<small>Report #18</small>
It's a Fist report! (Sorry for the delay by like 5 days :P) Except I'm doing a short bit of fiction first. Get a little character development going on, so skip this bit if you guys aren't too interested.
Antei The Spike Fourth level of the GMRG Training Grounds
The grounds were silent. He had spent much of the last several months secluded in the darkened unused fourth echelon's area. He didn't venture outside of the Spike except for meetings with the Dark Council, which he used the underground path between the Spike and the Dark Hall. His staff would come down to the lowest point of the Spike to receive their orders, or report to him about the Royal Guard's training.
Fremoc heard the footfalls of his Praetor, his cousin and one of his apprentices, and the eyes that looked upon the Commander of the Guard knowing that the Fist had orders. "Black ops?" stated Araxis.
"Aye. Assassination. Rogue elements." Fremoc looked up from his desk, the cybernetic eye not hidden by the cloth.
"Feira 'Echoe' Elleiria."
The Praetor nodded, and turned.
This is going to be short and sweet for everyone this month which is going to serve as reminders to some people.
For ToR CF's, always submit screenshots of the quest completions for Araxis and I to award CF's for. Makes things easy to track and make sure it isn't fake.
Muz was asked the other day about other gaming competitions. There are always other gaming competitions and regular DJB gaming is still ongoing. Tiamath is always available to game, so go challenge him.
Also there is the nifty ToR society that Orv coded in a while ago before ToR launched. Would like to remind everyone that is playing ToR to join the ToR society through their admin or the ToR tab, so that we can easily see your Pin. This also helps me with giving people CF's when I feel like being an awesome person and giving you guys CF's for participation.
If you haven't signed up on the djbtor.com website yet, I suggest you guys do. This allows you all to sign up for raids or PvP valor grinds. We have roughly 4 to 5 raid groups going out every week, which is an impressive feat for a guild in a MMO considering most guild only have 1 primary raid group with another secondary one.
Since 1.2 came out, we have our guild banks across all three guilds. The main Sith guild has currently 4 tabs. First tab is gear, second is for items that can be stacked, third is for schematics/missions/lower end mods, and finally the fourth tab is a officer request tab, where you need to ask an officer to pull the item out for you. The fourth tab contains Rakata level mods, orange gear, or high end crafting materials. With the guild bank though, we are able to have guild funds. We currently have around 800k, which fluctuates each week with our members using the bank to repair their gear or respec. Currently there is a small allowance for everyone, and sometimes doesn't cover repairs because it's such a small allowance. I would like to increase this sometime in the future, so donate your credits when you can. I also want to give a shout out to Jac and Varoth for donating a million credits each to the bank to assist with acquiring some of the tabs.
Lastly, we have PvP leaders, Raid leaders, and Liaisons. If anyone is interested in these positions, take a look at the information on the wiki for these positions, and send Araxis and I an email.
Duel of Fates: 1. Teylas Ramar 2. Solus Gar
Weekly Operations: 1. Kalia Phoenix 2. Darth Sarin 3. Amagon Honorable Mention Varoth
Active Competitions for this month:
Black Talon HM - Overkill Round 2 - Unbreakable Round 2 Jedi Knight Ladder #3 BF2: Lost in Space #2 TOR Pic-off #2 ToR PvP Weekly: Spoils of War
GMRG Breakdown Total Members: 136 Rank 1: 105 Rank 2: 6 Rank 3: 3 Rank 4: 11 Rank 5: 5 Rank 6: 1 Rank 7: 3 Rank 8: 1 Rank 9: 0 Rank 10: 0 Rank 11: 1
For full stats go here.
For a list of the commands in #dbgaming either do !help, or click here.
TL:DR -Send screenies when you submit for ToR CF's -Regular gaming still active -ToR and regular gaming Comps -Sign up with the ToR society -Guild banks are up -The Fist wrote Fiction?!
Like always, hit me up in an email ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), here, or on IRC for any questions, comments or concerns.
-Primarch Fremoc Pepoi Sadow Fist of the Brotherhood Son of Sadow
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