Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Rian Aslar stood promptly beside the Taldrya family landing space. The Rollmaster of Taldryan awaited eagerly for the former Consul of Talryan to arrive, his hand clutching two proposals from each Battleteam in Taldryan. Phoenix was always the first team to issue out an invitation to join their ranks, and most of the time the Old Folks Home wouldn't even bother. This time, however, OFH had sent their inviatation in shortly before the Justicar gave word of his resignation. A feat that was not mistaken by the Templar.

The shuttle landed softly on the platform, the heralding crest of the Justicar shinning brightly against the warm sun. Rian stood to attention as the boarding bridge hit the ground beneath it, the tall, military crew-cut man stepped out of the craft, his Imperialistic uniform gleaming behind with an air of prestine.

"Lord Taldrya, it is an honor to have you back home once more." Said the Templar. Rian glanced down at the two slips of flimsi in his hand, and Kir motioned towards them.

"No need, Rollmaster. I know where to find the Olf Folks Home." He said with a small smile. "But first, where is our Quaestor?"

Leap Year Report!

Firstly, as all of you should know by now, Taldryan's CON emeritus and representative Justicar Kir Katarn has resigned from the position of Justicar. Kir's served a long time for this club, beginning first in Taldryan and carrying his legacy as one of the greats amongst the Brotherhood at large.

Kir literally has literally created a fun, and stable environment for all members of this club, protecting members that range from Journeymen to Dark Council members. Kir's represented Taldryan as a Son of Taldryan for years now. This member is a realist and a purist, and were it not for him, Taldryan would not be where she is now. Through the various people that taught me how to be a leader, I owe it to Kir for teaching them, and for setting a standard as to what is good, fun and of good character. I'm so happy to have Kir back in Tal, and having his full title of a Son of Taldryan restored. Plus, Tal' now has 3 of the 5 DP's. ;)

For his hard work, Muz and Halcyon have deemed it fit to reward Kir the title of a Lord of the Sith. For being an Obelisk, this is quite a feat. My hat goes off to Kir, and may you find solace in your Old Folks Home cot.

Secondly, with Kir's resignation the Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master saw some applications for the position of High Protector over the Brotherhood, though only one would be chosen by Muz as his GM' Nomination. Taigikor Aybara was nominated, and as Muz stated in his news post, a brief Q & A was held by the DC to question the candidate (The QUA's were allowed to participate in this out of curtosy of the GM). There were multiple questions asked, and I myself asked a couple. Were I able to vote for the appointment of his position, I would have cast an 'Aye' in for Taigikori. I read his application, he has the knowledge and experiance IRL and in the DB to back him up, and he answers he gave during the Q & A session were more han satisfactory for me. With that in mind, congratulations, Justicar Taigikori! I have faith you will uphold the rights of the Brotherhood and ensure a steady decrease in the trivial problems of the Brotherhood, just as Kir did before you! You can read Taig's intro post here, JST Newspost.

Thirdly, as Taigikori has stepped away from his duties as Headmaster, it has gone without question who will take up his mantle as keeper of the Shadow Academy, and Muz has yet again made a wonderful choice in chosing Taig's Praetor. Again, I am in complete agreement on this choice, and an application perioud would just waste time, as the now elected HM is perfect for the job. Without furtherado, congratulations Ronovi Tavisaen Dupar on becoming the Brotherhood's newest Headmaster! Read her report here!

Fourthly, some of the fine fellows in Arcona (well... finer*) James and Timeros put together a nice little addition to the administration options for House/Clan leaders to use, and for regular members to benefit from. Now, Mater/Studet pairings are made OFFICIAL on the dossiers for all to see. This is a BIG help when it comes to tracking what's going on in the units, and it also allows for the MAA's office to get a better look at who's doing what , in regards to promotion requirements. So, if anyone in Tal has mastered an apprentice before, or has been an student to a master, let me know via email/IRC and I'll add it to the admin options to make it official on your dossier(s). You can only be a sudent to one Master (Obviously), but you can be a master to many students after some time. If you're at the Journeymen ranks and would like a Master to help guide you through the ins-and-outs of the Promotion requirements (a relationship I highly suggest), or if you are an older member (DJK+) and wish to help a fellow House Mate make it to Dark Jedi Knight, email Taldryan's Rollmaster Rian Aslar ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses] ) and the rest of the Taldryan Summit requesting such. With the proper information in hand, we will be able to pair you guys up in no time. Don't forget to read over the Taldryan Master/Student Program guide, found here, Taldryan MSP.

Fifthly, the Master At Arms has announced in his MAA Report that there will be an AWOL Check starting in march. These are always big events, AWOL checks, in which the MAA emails each and every member on all of the rosters, and you must respond with your full ID Line and PIN # before the allotted time of response (usually two weeks) to remain within the Unit. For Taldryan, the Summit is working on something to add to this process of making sure those who respond truly aim to stick around and do at least the most remote amount of activity. So, keep an eye out for that! Be sure to read through the rest of the MAA's report, as there's some good stuff there, and stuff that is important for you to know. For instance, the promotion requirements for Journeymen have been updated to reflect The Old Republics large growth in the Brotherhood as part of official requirements. In short, you can now gain rank in the Brotherhood with many more avenues to take if you're a ToR player.

