Hello Scholae Palatinae!
We are reaching the end of May (which has just blown by) and it is time for another Quaestor Report. I'm going to keep this one brief so not to distract from the Crusade. As well, if you haven't taken the time to read Xantros' AED report please read it as well. Also, I apologize to Locke for bumping his CON report down so soon after it was posted.
The main thing I wanted to talk about was the Crusade. We are nearing the last few days of this chapter, and of this phase. I've already highlighted the events for you all in emails as it started but lets go over them again just so you all know what you can still do!
First I want to bring your attention to the information pages of Bhargebba. These few pages have information on the planet, such as geography, landmarks,history, and High Value Targets. That last link is especially important for one of the fiction events. Those of you in the Journeymen ranks, participation in ANY of these events counts toward your requirements of competition activity, so if you participate please let myself or one of the other summit members know so we can make sure that it is marked down for you.
There are two fiction events for you guys to participate in. Realism is a big factor (25%) in how they grade these fictions. Sarin has previously linked to the grading rubric that is used in judging the fiction events. So while you are working on polishing up those fiction submissions before Friday Night please take a look at them. One of the fictions is an attack on one of the High Value Targets. There are three you can choose from, and all are pretty powerful. I highly recommend that in these fictions you use a team of Scholae Palatinae members to be successful. The second fiction is set as a person log or letters of what your character has been experiencing in the Crusade. This gives you a great chance to reflect on this round, as well as the last two round on Nfolgai and Rhelg. As always my door is is open if you want to talk to/at someone about ideas you have on these events. It sometimes just helps to get the ideas out in some form by explaining them to someone else when you get stuck.
Training is an incredibly easy event to do. I know several of you already have done it, but those of you who haven't, take a few minutes and visit the competition page on the staging site. While you are logged on, hit the subscribe button and you will see a series of 10 questions. This also starts a time. Answer the questions as quickly as you can and hit submit. Thats all there is to it. This literally takes just minutes to do and is an incredibly easy way for you to earn at the very least one of the special Ribbons awarded for participation in the crusade.
Gaming is always a staple of DB vendettas. This Crusade Chapter is team based. I have seen several ARC members on IRC looking for people in HSP to team up with in challenging people in TAL, CNS, PLA, TAR. There is still plenty of time to get some matches in so have at!
We've sent out a bunch of emails to the house on the Wikipedia event already. While I'm fairly certain everyone who has wanted in on this has things to do, there is still time to get in and help with it if you want. Shoot me an email if you are not already on the wikipedia team and want to help out with it.
Finally, Graphics. I got a bit mixed up in my original email about this to the house, but there are three options for you to illustrate plans for here. The Forge of Loka Dan, Mecrosa Headquarters or the Holocron of Calan Thril.
Hopefully between the emails to the house, this report, and the information on the Crusade site itself, you guys have gotten the message about what can be done. By way of a reminder if we get a participation score of 1.5 or higher (participation is number of submissions for all events over the amount of people in the house - currently 65, which means we need at least 98 different submissions for all of these events which is totally doable) we get an extra member on our 8 person special forces team as we go into Phase 2 of the crusade.
Participation in this round of the crusade is also going to help us in deciding who gets on this special forces team. So go out and prove you deserve to be a contender as one of the best!
June is going to be an off month from the Crusade. It will be a chance to relax from the frequent rounds we've had so far this year. We are planning on running a round of our summer games as we were unable to run a winter games earlier in the year. We are hoping to have a few of you Journeymen participate in creating competitions for this as this will be one of the few times this year you can fill that promotion requirement. I've already sent out emails to a bunch of you on this, so I hope to hear back soon. If not, there will still be a bunch of fun easy things to keep you primed for the crusade, while still being really low key.
I am also hoping to try out a fiction workshop in June to critique, proofread and help on people's fictions. Let me know if you guys are interested in this.
TL;DR * Do events in the crusade before this round ends at 2359 EST on the 31st! * Seriously, being active is AWESOME * Get ready to enjoy some down time in June * Hit me up if you have any questions or need any help on anything.
For the Empire!
Xen'Mordin Vismorsus Quaestor of Scholae Palatinae
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