Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

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Cethgus stood in the meeting room; it has been only a few weeks since he had taken command of the squad but the amount of pressure and time in simulators his team had gone through was one that not many people would have been able to keep up with. Looking around as the Exarch watched the team assemble at the overly long desk, taking their seats as the board behind him glistened with readings from the simulator. Looking as the Iridonian noticed the new addition to their team walk through the door and take a seat near the very end of the table.

“So as of the new addition, I want us all to continue in the simulators, we still have a lot of work to do before we are fully combat efficient after all screw up in the simulator and your fine, screw up on the day you won’t be so fortunate.” Cethgus voice was cold as the truth of the words rang to the group.

As he looked at the group he shook his head slightly annoyed with the progress they were making, though it was good it wasn’t fast enough for the Exarch. He wanted to see more and quicker than ever but for now he knew that he had given them harder flight missions to complete in the simulator, which for now would be enough to make sure they did what was required. Leaving the clipboards by each of them as he walked out of the room, standing in the door way he left them with one final note.

“Simulators in 15” With those final words from the Exarch he was gone once more.

…………………. News

Right, so first up is that a few more reports have come out from the Dark Council so I recommend that everyone gets a chance to give these a read as soon as possible to make sure that they are up to date with everything that is happening at this current moment in time inside of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, so when you get a couple of minutes look on the main page.

I’ll keep the news part of this quick and simple, at the moment we are currently running the Trials of Loyalty which I have seen most of you have signed yourselves up for which is great news. This is a team even and I know that you have already been paired up with the teams, but I will stress a few small things, each of you are representing the House and Team as well as the Clan, so of course what I need you to do is simply make sure that you do every event as it effects your team. Keep up the activity guys and make sure that you all do the best of your abilities in these events.

Medals & Promotions

Right, so as the event is currently running I didn’t expect to see many medals come out from the team but we have a few and I would like to take this chance to thank anyone who did put in the gaming side of things and receive medals, as well as those who continue to try hard to do competitions. I know with the event we will see more medals being produced, and keep the hard work up in the future guys, so without further comments the following medals have been awarded:

Invictus – 59 CF’s, Crescent with Ruby Star Darth Pravus – 24 CF’s, Crescent with Sapphire Star Snabbi – Crescent with Topaz Star Kalon – Anteian Cross Cethgus – 6 CF’s

_ Antei Combat Centre_

Right so onto the subject of the ACC, I know that we need to take the time and get familiar with this, and for that I’m hoping that everyone is able to make sure that they get a chance to participate in the ACC. So make sure that if you have even the slightest amount of free time grab someone and give them a good run for their money in the ACC, if you need any help of just want to have a friendly game then please feel free to come along and grab me I have no issue in giving you a hand at any point in time.

Shadow Academy

Now onto the Shadow Academy, though some of you think what’s the point in doing exams once you get past DJK, well its simple really it’s still a nice way to keep activity up, plus as James made me take the HTML course, though I had an internet issue and was unable to complete it I grabbed the basic is on HTML, so I strongly suggest that if there is something out there that you feel like doing or maybe just picking up a new skill then go for it and just remember that it will be worth it in the long run.


Right as you can see a lot of you have been gaming and of course, I have to say it like it is we are rocking things up and a big one goes out to Vic and Darth Pravus on racking up an amazing job on gaming so far. But let’s keep it up and make sure that we continue to do an amazing job in this field after all I know what most of you have experience in this field so let’s get out there and try our harder’s to make sure that we continue to participate in gaming.

_ Competitions _

Jedi Knight Ladder #6:

Retro Gaming Nights: Dark Forces 2 – Jedi Knight:

BF2 Smack Down:

Fist: Curbstomp the Gamers 3:

ToR: Quick and Easy:

Dozen of Games Round 11:



Team Name/Logo:


_ Last Thoughts_

So I know that you all have done well so far and I am proud to see so many of you active, but this event is where it’s at, let’s get ourselves fired up and continue into week two doing the best we can, I am going to keep my eye on you, I know that each of you want to achieve the best you can and I will leave you with these two words:

Arcona Invicta

Cethgus Tiberus Entar Battle Team Leader of Void Squadron

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