Hey everyone! Welcome to another Voice report. This is going to be a quick hitter with a few updates concerning fiction updates, a new poll, and a review of four Star Wars publications. And yes, I'm biased concerning certain authors and fictional topics :p
News <-
Round II Nova: The Dark Crusade Round II nova have been awarded for the run-on event and fictions. Please email the MAA and myself if you are missing your Nova (Invictus) or if you were awarded the wrong Nova (Locke and Malik).
Fictional Update: Muz, Raken, and I are working on the next Dark Brotherhood fictional update. We plan to release it following the IGs as a lead in to Round III of the Dark Crusade. Hopefully everyone enjoys where we are going.
ACC Update: Shadow has submitted his plans for the next ACC website to Jam3z and I. We are currently working through timelines and technical details, but everything looks awesome. Raken and Muz have provided additional feedback and we hope to see the ACC return as phase II of the new website launch. I appreciate everyone's patience as we tweak the ACC and the character sheets in an effort to create something worth your time and efforts.
Reviews <-
[Riptide](http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Riptide(novel))_: I have never been a big fan of the video game Jedi Academy or its protagonist Jaden Korr. Korr has a history of being used sparingly throughout the Expanded Universe (EU) and his appearances are typically limited to a brief mention. It is pretty cool to use a video game character in a minor support role, but it is very difficult to use them as a novel's main antagonist. Unfortunately, Riptide's author Paul Kemp, never finds a way to make Korr appealing and the story never found a way to catch my attention. Kemp utilizes a myriad of EU lore, but it appears random, disjointed, and never truly engages the reader. Sith Clones, Rakatan memory storage devices, and Korr is now a clone? Pass. The paperback costs $7.99 in most US bookstores, but I would recommend you look for a used copy at the $2.99 range.
Dawn of the Jedi: Volume 1: I recently stumbled across the Star Wars Dawn of the Jedi Volume I graphic novel on Amazon and purchased it for my Star Wars library. The story is one of the few notable arcs that occur prior to the Old Republic and it sets the stage for the creation of the Jedi Order and the differentiation of the light and Dark sides of the Force. I dig this graphic novel and I recommend it for those of you who are geeky for Force related material. The early depictions of philosophical insight into the usage of Dark and Light side abilities are interesting and the introduction of Xesh the Force Hound and Daegen Lok are key research material for any good DJB writer. I highly encourage you take a look at this comic series, even if it is just for the resource value in your own writing. $10.00 on Amazon.
[Book of the Sith](http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Book_of_Sith:_Secrets_from_the_Dark_Side(real-life_book))_: Speaking of reference material, The Book of the Sith is a great volume for any self respecting geek. There are a few books that I refer to on a regular basis. The Dark Side Source Book from WoC and Jedi vs Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force are outstanding cornerstones for any Dark Side reference library, but those two books are incomplete without the Book of the Sith. Released as a stand alone book or with the bad ass Sith Holocron, the Book of the Sith is worth your time. Written as a collection of journals entries, the Book of the Sith provides insight into the minds of Sorzus Syn, Darth Malgus, Darth Plagueis, and Emperor Palpatine. Each author provides their own unique flavor of the Dark Side and the book is a wealth of little tidbits on Dark Side mystery. I can't recommend it enough for those of you who dig this sort of stuff. $54.99 for the full holocron package, $11.00 for the stand alone hardcover.
Xwing Mercy Kill: The absence of a link is on purpose. This is easily the worst Xwing novel written. Piggy as a main character? Intel teams conducting missions without knowing other teams are on the same objective? An author who has no idea how the military or spy tradecraft works? I recommend you pass on this book. I'm angry that I actually read the whole thing.
In Conclusion <-
I'll wrap it up, but want to give a final shout out to Jet, the super awesome Deviant Art guy who has done images for Ronovi, Wun, and most recently me. This guy was easy to work with and he made Pravus look like a BAMF. See below!
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I'm in no way advocating anyone utilize Amazon or purchase any of the reviewed material. The links are for reference only to those who are interested. The DB, nor myself, are getting any kickbacks. :p
I was going to say, "First!" but way to ruin it.
Can you provide a link to Jet's deviantart profile?
Fortunately, Pravus is a pretty rare search time. Think the above image showed up as #5, so that's the dudes deviant art page. I like the style
very Star Wars comic-ish.
He also did
for me. Pretty cool.
Nice image. There were a few I would reccommend looking into, but many of them have long since disappeared shortly after the release of SW:TOR (They and myself were relatively active on the forums before they were wiped at release.) I'm think of trying character sketches, myself, but i'm struggling to find nice tutorials for it (And i'm busy with a 3D lightsaber).
I read Riptide because I enjoyed the previous novel, Crosscurrent. I think the first novel was better, but Riptide was "ok" for a SW book (the bar is set lower for SW novels :P) It's not something I would re-read, but it's average for a SW novel. I wouldn't mind Kemp doing a few move novels, really, but maybe just not with Korr as the protagonist.
The Dawn of the Jedi comics are actually getting better. I was underwhelmed by that first volume since I was expecting a lot from the creative team (Same ones who did the Legacy comics as well as a lot of previous SW comics), but it was just "meh". The art was good, but the story never really grabbed me. Cool concepts, thought. Those concepts are coming together better in the second volume...probably because they're dealing more with the dark side themes
I need to get be the Book of the Sith :P
Mercy Kill...yeah, I really, really wanted to like this book. It was Allston and Wraith squadron. I really can't comment on the whole military/intel angle (it is Star Wars so I don't generally try to apply to much logic to that), but even for SW it felt pretty out-there. Granted, the Wraith Squadron novels are generally much more light-hearted and they're known for the squad doing crazy-stupid things. Reading the novel it felt like Allston had a lot of rust and it was being shaken off as the novel progressed. The last quarter or so of the book felt like the old Wraith novels.
I started reading mercy kill like 2-3 months ago. It may have killed my will to read books, since it's unfinished and my kindle is uncharged.
I agree with everyone above. It is a good review from out club when we are all concerned about the same work by an author. :p
I agree with everyone above. It is a good review from out club when we are all concerned about the same work by an author. :p
I agree with everyone above. It is a good review from out club when we are all concerned about the same work by an author. :p
Here we go again.
Sarin, do you agree with everyone above?
I guess you should also mention that you fired Shad as CM/Praetor.
Why would you fire someone whose work you a few days before classified as awesome? That seems odd.
Add in some ridiculously embarrassing comments, some disgraceful insults, an insincere attempt to save your own ass apology, and a smidge of the wrong guy getting fired, and you have this one figured out.
And I think this conversation can end now. I appreciate Tarax and Yacks's concern for me and the situation, but hurling insults serves no purpose now. The involved parties have talked and things have been dealt with.
Let's move on. It's time to focus on the IGs and next round of Crusades.