Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Hey guys and gals of Phoenix, been a bit since my last report and I apologize for that. But lets get right to it.

First off I'd like to start off that we recently had an AWOL check and Sut and Diclo were removed due to inactivity, but out of the AWOL check we've received a new member into our ranks. I'd like you all to welcome Sena into Phoenix, and a long stay at that.

Now since we have recently gotten through the AWOL check my plans are to bring us into more activity as a BT, and get us a few more competitions going. Now the one things that's hard about comps is not everyone is interested in the same areas, as much feedback as possible makes it so we create comps that you would be interested in. There's no use in running a lot of comps unless your interested in actually participating. Now some of you still need to run a comp for promos and we can work on that as well, if you have an idea about a comp you would like to run than let me know. You can shoot me an email and we can discuss what you would like to do and see what can be done to that make that happen. The more input the better on this subject.

Now lets get to the comps that you are able to participate in right now.

[ToR] Emerging conflicts -

[ToR] Hard mode race -

The TAL - NS Alliance of Steel (If you have been following the group emails lately a nice ammount of info about this comp can be found there). -

Against the Odds -

Revan No More -

Ancestor Lore -

Three Man RO -

Choices -

I'd like to also let you all know that I'm going to be on vacation from the 11th to the 21st of this month, during that time if you have and real pressing questions you can catch the rest of the Tal summit on IRC or by email.

That's it for now.

From The Ashes, We Rise,

JH Rigar Ulrand (Obelisk)/TET/Taldryan [GMRG: I] [ACC: CAN] #8493 AC / DC-CP / Cr-1A-4E-1T-9Q / CF-PF / S:-3Do-1Dk-2Ret

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