<div class="post-report"><div class="header">## Office of the Seneschal Report
<div class="divider">### News
So, I figured it is about time a SCL report was posted. Unfortunately though, most of the stuff I'm working on is classified, so the remainder of this report will be in code.
Re, anar arsoe'lh ola res ommekag se laog swyh...
Abj gung jr xabj jub lbh ner, V xabj jub V nz. V'z abg n zvfgnxr! Vg nyy znxrf frafr! Va n pbzvp, lbh xabj ubj lbh pna gryy jub gur nepu-ivyynva'f tbvat gb or? Ur'f gur rknpg bccbfvgr bs gur ureb. Naq zbfg gvzrf gurl'er sevraqf, yvxr lbh naq zr! V fubhyq'ir xabja jnl onpx jura... Lbh xabj jul, Qnivq? Orpnhfr bs gur xvqf. Gurl pnyyrq zr Ze Tynff.
Abeznyyl, obgu lbhe nffrf jbhyq or qrnq nf shpxvat sevrq puvpxra, ohg lbh unccra gb chyy guvf fuvg juvyr V'z va n genafvgvbany crevbq fb V qba'g jnaan xvyy lbh, V jnaan uryc lbh. Ohg V pna'g tvir lbh guvf pnfr, vg qba'g orybat gb zr. Orfvqrf, V'ir nyernql orra guebhtu gbb zhpu fuvg guvf zbeavat bire guvf pnfr gb unaq vg bire gb lbhe qhzo nff.
Jryy, gur jnl gurl znxr fubjf vf, gurl znxr bar fubj. Gung fubj'f pnyyrq n cvybg. Gura gurl fubj gung fubj gb gur crbcyr jub znxr fubjf, naq ba gur fgeratgu bs gung bar fubj gurl qrpvqr vs gurl'er tbvat gb znxr zber fubjf. Fbzr cvybgf trg cvpxrq naq orpbzr gryrivfvba cebtenzf. Fbzr qba'g, orpbzr abguvat. Fur fgneerq va bar bs gur barf gung orpnzr abguvat.
Ybbx, whfg orpnhfr V qba'g or tviva' ab zna n sbbg znffntr qba'g znxr vg evtug sbe Znefryyhf gb guebj Nagjbar vagb n tynff zbgureshpxva' ubhfr, shpxva' hc gur jnl gur avttre gnyxf. Zbgureshpxre qb gung fuvg gb zr, ur orggre cnenylmr zl nff, 'pnhfr V'yy xvyy gur zbgureshpxre, xabj jung V'z fnlva'?
Lbh guvax jngre zbirf snfg? Lbh fubhyq frr vpr. Vg zbirf yvxr vg unf n zvaq. Yvxr vg xabjf vg xvyyrq gur jbeyq bapr naq tbg n gnfgr sbe zheqre. Nsgre gur ninynapur, vg gbbx hf n jrrx gb pyvzo bhg. Abj, V qba'g xabj rknpgyl jura jr ghearq ba rnpu bgure, ohg V xabj gung frira bs hf fheivirq gur fyvqr... naq bayl svir znqr vg bhg. Abj jr gbbx na bngu, gung V'z oernxvat abj. Jr fnvq jr'q fnl vg jnf gur fabj gung xvyyrq gur bgure gjb, ohg vg jnfa'g. Angher vf yrguny ohg vg qbrfa'g ubyq n pnaqyr gb zna.
Zl zbarl'f va gung bssvpr, evtug? Vs fur fgneg tvivat zr fbzr ohyyfuvg nobhg vg nva'g gurer, naq jr tbg gb tb fbzrcynpr ryfr naq trg vg, V'z tbaan fubbg lbh va gur urnq gura naq gurer. Gura V'z tbaan fubbg gung ovgpu va gur xarrpncf, svaq bhg jurer zl tbqqnza zbarl vf. Fur tbaan gryy zr gbb. Url, ybbx ng zr jura V'z gnyxvat gb lbh, zbgureshpxre. Lbh yvfgra: jr tb va gurer, naq gung avttn Jvafgba be nalobql ryfr vf va gurer, lbh gur svefg zbgureshpxre gb trg fubg. Lbh haqrefgnaq?
Gur cngu bs gur evtugrbhf zna vf orfrg ba nyy fvqrf ol gur vavdhvgvrf bs gur frysvfu naq gur glenaal bs rivy zra. Oyrffrq vf ur jub, va gur anzr bs punevgl naq tbbq jvyy, furcureqf gur jrnx guebhtu gur inyyrl bs qnexarff, sbe ur vf gehyl uvf oebgure'f xrrcre naq gur svaqre bs ybfg puvyqera. Naq V jvyy fgevxr qbja hcba gurr jvgu terng iratrnapr naq shevbhf natre gubfr jub jbhyq nggrzcg gb cbvfba naq qrfgebl Zl oebguref. Naq lbh jvyy xabj Zl anzr vf gur Ybeq jura V ynl Zl iratrnapr hcba gurr.
<div class="divider">### SCL Q&A
Q: Socorra asks: WHY ARE THERE CGI ERRORS? (just kidding)
A: Mainly because the server sucks... Without going into technicalities, the site currently is a mixture of several programming languages mixed together, neither of which runs entirely stable. This causes the server's memory to fill up and start causing CGI errors. The frequency of these will increase and increase up to the point where we poke Jac to harass the hosting company to reboot the server, which fixes the problem (if only for a short while). In order to move over to a new and more stable server, we first need to convert everything to one language so we can use a server that provides stable support for that one language, instead of doing a half-baked job for several.
Q: Lenzar asks: Would it be possible to link the Wiki, Fora and website itself all under one login?
Actually, that's being worked on, see the projects section for more information.
Q: TR asks: We've been told that there's a posessions system coming for some time, but some people don't understand what the delay is. Can you provide a simplified breakdown of what's involved in the coding to make people understand why it's a hard, time consuming project?
_Speaking in the words of our wise Grand Master:
_<pre>19:20 <@Muz> <scl> Goddamnit, Muz. I'll get to it when we finish unborking the site. :P</scl></pre>
Basically, everything I currently add to the site will increase the number of CGI errors you will see. So making a choice between constant CGI errors and being unable to view the fancy new possessions system and first fixing the site and then coding the possessions system, I think you can imagine what our choice was. :P
<div class="divider">### Closing Remarks
Well, that's it guys... Sorry I can't tell you more.
P.S. I'd like to thank Orv for this report layout, which I shamelessly borrowed :)</div>
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Great report or Greatest Report?
I second the Halc.
Finest collection of Samuel L. Jackson quotes I've seen in a while. I love the addition of Deep Blue Sea lines, a very underrated movie IMO, and Unbreakable is an of un-quoted film, which is sad, probably M. Knight's best.