Aedile Report


Aedile Report

& Quaestor Joint Report


So as you all are aware the Independence Games wrapped up this past Friday. A massive amount of events of all different types were available to participate in, from what we've been hearing quite a few of you have really put in some time and entered many of them. Great job! We're looking forward to seeing the results as these roll in over the coming days.

Phase III of the Dark Crusade will be starting up in May. We should be getting information about the Planets we have available any day now. This is the last Phase of Chapter 1, the scoring system for it remains as purely Participation Based. That means we'll need to open up our can of Arconan Whoop-Ass once again and crush any of the other units who think they can come at us (bro). Expect Phase III to start on 17May and run through 31May, this is a slightly different timeline than the previous Phases which started at the beginning of the month.

After Phase III completes we'll all get a (much needed) break in June, to do stuff like Barbeque and get all tan... or in my case mow the lawn. When the Crusade picks back up in July the Scoring System will be quite different. We'll be in Chapter II and units will have individuals designated as Special Forces who are assigned to win points that will determine which unit will win each round. The rest of us will be General Troops, who have the ability to earn our Clan an extra Special Forces slot in the next phase if our Participation is over 1.50. Nova will be awarded separately to Special Forces and General Troops also, so double the Nova to go around! Awesome!

That's a very short version of the explanation. Wuntila sent out a very detailed email recently explaining the new scoring system much better, and Raken has also included details on the scoring system in his recent DGM Report.

Also in his Report he explains how to "win" the whole Crusade. This will be based on Highest Average Participation and Most Planets won. This means even as we move forward into the more "performance" graded Chapters, our Participation is still critical to win the ENTIRE Crusade Event for Arcona!

The Promotions, Awards, and Shadow Academy Courses listed in this report cover the time period between 16Mar2013 and 26Apr2013.

Promotions and Transfers

  • Blarex returns from the Rogues!
  • Kanis Da'uul promoted to Guardian
  • Naradas (formerly Zakath) promoted to Sith Battlemaster
  • S'nar Que Seshai promoted to Novice, Acolyte, then Protector (whoa!)


Since the Independance Games just wrapped up yesterday we'll be including all of the awards coming out of that in our next report. Based on the participation we've been seeing, I expect there will be quite a few to include!

  • Dalk Darklighter - Cresent with Ruby Star
  • Montresor - Grand Cross of the Dark Side, Silver Nova, 195x Clusters of Fire, Pendant of Blood
  • Nadrin - Grand Cross of the Dark Side, Silver Nova, 1x Cluster of Fire
  • Saiketsu (formerly Tsainetomo) - Silver Nova
  • S'nar Que Seshai - Dark Cross
  • Strategos - 12x Clusters of Fire
  • Timeros - 4x Clusters of Fire
  • Valeriuskane - Anteian Cross, Silver Nova
  • Zagel1 - 15x Clusters of Fire
  • Nikola Valtiere - Silver Nova, 6x Clusters of Fire
  • Invictus - Grand Cross of the Dark Side, Silver Nova, 2x Clusters of Fire
  • Socorra - 2x Gold Novas, Silver Nova, 13x Clusters of Fire, Seal of Loyalty
  • Valhavoc - Grand Cross of the Dark Side, Silver Nova, Clusters of Fire, Seal of Loyalty

Shadow Academy

Courses Completed:

  • Incendus: Philosophy I, Philosophy II
  • S'nar Que Seshai: Dark Brotherhood Basics, ACC Basics, Obelisk Core, Sith Core, Krath Core, Philosophy I, Wiki Basics, Training Saber, Leadership Fundamentals
  • Valhavoc - Test of Power, Old Republic History, Philosophy I, Krath Core, Obelisk Core, Advanced Lightsaber Studies, Combat Tactics I, Combat Tactics II, TOR Advanced, General Warfare

Degrees Earned:

  • S'nar Que Seshai: Dark Maven - Philosophy
  • Valhavoc: Dark Maven - Philosophy, Combat, and History

Antei Combat Center

Raken's recent DGM Report went over quite a bit as far as the future plans for the ACC. He also gave us a sneak peak into how the Character Sheets are all playing out. The short version is that in the future Character Sheets will become a more developed reference for writing other persons characters into fiction in general, beyond the ACC itself. Its a really interesting read, and I suggest taking a look if you haven't already.

Remember that the Arcona Contract Bureau is out there if you'd like to get some writing practice in.

New Character Sheets: Kanis Da'uul, Montresor, Nikola Valtiere, S'nar Que Seshai


For a list of Competitions which apply specifically to you please make sure you're logged into the DJB website and follow this link.


Perhaps a bit longer report than normal in the News and Awards sections. We know you all have been very busy working on the IG Competitions, and we'll be picking back up on some other projects that had started prior to the IGs in the next few weeks. Stay ready for the next Phase of the Dark Crusade. We kicked some ass in Phase II, lets make sure Phase III is a repeat performance!

Socorra & Valhavoc Quaestor & Aedile House Qel-Droma

BAMF report.

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