<font size="4"> The young mother sat in a dark room alone like she had for weeks now. Only two were ever allowed into the room, her husband Destavol and her Flight Leader Cable. Maybe this had gone too far but Kaira could not see a future and that scared her. The Lightwalkers leader had been deep in mediation since she had gone into solitude. The only orders she had given to her team at all was to do what the house wanted from them.
After Jiâs death the team was broken, defeated and nothing Kaira could say would change that. Almost everyone on the team felt that if they had done more that day Ji might still be with us. Their job had been to guard and protect and they all felt as if they let their house and Leadership down that day. Still they went on unlike Kaira who went missing almost at once. It was hard enough to deal with the death of their Quaestor but to also have to deal with no leader to their team was harder.
It was only a few short weeks later that they got the call to guard the Rollmasters find, the Chamber of Antiquities. The job was simple but so had been the job to guard the house and leadership which they felt they failed on. Kaira gave Cable a quick schedule of when she wanted people on duty and who to pair with whom. With the stress already high, she knew the team wouldnât mind what she felt was an easy task for them. She also sent them a message that Jiâs death was not the teams fault but the will of the Force and if she had any more reports of them dwelling on this she would have them removed from the team.
Kaira had taken her own shift of guard duty to be late at night with Cable. She was going to take the shift that was the hardest to do for most of them would want to sleep not be fully awake. It would give her time to reflect on her mediation with Cable as her sounding board. He was easy for her to talk to and he didnât try to give her too much insight other then it was time to come out and greet the world once more.</font>
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<font color="#5A9EEC"><font size="4"> Well as you all know the battleteam has been a bit dead as of late. I am going to do something different starting today. There are no requirement that you have to do anything in a month however. There will be battlteam contests that said I would like it if you try to do a contest. Any site activity is counted as activity if you play in ToR then that is activity. I would like to see that each member of the team is doing one DB thing a month that can be anything. It can be sitting on irc chatting with people just make sure I know you are around.
If I send out a battleteam email asking what you did this month tell me. I just want to keep the lines of computation open. If you have questions or worries tell me in an email or grab me on irc.
As you can already see we have fiction that relates to what is going on with the house. Our next contest will be geard to that topic. The house is a bit quite over all lately. I hope activity in some ways picks up soon.
House new is we will soon have a new Quaestor.
Battleteam Roster Elleron Agnan Cassandra Guinevere Voden Cable Lelila
If you are on this list and feel it is a misstate please ask to be taken off the team. If you are not on the team but wish to be let me know so that you can be added to the team. </font>
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<font color="#571B7e">Battleteam:</font> <font color="#FF6600">Lightwalkers: Day of Drollery</font>
<font color="#571B7e">House</font> <font color="#FF6600">Symbol Of Knowledge</font> <font color="#FF6600">The Lessons of a Jedi</font>
<font color="#571B7e">Brotherhood</font> <font color="#FF6600">Quick and Easy 4</font> <font color="#FF660">[DJB] Holy Grail</font> <font color="#FF6600">[VOICE] Inprisonment - Part I</font> <font color="#FF6600">[VOICE] Trial by Justicar </font>
<font color="#571B7e">Brotherhood Gaming</font> <font color="#FF6600">[FIST] BF2: Lost in Space #2</font> <font color="#FF6600">Jedi Kinight Ladder #3</font> <font color="#FF6600">[Three\'s a Crowd] Black Talon HM</font> <font color="#FF6600">[Warzone] â Overkill Round 2</font> <font color="#FF6600">[Warzone] - Unbreakable Round 2</font>
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<font color="#5A9EEC"><font size="4"> Short and sweet I hope. Will be watching </font>
<font color="#571B7e"><font size="4">KE Kaira Rohana (Sentinel)/CMDR/Odan-Urr [GMRG: I] [ACC: CL:1] AK / SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoA / AC-ToSH / DC-SP / SN-BL / BN-AuL / Cr-1D-2R-16A-28S-45E-19T-14Q / PoB-BL / CF-WF / CI / SI-BL / LS / SoL-TC / S:-21U-12B-9De-4Ret-21Dec {SA: DMW - DMP - DMGH - DMF - DSWP}</font></font></font></p></p></font></p>
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