<p> _The Commander, while walking back from the latest meeting with the summit, was replaying all subjects back in his head over and over again.
"I cant beleive it" Kuro said while shaking his head in disbelief
The Commander made it back to his office, and sat down at his desk. Looking around the room, he saw all his awards, war photos. Many memories were made over the years, all done for his true home, Plagueis.
The Obelisk changed from the reminiscing stare to serious. Kogarasu stood up and walked over to a section of wall that had little on it. Rearranging the frames to make more room.
"going to need this spot soon"
Once satisfied, the Templar walked back to his desk and sat down. Flipping through files and papers, all stamped with big bold red letters on the cover pages, "CLASSIFIED". There was so much that needed to be done and no time to waste. "Break is over, now its time to get back to work." he thought.
Will Kuro be able to concentrate knowing whats just beyond the... Horizon?_ <p> <p> <p>
<p> <p> NEWS: ORIGINS IS DONE! thats right yall, the Long and stretched out Origins as concluded. It turned out pretty well. Just like every Great team or group, There is a beginning. Time to make history now.
Furios and Kodias started a e-mail thread, most of yall SHOULD of gotten it and replied. It is covering each individual event from Origins. The thread is a survey on how well, or poorly, the event was ran, promoted, built, ect. break it down and Tell us what you think. It starts with Unrest. some of yall were not there so we dont expect you to reply to that one, but from Oath to Judgement, I expect to see everyone's responses. These responses will help us create and run more entertaining and better executed events in the future. So yalls replies ARE important. Expect a reminder from one of them shortly, if not from myself.
Yall had a nice little break, now its back to work. There is a HUGH event coming up soon and its not what yall may think. Despite all this "Classified" hints and stuff that was going on in the e-mails. (kinda hard to keep something a secret when yall keep talking about it.) We need to get ready... All of us.
We need to be ready for Horizons, so lets get started. There will be major changes, but I know we will Adapt to them and make them our strength. From there, we will be Ascending into a new level of Kickassary (sure, its a word) And after rigorous training, we WILL Avail over our enemy's. <p> <p> <p>
<p> <p> COMPETITIONS: Kal is hosting some ACC training classes for the house. Lesson one has finished up, as far as i understand. Lesson two should be starting up shortly. those of us who signed up at the start of lesson one should get an e-mail from kal about the start of lesson two. He is alittle tied up at the moment, working on a million and a half things all at once. he is really trying to earn that paycheck lol. Everyone should try taking a page out of his book. "Never to busy" Him and I work about the same amount of hours a week and STILL manage to keep a constant presence here in our DB world. so really, there should be no excuse to not replying to e-mails, participating in comps. stuff like that.
As far as Primus Pilus Comps. there are none at the moment, but yall can Expect at lease two, commencing shortly. I need to make a few calls about them 1st (by calls, I mean e-mails)
Till we hear about the Comps for us, I have a Job for EVERYONE to do on the wiki page. These jobs have been assigned randomly, you WILL have to do these. two reasons. one, its good practice for those of you who aint wiki friendly at the moment. and for two, because I said so. If you have any questions about the job you were assigned, please ask and I will help you out.
I will be, and currently, working on summarizing Oath and Ambush
Furios: Summarize Brethren
Kodias: Summarize Judgment ( I will send you the winning submission, and explain this one more with you)
Octavia: Edit the Current members section, I like the names and the little snip-its for each, but the ID lines? they got to go. I would like to see a time line for each member. Example. Kuro - 05-12-12 to present "insert words here" Furios 02-12-12 to present "insert words here" and so on. you will probably have to do some research on these for find the dates. check their history's for unit transfers. If you can find the dates, as them and see if they remember.
Gon Doru: Create a section for past and current Commanders. like a timeline sort of deal. example.. Unus - 34ABY to 35ABY Kal - 35ABY to 35ABY Kuro 35ABY to Present
Not necessarily that, but you get the Idea, you will probably have to do some research on how to find dates or times. Real life dates would be better. Search Unus and Kals History's for position changes.
Nariah: as you are the new member and pretty out of the loop of things here, you can help Zuser. Since he is having to make a whole page, Im sure your help would be appreciated. Please get with him and find out what it is you can do. (as my student, I will remember this effort for your trials)
Zuser: Create a details/stats page for the Chaser. include stats, an image or two, and a brief history on how we acquired the Chaser and why you became its first and Only pilot. (If for some reason you retire..the Chaser will retire as well :D )
Once you have made the info page for the Chaser, have all "Chaser" words be a link to that page. if you dont know how to make a link, holler at me and Ill let you know (i will have to find out lol)
Varoth, Mograine and Unus (Ka'Hava'Ve) are on LOA, well not Unus, but he dont really count. more like an Honorary member since its his group anyways :P
Once all of these edits and stuff are done, the page SHOULD be up to date. All these MUST be done by June 30th. If you are struggling at getting your job done in time, get with someone who is done and ask them to help you. Again, This MUST be done before Horizons. <p> <p> <p>
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