Website Update


Website Update

Hello all,

Today we successfully converted the DB database from MS Access to MSSQL Server. This should stop the problem of the site being down for indiscriminate amounts of time.

Unfortunately, Microsoft doesn't keep the syntax on things the same for Access and MSSQL. Therefore, there are going to be some errors apparent when using the site every now and then. I have spent the last 5 hours pounding through many of these errors to the point that I think they are mostly taken care of. I have basically all of the administration files working now and I will work on testing the rest as I get time tonight and tomorrow. CG and Jam3z will be working on this too.

If you see any errors, please post it to an error report under the Feedback Admin section. Make sure you copy and paste the error in and tell us what you were doing at the time of the error and what page it was on.

As a side note, after 3 hours of reseting some of the mailing list fields, I have them all working again. Fun Fun.

I apologize for the troubles over the past week. We knew that eventually this website would implode, hence the exact reason why we are doing a damn good job of planning, documenting and building the new PHP site.

I would like to emphasize that this was NOT a problem with my hosting. They have actually been very good to me during this mess. Much better service than I've seen with my 3 other companies.

And with that, I go back to programming.

I've found about 6 errors. Anymore for us Jac?? :P

Yes there will be more errors. THey will be fixed as we go.

And for future reference, I'm not in the mood for joking about it.

Yaaaaay!!!!!! All hail the mighty Jac and the return of the domain, YAAAAAY!

Seriously, this is stressful on all of us, especially Jac, CG, JaM3z, Thedek, and anyone else who has been working under the stressful conditions of the domain being off-and-on lately. It helps us all keep in a better mood if we don't give our fine coders a hard time about this. They'll likely be in a mood to joke about it after it's all taken care of.

Great work guys, we appreciate all the effort and time.

I can only imagine how stressing it all must be. I get stressed when going through the code of HTML :P But really, humor is a great thing when under a great deal of stress. Although you may not be in the 'mood', it's good to chill out for a moment and have some silly fun with the whole thing. Make jokes about scripts having a mind of their own, or how evil the internet empire is :P Best thing to do i have fun with it. Yeah, it's a pain the the rear end to spend 5+ hrs working on errors, but then again your computers and servers could have blown up and you may have lost every single file. Gee... could you image all the feedback?? oh wait... there wouldn't be a site :P It's good to joke while it's in the moment. Gets old when it becomes, "Remember that time the DC got bombed with error reports... oh that was funny... ha ha ha... ha ha... yeah, so anyway a fat man got hit by a 'weight watchers' truck, how ironic is that?"

Selket, it's cool.

I wasn't so not in the mood for your comments more as it was the constant bitching over the past week from people that have no idea what they are talking about.

YaY!!! Keep using that coding hammer Jac! :-D

Yes Jacky boy :P

I'd reckon the site's at 99%. Except for that 5min down time today while i was surfing through IG '04 events, i haven't found any errors. pets Jac's head Good brain

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