Good eeeevening, everyone! Welcome to another lovely installment of the AEDILE REPORT! This time, with fun formatting! I won't hold you up, so let's get on with the important stuff!
News/Important Stuff
As Anshar has mentioned in his report of yesterday, there is a LOT of things going on in the Brotherhood right now. The month of January is pretty much a warm-up month for what's to come starting February, when we all embark on a year-long conquest of the worlds of the ancient Sith Empire. It'll make for a good time, I promise, with plenty of rewards up for grabs. If you've been looking for an opportunity to make a name for yourself, this will be it. All year, there's going to be Vendetta-level (if memory serves) awards that you can claim as your own, along with field promotions and all kinds of other over-the-top things to pad your dossier with that I've read about.
If you want to get ready for this onslaught of activity, come let me and Anshar know. I'm already planning on starting up some ACC training, so if you're interested in getting some time in over there and if you've got an approved character sheet and are good to go, feel free to hit me up with a challenge. If you don't have one, and are interested and need or want help getting one set up, just let me know and I can lend a hand.
Also, this weekend saw the final conclusion of our feud with Odan Urr. Yes, the events officially ended back in December. But, we hadn't had them all graded, and had the fiction finalized and posted until just recently. I'd like to personally thank everyone who took the time to participate, and help us just barely eek out a win over Odan Urr.
In light of that, however, it has come to my attention that some people were apparently disenfranchised with how things were ran with the Feud. So, in order to learn from mistakes and prevent from repeating them in the future, I created a survey that I will be e-mailing to you all shortly. I ask that you take the time to go through the few questions it contains, answer them truthfully, for it can shape how Anshar and I run any and competitions in the future. Feedback is how we know we're doing anything right or wrong, and if you guys don't tell us we're doing something wrong, we just assume it's all good. Is it all good? Let us know. We NEED the feedback. We crave it like a crackhead craves that next, give it to us!
Oh, and don't forget the AWOL check. If you don't want to go into the Rogues, respond to it. If you're still having trouble with it, let Anshar and I know, along with contacting the powers that be of JameZ the code m4st3r.
Oh! And don't forget, also, that we have an opening within the House for Rollmaster. E-mail myself and Anshar if you feel yourself to be qualified for the job. Refer to Anshar's report, or the Wiki for the basic requirements.
None this time around. Maybe by the time I write my next report, there will be!
Oberst continues to rake in the Clusters of Fire for playing more ToR than I ever played WoW. Not to say I ever got truly hooked on WoW......well, not really...I just stopped being able to afford the subscription..
But speaking of Oberst, I lost count of how many CF's he's gotten since my last report! I don't know where he puts them all. But then again, I'm not sure I want to know.
We've had a couple new arrivals lately. Everyone give a warm, Tarentum welcome to Skillar and Necros, who have joined our ranks in the past couple of weeks.
Last Word
It's going to be a crazy year, guys. If Tarentum is going to make it through to see 2014, we're going to need everyone to band together and give everything they can. Efforts will not go unnoticed; you just got to get out there, and at least try. It doesn't matter if it's not your best job, so long as you try. Most of the time, it's participation that matters the most. Why do you thing Arcona is always at the top? Because they have a buttload of people that get out there, and do everything can get their grubby little hands on. We need to be like that to. We USED to be like that, and we need to get that mentality back. I know we have it still, we all just need to realize it within ourselves again.
Tarentum is a great House with great potential yet to be fully tapped. It's time to pop that cork, people.
I now return you to your regularly scheduled life.
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