11.24.11 (35 ABY) <-
Happy thanksgiving to all who celebrate, for those who dont.....enjoy the rest of your thursday. A quick a bit has happen since my last report.
Conclave was held and it was decided that the Aedile Applications for HMR would be closed for the time being. Along with that we are gonna follow the K.I.S.S rule and eliminate the mess of unit honors and titles we had leaving only your Dlarit Corporation rank/title and the Black Guard in place.
My fellow Quaestor over in HSD has decided to step down, sad to see you relinquish command Mirado you did a good job! Application are now open, apply if your interested.
We are starting a complete overhaul of Naga Sadow's wiki pages, I myself will be working on updating Tarthos and Alabrek Castle along with making some changes to the House prospectus to reflect the discontinuance of the Disciples of Ragnos and other house honors.
I had three competition running two finished and awards were given, again thank you to those who participated. The last competition ended on Monday and I was please with the level of participation and the quality of the submission. After reading over all the entries the winners have been chosen. Congrats go to DJK Bal Demona for 1st place, 2nd place goes to KP Kalei Basai, and finally 3rd place goes to SWL Bob. Good job to everyone else who submitted.
Look for some quick, fun, easy competition coming up, including a holiday one or two ;)
Please welcome both Bal Demona from the Rouges back to HMR. Also Tsingtao Ming return to us from Raven.
Manji scored himself a Grand Cross for his efforts in the war, awesome job!
Tiberius, Xanos, Sanjuro each scored a Steel Cross, appreciation for their war efforts.
Myself and Raistlin received an Anteian Cross for our war efforts, yay!
Dyrra Skye scored a Dark Cross for himself, keep up the good work
Crescents were handed out for the three competitions, congrats on those who placed.
Big shout out goes to Sanjuro for his promotion to KAP and Tiberius for his promotion to SW. Fantastic job and effort guys, keep it up!
Don't think he advertised it to much, but Tibs is running an easy flash game competition for HMR:
Aside from those three there are a number of other Clan and DB-wide competitions you can take part in, like Doom Train. For a full listing go to the Competitions Page to check them out.
If there is anything anyone needs shoot me an email. Remember I do have an open door although somedays I may throw a chair at you if you bother me too much. I hope everyone is fat and happy down. I'm not I made sure to save room for desert, but after I sure will be fat and happy. We are some good steam right now, lets keep this train moving everyone, stay active and have fun!
Sith Battlemaster Jeric Cyrin Right Hand of Justice Quaestor of Marka Ragnos Magistrate to the Herald
"Those who ask for mercy, are too weak to deserve it."
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