Welcome to the first of my monthly reports as Aedile of Plaguies. Since I've got a lot to cover and many of you already know me, I'll skip the normal "Let me introduce myself" slop and get right down to business (However, if you don't know me and want to know more, feel free to accost me on IRC, email, chat, etc.). Also, sadly no report fiction at this time. The reason for that, however, is because there is currently an amazing piece of mondo-fiction being composed to start addressing the new direction for Plagueis fictionally. Which of course brings us to our first item: ## Project NuPlagueis</h2 style="color:#ffb400;">
Anyone that's read Tra'an's epilogue fiction for Beyond the Horizon should at this point know that the old Plagueis is dead and the earth has been salted. If you don't know this, for shame! You should go check out the epilogue fiction post haste! <h4 style="color:#236066;">New Plaguies Prospectus</h4 style="color:#236066;"> Suffice it to say, my fellow Summiteers and I are hard at work generating and polishing content to flesh out our new identity. Foremost on that list is the newly revamped Plagueis Prospectus that will give a good overview of NuPlagueis. Unfortunately, recent illness cut into my Prospectus writing time so I don't have it ready today, but it is something I'm hoping to polish off by the end of the weekend for a release Monday at the very latest. I will however give you something of a tease from the document now:
The devastation wrought by the Horizons Crisis in 36 ABY had a profound impact on the government of House Plagueis. The Jusadiah Military Regime would fall with Jusadiah, paving the way for new governance of the Ascendant House. Where the JMR was steeped in the military traditions and formalized structure of the Imperial Military, the new feudal structure ruling Plagueis would be closely modeled on the magocracy of the old Sith Empire.
The title and position of Dread Lord is given to the leader strong enough unite the entirety of the House under his banner and seize control through power, cunning, and mastery of the Force. The Dread Lord was the absolute ruler of Plagueis with unquestioned authority. The cabal of Force wielders beneath him is the Synod, made up of the Dread Lord's Wrath, the Overseer, any duly appointed Vassals and their seconds, and the di Plagia. Many of the members of the Synod are assigned a specific area of authority, or sphere of influence. Slaves, information gathering, or command of a Vassalage were just some of the spheres that the Synod members could be designated to oversee. The control exerted by the Dread Lord and Synod were absolute, even over the other Dark Jedi of the House regardless of rank.
Now I know there are a lot of terms in there that don't have much explanation (Like what the heck is a Synod?), but you can't expect me to give it all away in the teaser trailer, right? As I said, once the prospectus is done you'll see an announcement about it so you can see all the new stuff. <h4 style="color:#236066;">The Ascendant Forces</h4 style="color:#236066;"> As most of you probably know already, the Plagueian military has been burned to the ground almost as badly as Kapsina was. Our forces had been dropping like flies (especially a big, giant, flaming fly we dropped on CNS), and that didn't stop with Horizons or the recent feud. Exiting the Beyond the Horizons feud, Plagueis was left with the Ascendancy, some Z-95's, and not much else. But fear not, because it was all Part Of The Plan ̨̉. Our new armed forces purchases have been approved by the Dark Council, and much of that has been added to the wiki already:
Some of these assets won't just be sitting around while Tra'an, Eiko, and I drool over them. Some of them will be handed out to our new... <h4 style="color:#236066;">Battleteams</h4 style="color:#236066;"> Our two new Battleteams have launched in the form of Battleteam Ajunta Pall (aka Team Smash) and Battleteam Karness Muur (aka Team Sneaky). Alaris Jinn and Arden Karn, our two new Battleteam Leaders, have sent out a bit of an introduction for both of their respective teams. You can pick a team to be a part of here, so if you haven't make a pick yet there's still time. In addition, each of our Battleteams will get their own toys to play with in the form of a Bothan Assault Cruiser, pair of Corellian Gunships, and assorted army stuff (Infantry, awesome battle droids, even some walkers). I know our Battleteam leadership are also hard at work on their own wiki articles to give you a more in depth vision of their respective teams, so keep your eyes peeled. <h2 style="color:#ffb400;">Order 66: AWOL</h2 style="color:#ffb400;">
