Knights of Allusis STL Report ID: RK04 June 15th, 2013 STL: Raiju Kang
Introduction Hey Guys, I hope each of you are doing well. You are looking at a Raiju Quicky Report, brought to you in part by: The Fall of New Tython, and of course the letter B... Jokes aside, this report will be short and sweet because I would like to direct your attention to the FoNT events. Therefore I will not have a fiction update this week and would just like to dive into the meat of this report.
This really begs the question, why are you reading this when you could be getting in on the HOU goodness that is this month with The Fall of New Tython? Not sure what it is or just need a little break? Then look below :)
Important News
I am in need of some new headers. I created the old one for the Dark Crusades and I need something for when we are not in war mode. Because of this I am opening it to the Striketeam as well as the House: If someone would like to design a report header for me please contact me and we can work something out.
The first phase of the Dark Crusades have come to an end with the last chapter. Right now we are on our pause month where the clouses get a break and do their own thing. Expect the Dark Crusades to come back next month as we move into phase 2.
Combat Master has a new report out: here. Please take the time to read his report and see what is coming to the ACC. Likewise, check out the new competition he is running.
Do you have a good knowledge of Star Wars lore? Can you tell me how big a SSD is? Or at least know where to find the information? I am looking for someone to do a little research for a proposal to the rest of the summit. At this point I am looking for someone with good knowledge or interest in learning about SW naval and ground forces information. Please contact me for further details. Note while you will be rewarded for your efforts, this is of course just a proposal and may or may not proceed further.
Moro is looking for help with the Jedi Vocational Corps project and it is not open to the public to edit. Check out the form here
New Blood
No new members this month.
Promotions/Medals/Shadow Academy
Promotions: Unfortunately none this month :( Talk to me and let's change this.
Medals: Kaira Crescent w/ Amethyst Seal of Reminiscene x15
Rangel Crescent w/ Sapphire Seal of Reminiscene x2
Raiju Crescent w/ Amethyst Crescent w/ Ruby Seal of Reminiscence x9
Shadow Academy Let's change this as well guys. These are great for earning medals and promotions.
Special Mention This month's special mention goes to Kaira. Kaira was awesome in the IGs, as our top submitter with 15 events. Loved seeing this, just about as much as then seeing her on mIRC poking people and seeing where they were at. This is the mentality we need, to not only do good on our own but then to see how others are doing and see if we can be of assistance to this. Thanks Kaira for your hard work.
Fall of New Tython
Our home has been taken from us...
While we have been away waging war on the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, a domestic threat we failed to properly deal with has taken New Tython, enslaved its people, and ruined its settlements. We left this planet months ago in relative peace, and now return to it in flames.
Find the story: here
Competitions: Graphics - New Tython Ablaze Fiction - Ash and Cinder Gaming - The Clash of Sabers Run-On - Rescue the Oppressed Run-On Forum
Roster For historical purposes:
10057 Epis Kaira Rohana 9121 Prelate Raiju Kang 8013 Priest Stefan 12656 Dark Jedi Knight Revak Kur 13387 Protector Rangel 11034 Protector Jaden Cardie
Conclusion To arms my friends, New Tython needs us!
~RK~ Raiju Kang Guardian Prelate Strike team Leader
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