The Commander sat in his office, Looking over the past weeks accomplishments and he nodded with pride, Knowing that his self as well as the Team, is doing their job. <p> <p> <p> NEWS: This week has been a pretty quiet. Origins is winding to a close. The Run On is over. One last Chapter to go. YAY! lol. Expect "Judgement" to start up either tomorrow or Monday. I need to get with our Flight Leaders to See how we are going to do it.
Great Risks and To The Man ended a while ago and Im pleased to announce that Furios and Fistan took 1st place. Furios for Great Risk and Fistan for To The man. Medals will be Requested shortly.
With the Run On portion of Origins done. The History can be written. We will get started on this as soon as we can. I will be sending out a e-mail to the team when Im ready to get it started.
We have a new member...who has yet to request the transfer into the team :P I would like everyone to welcome Octavia to Primus Pilus. I Know her well. We both fought in many wars and vendettas together. shes a toughie. She can help us greatly. Welcome to The Blade Ma'am.
Really other then that, thats all I really have to report right now. Im really proud of all of yall. Because of everyone's hard work. Clan-hood is on the horizon. I can see it. We all just have to push alittle bit more. Get our numbers up and stay active. By staying active I want to remind yall that the summit are not the only ones who makes competitions. Anyone can request one. Just run it by us 1st and if we approve..go for it.
<p> <p> <p>
<p> <p> <p> COMPETITIONS: None At The Moment. Lets see if we cant change that, hmm? <p> <p> <p>
<p> <p> CLOSING: Well, As yall can see I spruced up my report some. I love my dividers, I used these on my AED reports for Exar Kun, But my Banner could use some work. If someone wants to make me one that would be cool :D hint hint wink wink.
other then that, I hope everyone has a Fun and safe Memorial day. Those of yall who are in the Military. Thanks for doing what yall do. <salute>
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