Hello, Dark Jedi Brotherhood! Live from the Middle East, I am here to release a report to you all with some goodies to show and some announcements I hope you all have been looking forward to. First and foremost even though I have released this report, I am still on a Leave of Absence. Being on a ship out in the middle of the ocean, I can't use IRC and I can't check my personal email. The only exception is when I can finally find some wi-fi when we pull in to port and even then, there are some things I want to do and see, aside from you guys. So please, make sure you all are emailing Ekeia for all HRLD issues.
Secondly, I would like to thank everyone for the Emerald Dagger, especially those who wrote recommendations for it. Just knowing that people appreciate the work that is done for them and that they notice a progression in the quality of the work really means a lot to me. As soon as I saw it on my dossier, I had to work on a new rendition for my Wiki. Check it out and tell me what you think.
Now, I have an announcement regarding the Face Selector. I have gone back, cleaned up some of the images for the site, re-sized them, and even worked on a couple of new options. Here's some of the new options we will have coming for you:
So far, I know we have images for the following species:
Males: Twi'lek, Mon Calamari, Trandoshian, Wookie Females: Cathar, Falleen, Twi'lek
Muz has been working on the more human/near-human images and once I have an update from him, I will be sure to pass the information on to you all. Next, even though we finished Herald Style Hanukkah a month or so ago, the sexiness is on the production line and there's some good stuff already produced. No teasers, everyone. I'm not allowed to open until X-mas.
However while researching some new saber ideas from former Jedi and Sith, I remembered a conversation Muz and myself had about more "legendary" lightsabers. This brought about why we didn't have replicas of Revan's or Exar Kun's lightsabers when we had Vader, Maul, and Sidious available. Well, the ancient Sith Lords are much more badass and deserve one-of-a-kind weapons. That being said, I have started work on a group of sabers that are considered "legendary sabers". They will be one of a kind and be available for Possessions. However, that does not stop me from being a tease.
Depending on the orientation of the member, Light or Dark, they can receive either Darth Revan's lightsaber or Jedi Master Revan's lightsaber. No, both sabers will not be issued out. Currently, I have templates for Darth Malak, Darth Bane, Darth Nihilus, Exar Kun, and Ulic Qel-Droma. Once I have more available to you, the teasers will return.
Lastly, I am approaching my 1,000th lightsaber created since taking over as Herald, with 770 of those lightsabers designed by myself. This being said, there will be two special rewards for the member who gets the 1,000 request processed in the Herald Office and another for whoever becomes my 1,000th lightsaber personally made. I will let the member decide what they are receiving. The only thing that I ask that it stays reasonable, (i.e. no lightsaber blasters, Howie. :P)
Now, let's move on to the sexiness!
Completed by Ekeia:
Laigerick Ryokou-Amor Raiju Kang Shadow Nighthunter Kalon Tiamath
Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu Tra'an Reith
Completed by Ekeia:
Drodik asks: "If a member makes their own lightsaber/warbanner, does it count against them in regards to the Rule of Three?"
Long answer: If a member makes their own warbanner, I will deny it automatically, unless I know they are former Staff. The reason being is because there are some requirements that I instruct the Staff on that the general population does not know. For example, images have to be rendered in a specific way to maintain a nice look on the warbanner without reducing the integrity of the warbanner image.
As for a lightsaber, I have to review the image of the saber before I decide whether or not it is approved for upload. Again, there are certain criteria that have to be taken under consideration before I can give it the thumbs up.
Short answer: Yes and yes.
Halcyon asks: "Who is your most favoritest green-haired person in the DB?"
Hands down, without a shadow of a doubt, it would have to be Halc. The guy signs my paychecks. :p
A couple of members ask: "Why are some members' lightsabers disappearing from their options once they choose a standard saber then try to return to their custom options?"
Well, there are three reasons for that. 1.) an accident on our end when we name a lightsaber, 2.) an accident when we implement new coding on something that affects the dossiers, but the biggest reason has been that Orv has found a tool for the HRLD Staff to use to help cut down on the size of our lightsabers and robes while retaining their quality. Some of the images we render that do not make their way through this process can be deleted once a member changes their image. Hopefully, this will not be as big an issue as it has been of recent.
If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to send me an email or find me in #HRLD_Office you can also ask a question here.
Robes: 186 Lightsabers: 963 Warbanners: 471 Miscellaneous: 128
-DA Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Daimyo of the Keibatsu Bloodline
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Yay! Falleen heads! =)
And before Malik says it, no, I'm not going to go transgender due to the current absence of a male head :P