Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Oh hell yes, it's report time. I have been waiting for this moment. Waiting and waiting and waiting. I would just like to say I actually enjoy writing reports for the sheer fact I can go absolutely crazy in them. Why? Because I can. As a mere BTL I am under no compunction to be serious because this isn't going on the front page! Ha! Ahahahahaha!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Tenebrae's first report. Yay! We've had a great start. CFs have just been awarded by the fist-full and I feel like now is the perfect time to write us a very sexy report. Enjoy!

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Stuff Going On! So aside from us all getting this hella-awesome new battleteam, here's what's happening in terms of major events.

The Independence Games are on! Have you been submitting for events? Believe me, you want to. Yuriko and I have hatched an event that is currently going, so if you're looking for a seriously quick and easy thing you can do in maybe 20 minutes from the time you open up TOR to log in and play and queue up for a Warzone, then actually do it, it's a great way to just get in there. (And we'd appreciate you forever.) Here's a link to Unleash the Pain!

The development run-on is still going. As a House we're working on our fictional identity and the dev RO is how we're going to be getting it out there, spearheaded by myself. Right now the House is attacking the city of Kel Rasha on Aeotheran to take it back from the factional warfare sweeping up the Orian System (in which we base ourselves). Would you like to make yourself an important part of Shar Dakhan fiction? Please post in the run-on; it'd be greatly appreciated and it's a great way to practise your fictional skills. And here's a link!

The Dark Crusade's final chapter of the first phase will be coming shortly. Looking forward to it? I hope you are! This is the last participation-based victory phase we'll be having, so make sure you don't IG too hard so you can get out there and earn some Novae when it counts! We've got some already handed out (see below) and this is a great accolade for our team. You've got another chance to shine, guys - and be picked for the specialist phases of the Crusade! Want your name in lights? Get out there!

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Members and Accolades! This is where I list all the stuff people have earned and very conveniently list all the members of the battleteam so you know who to high-five for being awesome alongside you. Neat, huh? (Also, personal rule, I don't talk about myself in these. But I think you all know I'm here?)

OP Mirado Pepoi L'eonheart 1x Bronze Nova 1x Dark Cross

OT Tyren Atema 1x Cluster of Fire

JH Syntari Bastiayn Promoted to Jedi Hunter 2x Bronze Nova 1x Anteian Cross 1x Cluster of Fire

JH Yuriko Mortehana Promoted to Jedi Hunter 1x Silver Nova 2x Pendant of Blood 1x Dark Cross 256x Cluster of Fire

GRD Jhonario L'assaut Promoted to Guardian 94x Cluster of Fire

PRT Rustin Servos Promoted to Protector 1x Anteian Cross 16x Cluster of Fire Dark Maven of Writing Dark Maven of Philosophy

NOV Weylin

This is a seriously impressive list for a month, guys - it's great effort. In fact, holy flipping christ, this is incredible. Keep it up!

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In The Future! The major thing coming up for us is a little development that we've decided to do for our 'routine' fictional updates (IE, once a week-type fiction). Essentially, as CNS is a major gaming Clan, we're going to use that gaming to help us guide our fiction. If you're grouping up with other CNS people, set yourself a challenge beyond the normal end result. Say you're doing a TOR flashpoint; just winning it isn't enough. If you wipe at all, say, you 'fail'. You can submit that result to me and I'll incorporate it as part of the results of my next fiction! It can be anything, but I'm going to hold regular events. Sound good? Let me know!

I'd like to start holding some regular training. If you're interested, please email me and let me know what you'd like to train in. Fiction and gaming appears to be the two hot topics right now so, let me know if you'd like to do that or anything else.

You guys are making massive headway on the promotion front in general. Two Jedi Hunters, a Guardian... we're almost to DJK. Keep working at it!

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Closing! I think we've done great for a first month. Really, we have. We've come a long way, seen a lot of promotions, done some great things. I'm hoping the future holds even more - and hopefully our very first Dark Jedi Knight soon! That'd be a wonderful accomplishment. I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys all do.

Mirus out!

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