Welcome to my first report as Aedile of House Qel-Droma! Tons more Summit changes since my last report for Shadow Gate, including my own in stepping up to HQD Aedile (duh, winning!), of which I hope everyone has figured out by now. ;) I don't feel it necessary to again introduce myself, but if you would like one you can find it on my last report. It's been a fantastic voyage so far and like Shadow Gate, I intend to harness all that energy and create a fun atmosphere for Qel-Droma now...and help Vic keep what's left of his sanity.
House News:
Socorra has moved up to HQD Aedile
Ronovi has moved up to Headmaster of the SA
Fet'ai'narun has stepped down from HQD Rollmaster
Timeros has moved up to Clan Rollmaster
Ninj/Zakath has taken over SG BTL
Kalon has taken over Void BTL
Dash/Teroch has moved back to Soulfire BTL
A huge thank you to Dash for having stepped up to Void BTL until a replacement was found. Kalon has taken over BTL and has been doing an excellent job, recruiting new members into the squadron and getting out some comps. Zakath (known on IRC as Ninj) has also been doing excellent as the new Shadow Gate BTL. I am very thankful to have left SG in such good hands.
Fet'ai'narun has stepped down from HQD RM due to RL circumstances, but we have gained Timeros as Clan Rollmaster once more. Tim was my RM when I was still going through the Journeyman trials, and I know that he will (and already is) doing a fine job. Due to the effort of Tim and Jam3z Entar, we now have a new section on dossiers (Summary tab) for current and former Master and Apprentices.
I'm gonna try and not get all weepy here, but our beloved Ronovi has been appointed the new Headmaster of the Shadow Academy (note Headmaster, not Headmistress!), taking Taig's Dark Council position as he moves to Justicar. I am both sad and proud to see her go. Working with and getting to know Ronnie (she's a BAMF, we all know it) has been a pleasure and I look forward to seeing what she does with the Academy.
Clan News:
Ronovi and Marick have become two of Arcona's esteemed Arconae. Well-deserved!
7 out of 16 combatants in the 2nd Round of the ACC Ladder are Arconans! Arcona is definitely representing, good luck to everyone!
The last of the Feud awards have been given out, and I am simply amazed at how well HQD did! The top 3 individuals (Ronovi, myself, Maaks) were Dromans, and Shadow Gate and Void Squadron certainly represented.
Lastly, I would like to remind everyone that Clan/House/BT communication is done via the Arcona Google Group. Reports and announcements are pushed through there, so if you do not receive these emails, you are missing out on just about everything. If you need assistance getting these emails, we will gladly help you out.
DB News:
Kir has stepped down from Justicar, and Taig has taken his place, with Ronovi succeeding Taig as Headmaster of the SA. Left Hand of Justice and the Appeals Panel are currently open for applications.
Ambitions RO: The VOICE is running a DB-wide Order-based Run-On this month with teams made up of 5 of the same Order. I know that there is a Sith team looking for at least one more person, bug Invictus if you are interested. Otherwise, give a shout out in the Arcona egroup or IRC, and don't be afraid to look outside of the Clan for a group.
New Promotion Guidelines (as announced by Korras): These have now seen a major overhaul, due to ToR being added. Please look them over. A lot of ToR options have been added. It is not mandatory to do ToR only, you can freely mix and match with all the available optionals.
New Competition Guidelines (as announced by Korras): As of right now, if a competition reaches 10 or more participants, the crescent level is raised by one. Obviously, it can never get higher than first level.
There are plenty of DB, Clan, House, and BT competitions going on currently. For a full list of competitions available: Log into the DB site and click "Stuff that matters to me" (clicking this link does it for you).
Workin' Hard Teylas Ramar **: Promoted to Jedi Hunter **Andraste: Promoted to Protector Snabbie: Promoted to Protector Incendus: Promoted to Novice Incendio: Promoted to Apprentice Voices: Promoted to Apprentice
Hardly Workin' ***<dt>Andraste* --Dark Cross ***</dt><dt>Fet'ai'narun* --Anteian Cross ***<dt>Kalon* --Anteian Cross ***</dt><dt>Scelestus* --Anteian Cross ***</dt><dt>Socorra* --Scroll of Indoctrination (for recruiting Scelestus) ***</dt><dt>Zakath* --Dark Cross
Shinies! Kalon --Crescent with Topaz Star Lan --Several Clusters of Fire Scelestus --Several Cluster of Fire --Crescent with Emerald Star x2 Socorra --Several Cluster of Fire --Crescent with Emerald Star --Crescent with Sapphire Star Solus Gar --Several Clusters of Fire --Crescent with Sapphire Star Invictus --Several Clusters of Fire Maaks Erinos --Crescent with Emerald Star --Crescent with Sapphire Star x2 Ramar --Crescent with Topaz Star --Several Clusters of Fire Ronovi --Crescent with Sapphire Star x2 --Crescent with Amethyst Star --Crescent with Quartz Star Droidicus --Several Clusters of Fire Zakath --Crescent with Emerald Star --Several Clusters of Fire
Resident Droman Scholars Mazer: Astronomy Snabbie: Astronomy, ACC Basics, Wiki Basics, Starfighter, Clan Arcona History, Clan Plagueis History, Obelisk Core Incendus: Passed Combat Tactics I, Planets and Stars Andrelious: Passed Test of Power, Wiki Editing
</dt></dt>## TL;DR
Ninj/Zakath: Shadow Gate BTL Kalon: Void Squadron BTL Timeros: Clan Rollmaster Socorra: HQD Aedile Ronovi: Headmaster of the Shadow Academy Do comps like a boss Ramar: Promoted to Jedi Hunter Andraste: Promoted to Protector Snabbie: Promoted to Protector Incendus: Promoted to Novice Incendio: Promoted to Apprentice Voices: Promoted to Apprentice Bunch of Crosses given out for folks to nail themselves to Bunch of Crescents and Clusters of Fire to melt all the snow with Lots of courses to read during snow shut-in-induced cabin fever
Formspring: Using Formspring, you can ask me serious and hilarious questions to which I will reply to in-character. Some "Ask the Aedile" highlights:
Balthier asks: Where do babies come from? Particularly the ugly ones like Sang? _ Socorra replies: _ Well, when a mommy Dark Jedi and a daddy Dark Jedi love each other very much...
Sang asks: What do you really think of Invictus? Socorra replies: Vic is an incredibly intelligent being, and it is refreshing to have a non-Obelisk as a peer for once. He challenges me, and it is very hard to stay one step ahead of him. I like that.
Halc asks: Who is your favorite green-haired member of the DB? Socorra replies: It's a trap!
Parting Words:
I want to give another shout-out to our new Battleteam Leaders. Both Ninj and Kalon have been doing an amazing job with their BTs, and I am seriously thrilled to have them aboard.
Again, I want to wish Ronovi good luck in the DC. We're going to miss you. sniff
Lastly, I am proud to present Ramar's rage comic entry for Sang's new monthly competition:
DJK Socorra Erinos Aedile, House Qel-Droma
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