Greetings everyone. I wanted to take a short break between grading and working on the next set of planets to shoot out a report. I'm going to briefly touch the new character sheets and the ACC, fiction stuff moving forward, a new poll concerning a run on for the next round, and give a few shout outs.
News <-
Character Sheets: Mav has continued working on our new character sheets with Jam3z. Several of our members have been beta testing them and they look great so far. A few additional items are being filled in and the sheets should be ready for a larger audience to beta test. I really like the direction that they have gone and appreciate the Mav and his team's work thus far. A special shout out to Wally and Atra for their great contributions and to Gryffon and Thran for supporting efforts.
ACC: The ACC is going to flow from the creation of the new character sheets and requires their completion prior to re-opening. The new rules, guides, and wiki articles for the ACC should be complete prior to coding. This may require us to run a few test events on the forums for the new ACC rules, but we would rather wait for the new website. Jam3z awesome coding and Muz's demands on that should determine when and how the ACC pops back up. To reiterate previous points, the ACC will focus on writing in the future and de-emphasize some of the rule heavy write by the numbers aspects. With that in mind, Mav will continue working with Shadow's vision and we should start to see the fruits of their efforts shortly.
Fiction Developments: The Voice staff is currently working on a major update planned to launch in the short term. We will be focusing on the enemies that lie in wait for us during the remainder of the Dark Crusade, in particular those who wait at the GJW. Trouty, Wun, and I have been bouncing around a few ideas based on Muz's guidance and we should start seeing the results shortly. Mtf.
Poll: A new poll is up concerning the first Special Forces round of the DC. Would the competing teams like to compete in a game mastered run on event. Please take the time to vote:
Nova Entries <-
Nova Library: Several members indicated they would like the opportunity to read Nova placing entries or entries that were considered very well done. The following link contains Shadow's previous Gold Nova, Trouty's Silver, Jac's Bronze, an outstanding entry by Ronovi, and a Gold Nova entry by Goat. If you are unable to view the link, let me know: Library of Winners and Awesome!.
In Conclusion <-
I'll wrap it up, but want to give a final shout out to Wally for doing an awesome job on the character sheets, working on a fiction style league, and for also putting his home up for Wuntila to stay at!
And a big shout out to Muz who crafted my new armor to match Jet's previous pimp designs. Thanks Muzzles!
And yeah, Red Wedding made people cancel HBO. Epic.
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Hey Sarin/People working on the ACC.
With what you know so far, how difficult will it be for members to adapt to the new rules and regulations that are being setup for the ACC Relaunch?
Furthermore and expanding on my previous question, will there be a steep learning curve for the brand new ACC staff given that there will be a whole new system to work with?
Thanks for the question. I'll allow Mav to further articulate, but the short answer is that this version of the ACC should be easier for our members to play and to adapt to. The focus will be on the story aspect of writing and not necessarily on if you wrote strictly along some nuanced regulation that governs Force usage.
Additionally, the new character sheets should allow for a significant degree of individual customization. i can't overemphasize this and as a tease, I would even say you will have the opportunity to uniquely tailor your own skills, to include writing them.
My ode to Ronnie's whiskey flask is displayed. But of course. I am satisfied.
I very much appreciate being able to read those Nova-winning entries. Very entertaining and educational. Please keep adding to the collection.
"And yeah, Red Wedding made people cancel HBO. Epic." That youtube video is fantastic.
Woo ACC Woo!
Also dunno if anyone noticed, but Timothy Zahn released a new Star Wars book called Scoundrels, which kinda goes in the face of canon and/or A.C Crispin's Han Solo trilogy. I'm going to give it a read this weekend.
I avoided Scoundrels because I had a hard time reading through the last few Zahn books. Outbound Flight...ugh.
Yay! And now post the gfx winners!!!!!!! :D
Bug Shikyo about that, Sildrin? :P
Also, all the Red Wedding outrage will do is boost viewers for the final episode of the season :P
I like the poll question. My question is this though.
How about two run on events.
One pits the top three members of each house against each other. The second pits everyone else.
If not, then one for eq1 and above and one for djk and below.
Like the.library idea. Should include all past winners over the years.
Sarin, your answer is actually spot on. The new ACC will focus much more on writing and plot, and far less on a rigid numbering system from a character sheet. That being said, realism will, as always, be extremely important. To that end, this system actually will perhaps take a bit of getting used to, as we will not be explicitly spelling out the hard limits of every single Force Power and Skill at each rank, because quite a bit will determine the realism of the usage of those abilities. At the same time, members will have a clear idea of what they are capable of at each point along the progression of experience with a skill or power. :)