Herald Report


Herald Report

Courtyard Misahide Castle Kyataru

Naga Sadow, Arcona, Taldryan, and Odan-Urr. Shikyo never believed that they would all be connected even after that fateful day in San Korinar. The Jedi was blazing a trail through Brotherhood space and not only did the thought bring some measure of fear to the Elder but that fear led to uncontrollable anger for not being able to contain the situation. He was one step behind or one minute too late. It was bad enough to know that his former flame had not only believed the lies of the Light but she was instigating matters deep within his own domain.

What had made the situation more disturbing was the intel gathered that she was preparing a move on Kyataru. Sitting upon his mahogany crafted throne, the Wolf of Kyataru pondered ways of preparing for the incoming storm. Head resting upon his chin, the Elder nearly missed the presence of his wife moving from behind him, fingertips tracing over the intricately carved detailing.

"Shik, you haven't moved from that spot for a couple of hours. What's wrong?"

The Herald smirked, switching trains of thought as he briefly remembered the battles and missions he had recently been engaged in. They almost seemed like blessing more so than his previous thoughts.

"Something is coming to Kyataru... Something that even I am not certain I can hold back."

Brushing her fingers across the man's jawline, the Kiffar smirked before the sound of hard soles on polished stone broke the silence of the courtyard. With a slight nod, Katsuhide removed his helmet and directed his glance at Elysia.

"Ma'am, your presence has been requested in Inazawa. We have a speeder ready when you are."

Elysia sighed softly before turning back to her husband.

"It's the jewelers. Be back soon, dear."

With a smile and a bounce, Shikyo watched the woman's hips sway to and fro like a predator waiting to pounce. As he savored the primal delights before him, a vision struck the Elder in such a way that he felt as though he were smacked across the face by a Gammorean. He was standing on the bridge of a ship, feeling as though there was hope for his home once more. As he watched the ships before him move like insects serving the hive, he thought he heard a voice softly whisper his name. Turning sharply, the Kyataran found himself in a frozen valley surrounded by mountains on either side of him.

Pulling his robes closer to him, the sharp winds and the bitter cold sprung forth a tower made from what initially appeared to be obsidian. However, something felt strangely foreign about the monolith to the point that it sent an uneasy sensation throughout the Krath. As he watched the sun set over the black tower, a low snarl caught the attention of the Keibatsu instantly. Reaching for his saber and spinning on his heels, the creature moved too fast for the Herald's reflexes as it grabbed him. Staring deep into the abomination's gaping maw, the cold and certain hand of death eased him in until the smell of cherry blossoms snapped Sasuke from his vision.

Gasping for breath and falling on one knee, a couple of Nihilgenia rushed to the aide of their commander. With a simple wave, Shikyo slowly began to come to his senses and pondered the meaning of his vision. The Dark Adept wasted no time in acting, turning to the nearest guardsman as he brought himself upright.

"Get me the Lion on the secured Holonet. Something tells me that I will be in need of his guidance."

Please, do not send a request to me via my Gmail account. I will not be able to receive it. If you send any HRLD-related request to my Gmail, it will get lost in the mass amount of emails I already have. Please send all HRLD-related questions and requests to my Praetor, Ekeia Iclo, until I am officially off my Leave of Absence.

So, I was really excited about finally designing my first Golden Lightsaber and for the first person to receive the award who had not received the rank of GM... and then Kir decided to be all hardcore and become the second person to receive the award weapon. So after pointing out in the previous report that Yacks was now no longer the only member to receive the award without becoming GM, I had to rectify that. So thank you Kir for your hard service and giving me the chance to develop another Golden Lightsaber!

Secondly, I was approached by Tsainetomo (Sai or Afro as known by the rest of us) to design a lightsaber that had an unstable lightsaber blade, as seen previously in The Force Unleashed. Now my initial thought led to a lightning-wrapped blade, which is a Grand Master perk only and I was tempted to decline it. Long story short, I decided to do it, came up with a new, badass look to the saber and have decided to allow this kind of design available to members who have reached the rank of Equite 4 or higher. Why? Because if anyone has the ability to control sabers like these, I believe that this level would be able to do so. There will be one catch to this additional perk. It will only be allowed for single hilt requests. In order to dual wield unstable lightsabers, one will have to reach the rank of Dark Jedi Master.

Third, I am on the search of someone who can work on a lot of menial yet important-to-me tasks. This will require adding new lightsabers and robes to our current Wiki page, cleaning up links on the Wikipedia, as well as working on some fictional background work for the Herald's Office. While this is extremely tedious and bland work, this is the kind of stuff that needs to get done, helps with potential awards, and creates a foothold for future work. If anyone is interested in helping out, please send your applications to Ekeia Iclo. I will be reviewing the information as well but not through my Gmail account hence why I have not asked for applications to be sent there. The deadline for this will be 16 June 2012.

For this report's Legendary saber, I decided to re-create the weapon that helped to develop the Rule of Two. I hope you all enjoy the lightsaber of Darth Bane.

I've been wanting to do a run-on that really kind of tested Shikyo in every way imaginable: physically, mentally, spiritually, and as a Force-sensitive. I've had an idea for the longest time on how I wanted to do that but after a halt on the initial RO and reading over the previous report fiction, I found something else that could incorporate everything I was looking for and then some. I have a couple of people in mind for this and I can't wait to kick this off!

Now, let's move on to the sexiness!

Completed by Ekeia:

Ginnafae Delacor Atra Ventus Fistandantilusi Kalia Phoenyx Anigrel

Kir Taldrya Katarn Xia Long Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow

Way back in December, I went on a Leave of Absence because I was preparing to go on deployment for the U.S. Navy. I initially planned for a 5 month deployment and like all best laid plans; it didn't work out as well as I expected it to. We have been extended a couple of times however I am happy to announce that the end is drawing closer and I expect my presence online to increase in the near future.

This will be interesting to say the least for me because the DB has grown quite a bit since I've disappeared and a lot has changed. However, I hope that you all will continue to provide me with more feedback to improving the graphic quality of this site, as well as potential perks that we can look to provide the members of the Brotherhood.

I humbly apologize for my extended lack of presence to both the Dark Council and most importantly to the members of the Brotherhood. I promise you that I have been keeping active in regards to various projects, such as the Face Selector and Herald Style Hanukkah, in addition to my upcoming milestone of longest reigning HRLD. My plan is to have five items for everyone for each year of service. So far, I have three items completed with one on the drawing board and another one in the planning stages.

If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to send me an email or find me in #HRLD_Office you can also ask a question here.

Robes: 231 Lightsabers: 1,077 Warbanners: 493 Miscellaneous: 194

-DA Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Daimyo of the Keibatsu Bloodline

based off the imagery of the woman in your report, I can believe that you've been out at sea for a little while, sailor :P

Kick ass saber for Sai Even more motivation to get off my lazy ass and get those promo-points going

Yacks, you have no idea! Cannot wait to hit port! :D

For everyone else, please let myself (when I get back) or Ekeia know what else wecan do for potential promo perks!

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