Fellow Shar Dakhanians, I know it has been a loooong time since a formal report has come out, fortunately that makes for interesting reading as there is a great deal to report on. First and foremost, Horizons, we did not exactly shine coming out of that event. It turns out it was a bad time of year for most of our members and truth be told any leader will tell you Real Life does come before the DJB. Following the events of Horizons the leaders of Clan Naga Sadow (and some Council Members) have come together for our re-structuring effort. You may have noticed by now that yours truly has been appointed the Quaestor of House Shar Dakhan, and that the position of Aedile has been for the time being deactivated. With Aediles gone, the Battle teams have been reinstated. Our own Roxas Buurenaar has been made Sergeant of our for now unnamed Battle team. Check your emails for his invite, all it takes is a response from you to join and become an active, competitive member.
I have decided not to include available competitions on my monthly reports, starting tomorrow, December 3, 2012, I will put out a mailer at the beginning of each week with all competitions available to us at that time.
Quaestor Challenge of the Month:
This will be coming soon. Expect to see something in an email this month as at the moment I cannot initiate the challenge.
I'm going to be honest, this took a little while to get together. Three months of achievements is no simple feat to keep track of in Shar Dakhan. You all deserve the recognition and applause that I extend thusly:
Macron Goura Sadow Cluster of Ice Seal of Loyalty Legion of the Scholar X 3
Malik Crescent w/ Quartz Star Pendant of Blood X 2 Cluster of Fire X119 Dark Cross Crescent w/ Emerald Star Seal of Affliction X 7 Anteian Cross
Robert Sadow Crescent w/ Sapphire Star Dark Cross
Mirado Pepoi L'eonheart Grand Cross Cluster of Ice Dark Cross Seal of Loyalty Seal of Affliction
Kairus Dark Cross Cluster of Fire X 32 Crescent w/ Emerald Star
Roxas Buurenaar Dark Side Scroll Anteian Cross X 2 Cluster of Ice Crescent w/Quartz Star X 2 Seal of Affliction X 6
Necronomicon Crescent w/ Sapphire Star Crescent w/ Ruby Star Cluster of Fire X 515 Pendant of Blood X 4 Bronze Nova Seal of Affliction X 2
Crescent w/ Topaz Star
Cluster of Fire X 43
Pendant of Blood
Seal of Affliction
Masika Oshairana Crescent w/ Amethyst Star Crescent w/Emerald Star Anteian Cross
godarrow Cluster of Fire X 480 Pendant of Blood X 6 Crescent w/ Emerald Star Crescent w/ Sapphire Star Dark Cross
Busik Cluster of Fire X 140 Pendant of Blood
Comalies Cluster of Fire X 912 Pendant of Blood X 12
Chyort Cluster of Fire X 82
HeavyHammer Cluster of Fire X 465 Crescent w/ Topaz Star Pendant of Blood X 5
Amid all these shinies I know there have been some promotions, most recent our very own Macron who has achieved the elder rank of Dark Side Adept. I am almost positive amongst the hundreds of medal emails I saw another promotion or two, please shout out to me in the House mailer if its so...you are no less celebrated.
In conclusion to this quarter woth of information, I would like to say I see good things coming up in the future. We have a chance to redeem ourselves next week in the next Clan event. I urge any and everyone to join Roxas in the Battleteam, he will help motivate you in all upcoming competitions. He is going to push hard, but the effort put forth will be that much more rewarded. Also, if you see Atra around make sure to congratulate him, it has been official for awhile but our former QUA has moved up to serve as PCON on the Naga Sadow Summit.
TL:DR - Nope. Please read
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