Each and every one of us should have received an AWOL check in email from Korras with a link and special AWOL check in code. Clicking this link ensures that you're not sent to the smelly, smelly Rogues, so make sure that if you're wanting to stick around that you register your desire with a click. In addition, Plagueis is currently at 37 of 66 responding for a percentage of 56.06%, the highest percentage total as of this moment of any Brotherhood unit. <h2 style="color:#ffb400;">Beyond the Horizon Debriefing</h2 style="color:#ffb400;"> <p>14 people competed in Beyond the Horizon for House Plagueis. Considering how close that number is to the competitors from Horizons (only two less), I'm more then happy with that. To see almost no fall-off from a Vendetta to a feud event in terms of participants is stellar, and I want to thank all of our participants. Those 14 people managed to bring in a total of 7 crescents. That's a healthy draw. I'm quite happy with our participant-to-award conversion ratio, though I'd always like to see more participation from you guys as we keep pushing through major events like Horizons and towards reclanning. The rest of the summit and I are working on getting some nice, shiny medals out to our participants as well, so keep your eyes on your inboxes!</p> <h2 style="color:#ffb400;">The Dark Crusade Pre-Briefing</h2 style="color:#ffb400;"> <p>We don't have all the details as yet, but we're going to make sure as a Summit that anything we know and can pass on is going to be passed on to you. So to start with, the month of January will be given over to competitions run by the Dark Council to serve as a warm up to the Dark Crusade that will be coming in February.</p> <h4 style="color:#236066;">January: Warm-up Events</h4 style="color:#236066;"> <p>The Voice is starting a run-on where you can take control over Zoraan's flagship, the SSD Avenger II. Sign-ups are open until January 7th.</p> <p>The Herald is running a graphics competition where you need to design a practice target your character would use.</p> <p>The Headmaster is running a search through the corrupted Shadow Academy courses. Find the five hidden messages.</p> <h4 style="color:#236066;">The Dark Crusade Begins</h4 style="color:#236066;"> <p>As Muz outlined in his most recent report, the Dark Crusade is starting in February and will lead into the next Great Jedi War. Planet by planet, month by month, we'll be striking back to reclaim "our birthright": the planets of the ancient Sith Empire.</p> <p>It isn't a traditional Vendetta, but rest assured: Dark Crusade is a Vendetta. You want to make a name for yourself, net some cool awards, pump up your Prestige? Compete every month, and then again in the following Great Jedi War. There will be novae up for grabs along with seals. This isn't a chain of loosely connected competitions; you're going to be in the thick of the Brotherhood's next chapter for the next year. As a Brotherhood, we'll be claiming ancient, storied turf.</p> <p>I can't express how excited I am to see this event as it comes closer. In addition, one of the most important aspects of this upcoming event cycle is that participation matters. Yes, there will still be fun shinies and toys for those that place well in events, but the king of the castle as far as our unit is concerned will be overall participation. Basically, I cannot overly stress how incredibly important it will be for all of us to do everything we can. Not everyone can win on their own, but if we all pull together and bring our highest levels of activity to the table we can win as a team. We can make Plagueis better, we can get fun ship toys to play with as a House, and we could even end up a Clan. As you can see above with the armed forces additions, Tra'an and I aren't just going to keep all the stuff for ourselves either. If we get some cool toys, we're going to make sure that the battleteams (or Houses, fingers crossed) are going to be able to play with them, too. Our members will have earned us our fleet points, so it's only fair that we make sure our members get to take the fruits of those points out for a spin.</p> <h2 style="color:#ffb400;">In Closing</h2 style="color:#ffb400;"> <p>This is the place where, each month, I'll bring you something that amused, intrigued, or in other ways entertained me with the hope that it will amuse, intrigue, or otherwise entertain you as well.</p> <p> So here it is: Your Moment of Zen</p>
<font color="#ffb400"> -> Sith Battlelord Solus Gar <- </font>
</h2></h4></h4></h2></h2> </h2></h4></h4></h4>
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Thanks for the report, buddy. Such crisp formatting! Such beautiful content! And it comes with new ships!