The long, perpetually dark passageway that lead from the Great Hall on Taruma held a reserved comfort in the heart of the Exarch. It was one of the few places he felt alive; out of the constant awareness of his presence by those who surrounded him. And even in the dark, he still saw life the same way as in daylight, something he knew the Taldrya's before him knew.
The feint re-balancing motion of the Twi'lek's prosthetic legs were far too familiar to Shaz'air. His head quickly turning towards the familiar, brown haired women to the left the Councilor - her hand outstretched to reveal a small ball of energy erupting from her palm, illuminating the passageway in a small bath of light. "Shaz'air, we bring good news," Said Ashia. "One of our own has advanced into a higher knowledge of the force. I had felt it, and meeting Vodo here confirmed my suspicion."
The Voice nodded sagely, his hand reaching outward towards the Miraluka, a piece of flimsi in his hand. "The Master At Arms agreed that it was fitting for me to deliver this notarized approval letter to you. Ekeia, as you know, is far too busy these days to linger on Taruma as her work is far too important to the the advancement of the Iron Throne. Word was passed around, and her name has quickly risen above the agents of the Dark Council. The Headmaster, Herald and Fist themselves have spoken her value in many ways to Korras. Ekeia has been acknowledged as an Epis."
Shaz'air retrieved the flimsi from Vodo, the hair-thin medium quickly became folded and found itself in the compartment of the Quaestor's casual Torrent robes. "Has she been notified," he said. Vodo shook his head, a sly smirk etching across his face. "She's far too wedged into her duties to suspect it. Word of this will something of a surprise."
The barritone voice of the Obelisk rang out as the two Krath turned and made their out of the secret passage, "Fair well, Taldrya, and send my word to your Praetor. And Ashia..." his voice trailed off towards his Aedile, her head turning slightly in acknowledgement as she continued on, the light slowly fading with her presence. "Send for Ekeia to Taruma. This warrants a break from her work."
Happy New Year!
December was, in fact, the fastest and slowest month I've ever lived in my lifetime. Albeit that reference of time is much shorter than most reading this, it still is something to be be recognized. So much happened in December that kept me beyond busy, yet looking back it feels as if I merely batted my eyes and it was over.
With that being said, I can't believe that it has truly been almost 2 months since my last report was released, and I feel like we only just finished the Great Jedi War X. Never the less, things still go on, and there's a fair bit to cover. Enjoy!
The Taldryan Holiday Bash is still continuing, and here is a quick list of the competitions that are running this week and ends Tomorrow, Friday, the 6th of January. You can find this weeks competitions below. Tons of crescents up for grabs, so take the time to participate in one of them!
Once Upon a News Years Eve | The Jedi Claus Dossier | Wiki Trail | Holiday Quick Skirmish
Transfers and Promotions: Obelisk Exarch Tarax Eosphoros Taldrya Kor has emerged from the rogues and made his way back into Taldryan. Welcome back, officially, my man! APP RougeFacultas, NOV Desdrex and NOV Toxicating have all joined the Taldryan and the Brotherhood this month! Welcome, brothers, to the greatest unit in the Brotherhood! I also would like to extend my congratulations to Desdrex and Toxicating on achieving the rank of Novice! Well done! A big announcement on the bill, is Ekeia Iclo's promotion to the high rank of Krath Epis! Keia is a fine specimen of what a Taldryan is, and she more than brings her own taste to the Brotherhood! Well done, Ekeia, and well deserved.
After putting in an application for the position of Judge over the ACC, I'm pleased to say that both Tarax and myself have been accepted as Judges, and are eager to get some work done. Being a fan of the ACC since I joined the society, it is great to be able to step up and go beyond just participating in battles. So wish both Tarax and myself luck!
For everyone wanting to go through the raids in ToR, tomorrow night (Friday, 1/6/2011) at 9pm EST. Be on ventrilo a little before then so that we can coordinate who will be needed.
The First of the Brotherhood released a report, if you like gaming or are involved in the gaming community what so ever, I suggest you take a read through Fremoc's report, HERE .
The Wiki Tribune of the Brotherhood released a report, and the Wiki misses all of you who left her for The Old Republic. It's true, Ben said so HERE.
The Taldryan Run-On is still running, however there seems to be a slump in activity, which is sad to see, as there was a rather large interest in it when we were fleshing out whether to pursue it and the direction we wanted to go in with it. It's one thing to be interested one minute in something, and then your interests fade some. But When you're not participating in any events plural, nor show ANY interest in the Run-On, then that's when I need to step up and say something about it. I'm really asking that you guys, the Taldryanites, do a little more for this club. You can't let the works of others carry the legacy that you are beyond as a Taldryan. Is your Wiki article out of date? Update it! If you don't know how to do that properly, then go and take the Wiki Basiscs Shadow Academy course (here, I'll give you the link: <ahref="">Wiki Basics ). Are you out of material to write with? Go participate in one of the Voice's monthly competitions, and then transfer that event entry into a paragraph or two for you to write about on your Wiki. These competitions are usually created to spur on personal development, not giving the person running the event something to do. I realize that it's easy to get lost and or intimidated to do stuff, as there's a lot of things to do. If you are indeed lost, or just need something to get you on track, I'd like to guide you (if you're Journeymen) to start chipping away at your promotion requirements. Those are there for more than just being random guidelines: by the time you reach the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, you should be a very well rounded member in this club, and in your unit. At least, you should know what you like in this club and how to do it. If you're not a Journeymen or are beyond the requirements, I'd like to personally open my door (email or IRC =P) to you. I'll gladly take the time to get you on track with activities. Ask, and you shall recieve.
TOR is in full swing, and I know it's going to be rough for all of you who have been binging over the game to get back to your Classes and Real Life jobs, but I have faith in you! And before you log into The Old Republic, please take the time to read over any or all of the emails to the Taldryan mailing list, and try to participate in some of the activities that are being offered!
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