Aedile Report


Aedile Report


Hello! I am Teh Legz! Pleasure to be making you serve me!

But on a slightly less serious note, hi, I am Legz, and it is my great honor to be afforded the privilege of being your Aedile. I have done a few laps around this block, and originally started in Galeres before doing stints in Qel-Droma as Aedile and Quaestor. It is great to be back! I am ready to join all of you in kicking major ass.

Some personal info: I am from Philly, heading to DC in the fall to study history and political science, and I will forever be 13 to every DB member who has been here longer than a few weeks. I am also stunningly handsome and athletic, and my 18th birthday was the most eagerly-awaited event in Arcona since...well, forever.

You will see me around on IRC as either Legz or Legorii, and I am always up for helping/talking/whatever, so just shoot me a PM or hit me up in-channel. I love to ACC, and I will fight any challengers - I say fight because 'viciously and remorselessly annihilate' is simply too many syllables. My match with the esteemed GM Sarin (Pravus?) is getting underway right now.

I am just getting this short report out as an introduction, but Sanguinius will be following up with a whopper of a report as soon as the Operation: Rolling Thunder grading is completed, full of rewards and praises and awesome new ideas and competitions. I just want to say thank you to everyone who participated - I know I had a blast competing, and I hope that you did too. With the Horizons vendetta coming up in the fall, we have to be at our best to ensure that the rest of the Clouses are still clearly behind us in the pecking order. Look sharp.


Believe it or not, that is all for now! Participate in competitions, mock each other gently on IRC, and be patient with your new Aedile!

Thanks guys, I am really looking forward to working with all of you. Take care!

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