Black Dust Tavern Socorro system Socorro
There were too many patrons in the tavern to avoid making a scene. The moment the Duro pulled his blaster from his jacket, there was no avoiding the bloodshed that would commence. The sounds of screaming, glass shattering, and blaster rounds being fired rang throughout the establishment as Shikyo and Elysia took cover behind the bar. Grabbing a bottle in front of him, the Elder took a long swig before feeling the effects of a blaster bolt disintegrate the bottle in his hands. Throwing the neck into the bar, the Kyataran swore in his native language.
"You would think that the price and conditions I offered him were unreasonable! A 10% cut and keeping his life after trying to kill me? How karking insulting!"
Leaning over the bar and firing off a couple of shots, the Kiffar female turned towards her husband and grinned slightly.
"You threatened to tear his throat out and beat him to death with it. How would you react to someone threatening you like that?"
With a playful grin and a quick kiss, the Elder pulled his Silver Wolf blasters from their holsters, flicking the safeties off.
"I'd rip out his tongue and beat him to death with it but the difference between us is that he should have known better."
Allowing the Force to guide his hands, Sasuke peeled from behind the bar and pressed the triggers in rapid succession, watching his bolts hit their respective targets with ease, sending them onto the afterlife. Standing up slowly and holstering his weapons, Shikyo moved towards the bloodstained form of the Duro and sifted through his pockets before finding a sliver of crystal. As he examined the cut and intricacies of the object, the Wolf of Kyataru grinned slightly at what he observed.
"I will say this, though. That was relatively easy for such a prize."
Elysia looked at the crystal and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
"All this trouble for a crystal?"
The Herald grinned as he slipped the item into his pouch.
"Believe me mesh'la, it was well worth the fun and excitement."
I'd like to start this Herald Report off by giving a massive shout out to Kir for his service as Justicar and for receiving the honor of becoming a Sith Lord. I can honestly think of no one better who deserves the title. Also, I'd like to congratulate Taigikori and Ronovi for their respective appointments to Justicar and Headmistress. I've worked with both of them for a while now and I truly believe they'll do great work in their positions. Congrats you guys!
Herald Style Hanukkah 2012 is already being worked on and I have to admit, I'm really excited for the stuff we'll have for you all. I've also been working alongside Muz on a secret project that I have a very good feeling about. In addition to this, I have found a couple more templates for the Legendary Sabers queue and have finished working on the designs for Malak and Nihilus.
Upon completion of Darth Nihilus' lightsaber, I have officially designed 800 lightsabers for the Brotherhood, which I am proud to have done. Speaking of milestones, we are 5 lightsabers away from reaching a goal, as the Herald's Office, of creating 1,000 lightsabers for the Brotherhood. As stated in my previous report, I will do a special custom request for the individual who requests the 1,000th saber. I'd also like to take this opportunity in congratulating Ekeia Iclo on not only being the HRLD Staff member to design the most robes but also the most lightsabers for the DB, (not counting HRLDs).
So, you may have noticed the little fiction I wrote at the beginning of my report. Well as I got to thinking about it, Shikyo is currently running on missions for the Iron Throne to kinda cover for my deployment. In an effort to kind of have fun with everything, I figured I'd write up little blurbs in the beginning just for the hell of it. I hope you all enjoy.
Now, let's move on to the sexiness!
Anubis Annedu Fremoc Pepoi Sadow
Completed by Ekeia:
Laigerick Ryokou-Amor Raiju Kang Shadow Nighthunter Kalon Korwyn Locke
Rayne Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Completed by Ekeia:
Normally, I would take this time to take on questions from the DB in regards to Herald stuff but there is something that has bothered me lately that I wanted to kinda touch on. Strap yourself in, Baby Jesus. It's about to get bumpy.
Since joining the military, I have become fully convinced that there is no such thing as a good "Leadership for Dummies" handbook out there. Leadership principals can be taught but the symbol of a true leader is through his actions and conduct. No one can be taught how to become a good leader. More times than not, good leaders kinda fall into the category without really realizing it. These are the people who motivate us, inspire us, and are an example of who we want to be.
For example, someone who believes that because they have position and rank that they are authorized to do as they feel is the definition of a poor leader. Position and rank does not entitle one to anything. At the end of the day, everyone plays a hand in how things go and in turn entitles them to a measure of power and respect. Leaders are there to encourage, guide, and mentor those working with them to ensure that when their time comes, they set the example and continue striving for excellence in what they do.
I have had the privilege to meet some fantastic leaders and I have unfortunately seen numerous examples of poor leadership both in the DB and in the military. However, those poor examples have either helped strengthen my ideals of a good leader or have taught me how to improve myself. I challenge anyone who wants to be in a position of leadership, (and who's actually gotten this far into my report :p), to think about those who inspire you and ask for their guidance. Believe it or not, I'm sure they won't mind one bit helping those who seek it out.
If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to send me an email or find me in #HRLD_Office you can also ask a question here.
Robes: 213 Lightsabers: 995 Warbanners: 478 Miscellaneous: 128
-DA Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Daimyo of the Keibatsu Bloodline
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Very inspirational thoughts in the ending of your report . :)
Remind me to never do reports by the 1st of each month...because we get INUNDATED.
Other than that, nice report, Shik. The only thing I'd say is please call me Headmaster. Headmistress makes me sound like a Harry Potter character. :P
Headmistress Ronovi it is then.
Screw you, Malik. :P
Arch and Rayne, two of the coolest people in the DB, have two of the coolest blades.
I don't know, dude... Annie's saber is looking mighty handsome right about now...
Also, fine report, Shikster, as always. I'm diggin' both the Legendary sabers and the full custom ones being created. I really enjoyed your Wolfs Den rant, too. Glad to see progress being made by my favorite office in the DB!