Plagueis Summit; we will inform you as best we can.


Current Competitions for House Plagueis:

Savor The Moment

Be your Own Bard

Those Two End TODAY! Get 'Em Done!

The rest of these you have some time on

Against The Odds

Accept the Call

The Title of Titan

Space Marine A Special Plug on this one! If any of you have a PS3 and this game, hit up Zuser. He's having a hard time finding takers.

Smugglers and Rebels

I'm Hanging A Pirate

Brutal Rivalry

A Special note on those last three; it's that chance at Plaguiean Immortality I was talking about earlier.


Plagueis Website

The Plagueis Website is an excellent place to go for news on the House, competition listings, and more. It includes details about all sorts of important factors of our House, including the Jusadih System that we call home, Battleteam Primus Pilus, and our Master/Student Program, the Plagueian Path. It is a place to learn, a place where you can hear of the latest Plagueian news and developments, and best of all, a place that is as adaptive as all of us. Check back frequently to see new content additions.

Most recently, our Rollmaster, Unus Domus, has worked hard to put together a few surveys for all Plagueians to participate in. You can find them under the Surveys heading. Currently, surveys exist on the quality of our Competitions, our Summit, our Wiki, the Site itself, and a General survey. All answers are anonymous and no one is required to answer every question; just tell us how you feel, and we'll strive to do the best we can to make it so.

New Plagueis Prospectus

After the decision of the Summit to wipe our slate clean and renew the House and its interests and direction, our tireless Last Son, Kal di Plagia Vorrac, has worked hard and invested much time in the rewrite of the Plagueis Prospectus! No longer out of date or filled with contradictory information, this new document is the Plagueian analog to a Constitution - it details who we are, what we are about, and what we possess perfectly. I encourage all members of Plagueis to read the document, and welcome all Dark Brethren to join in the reading. To us, this is the first in many steps toward a New Clan Plagueis and a greater tomorrow. For you, it is the first move in our endless mission to make this place bigger, better, and more fun for every member of our Dark Jedi Brotherhood.

Plagueis Wiki Category

With the efforts of our dedicated Summit, our Honored di Plagia, and our greatest Plagueians, the Plagueian Wiki Category has been reorganized and cleaned up! Now, all topics are kept in their relevant sub-categories and all important articles on Plagueis have been put in place, added to, and expanded upon in ways that make it a friendlier place for you. Our Current Events template will now keep you up to date on our latest Leader Reports, Projects, and Competitions, our Plagueians section will contain all members of our House, and our articles will now continue to improve and increase at a dramatic rate. This is an exciting time, Plagueis; our Wiki Category is a directory to who we are, and as it improves, it will gain the attention and approval of the entire Dark Brotherhood.

Anyone wishing to assist in Phase Two: Renovation of the Plagueian Wiki Clean-Up should contact our Summit at any of our E-mail addresses. These are:

Quaestor Tra'an: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Aedile Sarak: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Rollmaster Unus: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Commander Kal: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Let us know, and we'll get you involved.

Sacramentum di Plagia.

Semper Fidelis di Plagia.

Glory to Plagueis.

Adapt. Ascend. Avail.

OP Tra'an Reith (Obelisk)/QUA/Plagueis [ACC: CL:2]

SC / AC / DC-SP / BN-BL / Cr-5A-1S-6E-5T-2Q / CF-GF / CI-GC / DSS-BL / LS-AuL / SoL / S:-4Rm-8P-5U-4B-1De-3Ret-9Dec


Adapt. Ascend. Avail!

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