Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

Welcome to Proconsul Report #2. I'd like to take a moment and thank Teu for the awesome headers that now grace my report. Thanks Teu! Now, onward, to my report!

Right now we have a couple of competitions running for the Clan, which Macron outlined in his report. Bob's released some trivia via the mailing list, which you can win a Legion of Scholar for. He'll be releasing one each week at random times, just like during the Great Jedi War. Except now, it's just your fellow Clan-mates you're going up against rather than the whole Brotherhood.

All of these are pretty straightforward. Come out, participate, show your report for CNS, and possibly win a shiny as well!

Macron recently sent out an email about the Schools of Learning. If you aren't familiar with it, this is a program Teu is working on to establish a mentor of each major topic in the Brotherhood. If you are familiar with writing, gaming, poetry, the ACC, multimedia, or generally have an idea, please email Teu and CC myself and Macron to express your interest.

Shikyo's training Run-on is still going. If you're involved, be sure to keep up with it. We're just about to the exciting parts.

For those of you not involved in it, or if you just can't get enough of writing, Macron recently announced the possibility of a new Run-on. As a Clan, we barely took first place in the Great Jedi War's Run-on event. This new one would allow every one of us - including veterans - to practice working together and staying focused, while possibly earning us some Crescents of Ice as well. Mac sent an email out, so if you're interested, be sure to reply. A plot is currently in the works.

In a recent report, Korras announced that the static Equite promotion requirements have changed. For Equite 2, you now need 3 months at Aedile or equivalent positions, while Equite 3 now requires either training a student to Dark Jedi Knight or six months at Aedile or higher.

Halcyon is still taking applications for Praetor to the Deputy Grandmaster until the 30th. If you are interested in the position, be sure to apply before then. See his recent report on the home page for details.

House Shar Dakhan Quaestor applications are still open. We will be choosing a new Quaestor either Thursday or Friday, so be sure to apply soon if you're interested in the position. Requirements are found in this news post: here .

Finally, fictional time is switching from a 2:1 ratio where every individual real life year counted as two in-character years to a 1:1 ratio where the two will be the same. The change will take place on Exodus Day, April 13th, when we will switch from 35 ABY to 36 ABY.

Right now, we have more Clan competitions running than two weeks ago. While I encourage you to participate in those – as well as your House competitions – the DB-wide ones remain the ones with the highest payout. Remember, part of Operation: Sadow Dominance is to get our name out there and dominate the competition scene. We can only do that if we all work together and participate. Plus, you get big time shinies, which translates to more awards and promotions, which leads to prestige, which makes you and the entire Clan look good! Even if you don't think you'll do very great, submit if you can! Sometimes, despite these comps being for the entire club, very few people enter them.

There aren't any new DB-wide competitions running, though our very own Waldron is working closely with the Summit to develop a wiki-related one. For now, let's review the DB-wide ones still running:

Competitions ending on November 30th:

These competitions end in two days. If you haven't participated yet and you can, then go do so!

These first four are gaming competitions put up by the Fist himself. Gaming is a great way to get noticed and be active. You can get Clusters of Fire just for participating, as well as other awards. As always with gaming, be sure to review the Rites of Combat so you don't accidently break a rule. If you're confused about them, feel free to shoot me a message and ask.

[FIST] Special Gaming Event: Space Marine : First up is Space Marine. This event, as the title suggests, makes the recently released FPS a supported platform for the Dark Brotherhood for the month of November. The top three members with the most wins receive Crescents.

[FIST] The Title of Titan : This next one is a competition to see who the best at Republic Commando is. The top three members with the most wins in Republic Commando for the month of November will earn the title of "Titan of Republic Commando".

Accept the Call : Up next we've got a competition put out by Kano Tor Pepoi. The top three with the best win/loss record across all Call of Duty games for the month of November will receive Crescents.

Against the odds : In this last gaming competition for the month of November, our very own Tiamath is putting himself on the line and challenging any pair to a JA Power Duel. For those that don't know, this is a game mode in Jedi Academy specifically designed for 2 on 1 fights. The duo with the most wins for the month will win Crescents.

That covers competitions for the month of November. The next set all end at the end of this year. Many of them are competitions that have been going for the entire year or are reminders of things that are run often throughout the year.

Men of the Brotherhood and Women of the Brotherhood : These twin competitions challenge you to design a calendar with either 12 women of the Brotherhood or 12 men. The art must be of an original design.

[DGM] Report Lyrics : The Deputy Grandmaster has a competition going where he will post lyrics at the bottom of his reports. The first to find them wins a Crescent.

[FIST]: Soul Caliber 4 Weekend : These next two are a couple of gaming competitions that run the whole year. This one is for Soul Caliber IV. Every third weekend of the month, it counts as a supported platform for the Dark Brotherhood. If you have it, this is a great way to get more Clusters of Fire.

End of the Year Gaming : This one is an overarching competition that keeps track of who has the most wins in all of gaming for the year of 2011. At the end of the year, the top 4 will receive awards.

The following two competitions end sometime in 2012. They are long-running, with many chances to win awards over the months.

Find My Lyrics! : In this competition, the Quaestor of House Plagueis challenges you to find the song lyrics in his reports. You can see his reports on the main page when he posts them. Yup, even though you're in CNS, you can still participate in this competition and win Crescents for it.

#db trivia : This trivia competition is run on Saturday nights in the #db channel on IRC. It's a quick and fun way to participate and have a chance to win a Legion of the Scholar.

This has been an overview of the competitions running for the entire Brotherhood at this time. While I summarized each of them, further details are available by clicking the name for each one. Go for it CNS!

That's it for this report. Keep a look out for more competitions in the future. We're doing well, now let's do even better.!

For Sadow!<b></b>

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