4.24.12 (35 ABY) <-
Observatory Alabrek Citadel Kar Alabrek, Tarthos
The distant sound of music slowly began to fill the observatory. Seconds later almost two dozen HLAF-500 fighters flew down from above and disappeared behind the vast number of skyscrapers only to reappear and fly off over the ocean. From the highest point of the Citadel Jeric could see the entire Northern Coastline and just about the entire opening ceremony of the Festival.
The meeting with the President didn't go over like Jeric had expected. Locke believe the false threats of riots if the "corrupt" Executive Director was present. Locke requested that Jeric stay put inside the Citadel. The sith wasn't going to have it, he was going to be present at the festival and he was going to enjoy the games. After all it was mainly the citizens of the capital city that were displeased with the Government and the overseeing Corporation.
"Even if I have to sneak right under his nose."Jeric said to himself.
The roar of the crowd signaled to Jeric that the festival had officially begun. The Sith turned and entered the turbo lift. Returning to the main level of the Citadel, Jeric made his way to the throne room. In the distance he could see one of his senior aides running in his direction.
"Sir! Sir!"
"Yes what is it?" Jeric replied.
"Sir I need you to come with me right now, we have a major issue developing in Markosian City."
The two swiftly made their way to the war room. Entering the room a DSF Major approach Jeric and began to brief him.
"Executive Director, we have lost the Green Sector. Rioters have completely looted the area and more than half of the sector is burning. The Yellow Sector is in complete chaos, business owners are fighting against the rioters, most are losing. You have already been told about the Blue Sector, only the hospital stands but its severely overwhelmed. The Red Sectors has been mainly untouched although crime level have gone thru the roof. The Black Sector is in complete lockdown, we do have a battalion of troops stationed there. On your order Sir we will isolate the city and enact martial law." The Major finished his brief as Jeric walked over to the view screens.
Night had fallen but the skies above Markosian City glowed bright orange and red. The Capital had fallen and much of the reconstruction effort had now gone to waste, all on his watch. Jeric had enough, if the citizens thought he was corrupt before they were about to get a taste of just how corrupt the dark side of the force can be.
"Do it. Kill anyone that resists, detain everyone else involved in the riots. No one in or out of the city. They will learn who is in charge around here."
The Major nodded and made his way off to give the orders. Jeric turn to face his aide who look a little shocked. "Now ready me a transport, I'm going to this festival!"
Yet again its report time! Don't worry I'll make this one short.
I hope you all enjoyed the fiction about. HMR's plot line is moving head. Sometime in the beginning of May I'll have a competition that will once again give you all a chance to add to the plot line. There will be few changes to some wiki article, which I will be updating soon. When the updates are done IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ll let you all know.
Biggest news right now, the Festival! It already start and the first three events are in full swing. You can find the three events below:
I hope everyone plans on competition cause I know you all aren't gonna let me win everything ;)
In DB news, since my last report, we had the HRLD Report and HM Report released and the Coders were awarded some very nice sacramental awards. As always for the latest DB news view the main site.
"The night is darkest just before the dawn."
Last reports winners for the "Report Quote" competition are Kairus, our esteemed Consul, and Bob (who sadly is Rouge now). Good jobs guys now give the others a few minutes to find the quote.
My "Quaestor's Present" competition ended not to long ago. I have already chosen the winners and they are Tsainetomo, Tibs, and again Locke. I wanna thank everyone for the birthday wishes and presents. A little treat, below was the winning submission......a lightsaber cane, as pilfered from Peter Mayhew, the original Chewbacca!
As always lots of activity, here are some quick highlights:
Remember each competition you do counts towards Operation Doomtrain and gives you a chance at becoming a member of the blackguard. For a full listing go to the Competitions Page to check them out.
If there is anything anyone needs shoot me an email, I always have my iPhone with me. Remember I do have an open door policy and would be glad to help anyone with anything. I hope you all have fun with the Festival I know I will ;)
His Honor, Sith Battlelord Jeric Cyrin Right Hand of Justice Quaestor of Marka Ragnos
"Those who ask for mercy, are too weak to deserve it."
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