Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Halls of the Shadow Academy Lyspair

Scelestus turned from the holo terminal, hardly able to believe the message that he had just received from the Consul of Arcona, himself. Even in the blue, diffuse light of the hologram, the Dragon of Selen was an imposing figure. Even more daunting was what he had relayed to the Dark Jedi Knight. The summit of Arcona had decided to entrust him with the position of Gate Warden of the Shadow Gate Battle Team. He was now responsible for the group of operatives tasked with intelligence gathering and enacting the will of the Shadow Clan. He had to trust that they were correct about his suitability for the job, though only time would tell. One thing he knew for certain...he would not fail from lack of effort. Having decided this, he turned back to his desk to craft the missive that would inform the others of the new change in leadership.

Greetings, Shadow Gate. As you have probably gathered at this point, I have been appointed the new leader of the battleteam. I thank Zakath for his excellent service, and the summit for the opportunity. I am going to keep this short and sweet. I won't repeat the old platitudes of we'll be active, and it will be fun, althougth these things are true. I will say that I am here for the sole job of making your time in SG as profitable as you want it to be. I am here for you, and my email is always open, so please share your thoughts, concerns, ideas, criticisms, what have you. A couple of you have already replied with some competition ideas and that is wonderful. I hope to hear from all of you soon. I will have some competitions up soon for you to work on, and of course let me know if you would like to do any fiction writing, either in the form of an ACB contract or other means, and I will make that happen.

To sum up: Scelestus is new Gate Warden Thanks to Zakath Email me with ideas Comps up soon

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