Fist of the Brotherhood Report


Fist of the Brotherhood Report

<small>Report #16</small>

Short report this month, going to briefly outline some new changes to the ToR guild.

Starting today, we are phasing out the recruit rank. The reason being is because with our current open door policy, we have been picking up people that play for a few days or weeks, and then winds up leaving the game, but we've also been getting people that aren't interested in the DJB as a whole. From now on, when we go to recruit members in to the guild, they are required to join the DJB site and receive a pin before they can join the guild.

Secondly, I do monitor when the last time members were logged in, and if your character has not been online in 90 days, they will be given the boot to free up some space.

Third, Jac is being awesome and going to help create a site that will be something for the guild as a whole to reference when raid times are, who are officers, community helpers, as well as having the ability to post updates on what the guild is doing. It will have links to our forums, the join page, and other useful tidbits.

Fourth, we finally have options for members that only play ToR to rank up in the DJB. It was pretty fun working with Korras on pounding those alternatives out, so check them out when you have the chance.

Lastly, I have to point something out in my report today about our Sith Empire and Republic guilds. I've heard concerns about the Republic guild being the 'alt guild' or something. While it is smaller than our Sith Empire guild, it is not an 'alt guild' except for those that have mains on the Empire side, and it would be vice versa for those with Republic mains. Both guilds are part of the Brotherhood's Old Republic Society, which is all defined on the wiki page.

Also I know some have asked if I'm going to be playing my Republic characters at all. Yes I will, I'm just waiting for legacy to make the grind a tiny bit easier. ;)


Jedi Knight Ladder #1 Repuclic Commando Shoot'em up [ToR] Emerging Conflicts Race: I'm extending this another month. It's an easy competition for those that are griding up lower leveled characters [ToR] Hard Mode Race: I'm extending this one as well, since this is also a very easy competition for members that are level 50 and have been working on getting their gear, and a great incentive to get the Columi gear that they have yet to recieve.

GMRG Breakdown Total Members: 125 Rank 1: 100 Rank 2: 4 Rank 3: 7 Rank 4: 9 Rank 5: 1 Rank 6: 1 Rank 7: 2 Rank 8: 0 Rank 9: 1 << Look at my dossier, it has the shiney robes that rank 9 unlocks.

For full stats go here.

For a list of the commands in #dbgaming either do !help, or click here.

TL:DR -ToR Guild website soon -Inactivity timer increased -Requirement to join the website first before joining the guild -Do some regular gaming if you have the chance

Like always, hit me up in an email ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), here, or on IRC for any questions, comments or concerns.

-Primarch Fremoc Pepoi Sadow Fist of the Brotherhood Son of Sadow

Remind me to never do reports by the 1st of each month...because we get INUNDATED. :P

Other than that, nice report, Frem.

Thanks Ronnie! :D

Great. So you force people who don't want to be part of the DJB proper to join the site, then promote them, thus inflating clan and house rosters with members who contribute exactly as much to the clan as the DoA members. Nice. :|

People signing up through the ToR form are placed in the rogues anyways I think

James is right. The ToR join form puts them in the rogues, so that those that wish to be part of the broader DJB, can still be part of our guild.

Hooray for angry comments without knowing facts!

I lol'd at angry comment


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