Sixthly, the Voice's office will be running an Order-based Run-On that starts March 10th, and requires 5 members of each Order (Sith, Krath, Ownbelisk) to make up a team, and add in-depth story telling to the plotline given by the Voice. This will be a month-long competition, and signups are still going on! So go find some people who are in the same Order as you are (they don't have to be in the same unit as you are, so go branch out to members with fellow interists!). You can find the full post here: Ambitions.

Seventhly, the 5th Antei Combat Center Championship Ladder (CHL) is in it's second round. So far Tal's had two representatives in this Championship, consisting of Gobhainn and myself. As it stands, I was able to make it out alive (barely) of the 1st round, however Gobhainn had a little more difficulty than I did and was not able to make it to round 2. Good effort, Gob. Hang in there, and we'll get something going soon between you and I. ;) So, with that, I'm moving on to the 2nd round, and boy am I excited! However, I can't do it alone, and I'd greatly appreciate the support wherever you can give it. If we're going by the bracket, I'll be going up against the Combat Master himself, Dash. So wish me luck!

Eighthly, the Voice's office has created a new, singular email address for their office. Now, whenever you are submitting to a competition run by the Voice's office, you should be sending it to this account: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Unless stated otherwise, or if the competition specifics state otherwise, that is where you are to send all of your official Voice Fiction submissions.

Moving on, we have a handful of members I'd like to introduce to the Brotherhood. Please welcome Taldryan's newest additions!

Coming in from the Shadow Academy after passing the test of Lore we have Apprentice **Natronis</b< and <b>Zekk Sono</b>! Welcome, brothers, to the Brotherhood, and to House Taldryan!

Joining us from the scary roster of the Rogues, we have an oldie returning to us! Please join me in welcoming back Sith Battlelord <b>Havoc</b>! It's great to see you. Now, file in and start showing what you've got!

Moving on in from Clan Naga Sadow, I am personally very happy to have another Obelisk join our ranks. Please join me in welcoming Obelisk Templar <b>Kano Tor Pepoi</b>! I never thought I'd see a Pepoi join Taldryan, however I can't say I'm upset by that. So far we have a Keibatsu and a Pepoi amongst Taldryan; two families that were started outside of Tal, and two families who are VERY elitist. May you find a comfortable home here, Kano. ** -> <-

Special Announcement! Our very own Jedi Hunter Teia Coran has become engaged! Yes, it's true. Teia has a life! =P

Alliance of Steel The word that's being used to label the small event we had with Naga Sadow is 'bust'. AoS was a bust. In case none of you noticed, not a whole lot went on with this. Although the Summit had initially attempted to come out with a larger event, we shortly came to the conclusion that a smaller, "break the ice" competition would have worked best... boy were we wrong. =P Never the less, we learned a lot from this event, and got feedback from various sources on it. When I say we "learned a lot", I mean we learned what NOT TO DO, and what to add in. For instance, the next AoS event we have, the fiction will in fact be less of talkings heads and include more House/Clan information, and give more storyline for members to be included in. There will be a lot more planning next time. However, this alliane with Naga Sadow is an Alliance of Steel, and it will be very hard to break. Look forward for future events with our fellow mates in Sadow. If you have any ideas, or would like to give osme input, please don't hesitate to send something to the Summit or myself. We're always here for you, no matter what.

There's lots of stuff going on in the Brotherhood. Whether you're busy on ToR or looking to make yourself busy with fiction events, there's plenty of stuff for you to do.


-> Fiction Competitions: [VOICE] Ambitions | [VOICE] Betrayal and Deceit | Seven Levels of Hell | []DGM] Revan No More](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=6111) | Written by the Victor <-

-> Gaming Competitions: Against All Odds | [FIST] End of the Year Gaming 2 | [FIST][TOR] Hard Mode Race | [FIST][TOR] Emerging Conflicts | Republic Commando Shootem' Up | Jedi Knight Ladder #1 <-

-> Miscellaneous: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=6145 | #db Trivia <-

As I stated previously, the Ambitions RO is coming up, and this is a fantastic way to get a hold of your character and other characters in the Brotherhood who share a similar direction in character. Vodo stated in one of his reports that he the competitions he is running are working to develope your character. That means making you THINK of how your characer THINKS, or how others act around your character. It's one thing to write a competition and to just make up your character as you go along; however, if you can capitilize on those creative juices and write them down on your wiki or remain consistent with that, you can really benefit that and make your character known in the DB.

Be sure to pay attention to what's going on around you in the DB, what's happening fictionally, and then try to picture where your character fits in that. Then, picture that same characer in the various competitions that are being run. When you are asked to write about your character in a certain instance, you'll know exactly what to write.

I've decided to steal Halc's idea of a Report Lyrics competition. The way this will work, is I will post lyrics of a song, and you have to post in the comments the proper artist and song title. There will be some songs that have multiple versions (such as the lyrics below), in which case the member who posts the original artist will get the crescent, and if you're lucky, I'll throw in an extra crescent to the one who comes in second during an instance like that.

Report Lyrics: You want the good life, you break your back. You snap your fingers, you snap your neck.

I'm also adopting 'TL;DR', as I find it quite fitting, seeing as how it's pretty much a shortened version of 'Taldryan'.

TL;DR: - Kir steps down as JST, Taig takes the spot. - Ronovi is the new Headmaster. - Ambitions RO coming up March 10th! - AoS will persevere and move on from it's crappy first event. - Lots of competitions to participate in. - Cheer me on in the CHL!

Thanks gang,

Prong - Snap your fingers, snap your neck.

Congrats to Taig and Ronovi on the Positions, and to Teia congrats are in order as well. ^_^

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