Greetings everyone. Short report this week for two reasons. 1. I'm at the beach, the water is green-blue, and the water temperature is in the 80s. 2. I'm on an iPad and typing one peck at a time is annoying. This week's report:
News <-
Fiction Results: Congratulations to everyone on their outstanding participation. We had 124 submissions and over 400 pages of fan fiction for the events. The club's best writers came out in force and making the top ten, let alone the top three, was an accomplishment.
Ch'Hodos Chronicle: 1. Xanos - CNS 2. Jac - TAL 3. Arden - PLA 4. Raist - CNS (to close not to include) 5. Sanj - CNS (to close not to include)
HVT: 1. Jac - TAL 2. Malik - CNS 3. Xanos - CNS 4. Ronovi - PLA (to close not to include) 5. Celevon - PLA (to close not to include)
Bargebba Chronicle: 1. Wuntila - ARC 2. Morotheri - HOU 3. Atyiru - ARC 4. Legorii - ARC (to close not to include)
Hvt: 1. Wally - ARC 2. Xenmordin - CSP 3. Trouty - ARC
I'd like to congratulate the top three in eac event. Once again their writing was superior, but this time they upped their game. This ranged from Goat's blood spattered journal to Wally's 26 page screenplay for the HVT event. I can't over emphasize the bonus your entry receives when it is original and unique. Especially when the judge grades 124 entries.
Charcter Sheets: Mav is doing an awesome job keeping everybody up to date on the character sheets and an even better job bringing everyone involved in their creation. Please take the opportunity to make your mark in the DB by participating in the aspects competition. This is a great way for you equites to support the DB on a large scale (promotion criteria!).
Poll Results: 10 for a run on next round and 11 against. We will focus on more fiction for next round. Thanks for participating.
New P:V: Congrats to SW Montresor on his selection as my new Praetor. Monty is a super high functioning human being who Has been a dynamo of activity since joining the DB.
Nova Entries <-
Nova Library: I will update the Nova Library as soon as I find a real computer. Wun, Wally, Goat, and Jac's entries will be added. If any of the other top 5 types would like to submit their entries for viewing, just let me know. Library of Winners and Awesome!.
In Conclusion <-
Thanks again everyone. Keep spitting out the great fiction.
And a big shout out to Muz who crafted my new armor to match Jet's previous pimp designs. Thanks Muzzles! (I flubbed the coding last report, so here it is again)
And yeah, Purple Wedding next season on GoT.
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And I forgot, congrats to Pappa Jac!!!!!!
And I forgot, congrats to Pappa Jac!!!!!!
Thanks for the results update, Sarin.
Congrats to Pappa Jac
Congrats to everyone who placed in the fictions! <3
Massive congratulations to Wally, Xanos and Jac for their placements, and special congratulations to Montresor, the new Praetor to the Voice! Go Monty!