Welcome, members of Taldryan, to your first ever installment of Get to know a Tally. This feature is going to soon become a staple of monthly life within Taldryan, and I hope through it, we're going to all grow together as a unit. The first installment of this periodical is going to be about yours truly, Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, who as you know by now, our Quaestor Rian has selected to succeed Sid as the new (old) Aedile of Taldryan.
Before we get into the boring shit about me though, I want to talk more about why articles like this are important for Taldryan, and for the Dark Brotherhood as a club beyond it. The biggest thing that this club offers, beyond a somewhat hidden away place for internet geeks and Star Wars nerds to act out their Jedi fantasies, is the fact that within this club, we get to meet awesome people. We get to know others from all walks of life, locations, styles of thought and mind. We get to become friends with these people.
One of the great strengths Taldryan has always had is building a community of people who like each other, and protect each other. We piss each other off, we annoy one another, but at the end of the day, we just plain get along with one another. It's one of the best things about this club as a whole, and as much as this little speech was about the intentions of this article, it may also give you a bit of a window into who I am.
Get to know a Tally is going to be an article that introduces the various members of Taldryan to one another. Nobody is required to share more than they're comfortable with, but as time goes on, I want these articles to give other members of Taldryan an insight into not just the characters we play in the DB, but to the people behind it. And now, without any further ado, DJM Howlader will perform the inaugural interview of me, Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor.
Howlader: Why did you join the Dark Brotherhood? Yacks: I joined the DB way back in 1997. Shocking, I know. Originally, I joined due to my membership within the Emperor's Hammer, of which the DB used to be a part. Back in those days, advancing in the DB was a good way to advance in the EH TIE Corps, which I thought was where my passion lay. Little did I know that I was starting what would seemingly be a lifelong journey into nerd-dom and awesomeness.
H: Why do you keep coming back here? What's wrong with you? Y: I've wondered about this a lot, lately, because you're right, something must be seriously wrong with me. What I've come up with for an answer though, is in two parts. The first half of it is basically the friends I have made in the DB. It's one of the greatest collections of weirdos, assholes, loveable scamps and degenerates you'll ever meet, but like any group of friends, they mean the world to me. The second part will be familiar to anyone who's ever played or followed poker games at a high level. There's this theory of being "pot-committed". Essentially it's when you've put so much money into the pot in a certain hand that it doesn't make sense to fold anymore, you just keep playing and let the cards fall where they may. That's kind of like where I am with the DB; I've put 15 years in here, and I'd say that 10 of them have been filled with a shameful amount of activity and effort on my part. That's over a third of my natural life. Just doesn't make sense to quit now.
H: Why do you want to be Aedile again? Y: I want to be Aedile because I know I can bring skills to the table that will help Taldryan rise again. At one point, the idea of Taldryan being the best unit in the DB was simply unquestioned. People fought over second place, and didn't even think to challenge us. Those times are long gone, now. I want to try to revitalize Taldryan by returning it to its roots. Insane activity, lots of fun, people goofing off and having a great time, while kicking ass. One thing I've learned in the DB, over all this time, is being second best sucks. Taldryan has always been home to competitors. It's not that we've always had the best and brightest, though we often did, what made Taldryan great was the fact that we worked as a team, we worked with each other, and we looked out for one another. I want to help bring that back.
H: Do you have a favourite part of the Brotherhood, if so - what is it? Y: I would love to whittle this down to a specific thing, but it's extremely hard. There are so many elements of the DB that I love, and nearly as many that I hate. In order to avoid just dodging the question though, I'd probably have to go with our history. The DB's long history, vibrant backstory and plethora of member driven and built resources, structures, and stories is one of the most impressive collections of fan fiction and club building I've ever seen, and I'm proud to have been a part of it.
H: Is there a particular Brotherhood moment or action that you are particularly proud of? Y: There are a couple that come to mind, and they're intrinsically linked. The most important thing that I think I ever did in the DB was become the Justicar, and build and design the framework that would eventually become the DB's Justice system. I took that job when times were uncertain, when the DB was a hairsbreadth away from failing completely, and I managed to build a lasting, if somewhat imperfect system that protected the DB, and it's members from itself, as well as other people who would do it harm. Linked to that of course is the fact that I got a Golden Lightsaber out of the deal. I'm a Dark Jedi Master, and I have a lot of medals and prestige and honours, but getting that Golden Lightsaber when I did, it was completely unexpected. Nobody who didn't have the rank or position of GM or DGM at that point had EVER gotten a Golden Lightsaber. It blew my mind, and at times, it still does. (Thanks Jac.) Beyond those two things though, I'd also have to say I'm very proud of having helped to build Taldryan. I was one of the founding members of Clan Taldryan, and have the honour of even naming the whole thing. I helped build, and shape a crop of leaders that would eventually dominate the entire Dark Council, and they helped pave the way to ensuring that the DB we have today, even existed at all.
H: That you least proud of? Y: I have a couple cases during my time as Justicar that I was unhappy about how they went down. But more importantly, I think I'm probably least proud of a single insanely egotistical act I heralded way back in the day. You see, back then, Taldryan was the ultimate power in multiplayer space simulator battles using X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter and X-Wing Alliance. During a GJW, there was a competition that pitted members from all the clans into a ladder battle on IRC one day, and in a show of pure ego, I convinced everyone that instead of using a Clan identifier like "Tal-" on IRC, we should use "G0d". It's a minor thing, but I kind of still feel bad about being such a massive douche.
H: Do you have any random advice for our newest members? Y: Tonnes, and almost all of it is awesome. Remember that. But for now, what I'll say is thisââ¬Â¦ real life is the most important thing. I get really gung-ho about doing Taldryan proud, and putting your full effort into DB stuff, but I'm insane. The DB is meant to be fun, and we sometimes push members to participate in things they don't want to do, just because we want to win a fake medal, or get some fake titles. We do these things because some of us enjoy winning, and some of us enjoy competition, and we have fun by winning and competing. But more than anything, never, not even once, sacrifice something in your real life for the DB. If the choice is between hanging out with some friends and watching bad movies, or finishing something off for the DB? Go have fun with your friends. We'll still be here. Now, don't expect me to remember I said this the next time Tal is on a deadline, and we're trying to compete in something. I'm an ultra-competitive alpha male type, and I go a bit insane for Tal. Just try to remember that I have the best intentions when I'm foaming at the mouth :D
H: How about some of our older members? Y: Watch for signs of burnout. If you're an older member, you probably know about the DB. Chances are you've spent some time in leadership, and know the sacrifices that people make to help keep this club active, functioning, and fun. Leadership in the DB however, is a choice. We volunteer to run this place because we like to help people have more fun. If you can't remember why you're doing something in the DB, or you're constantly making excuses as to why you're not doing stuff in the DB anymore? Focus on why you're here, and what you want out of the DB. If you're not getting it, take a time out and re-evaluate your priorities. Taldryan will still be around when you figure it out, as long as I have any say in the matter :)
H: Where do you see the Dark Brotherhood going? Y: The DB is in for some trying, and interesting times. With the sale of LucasFilm to Disney, the announcement of new films, and the revitalization of the LucasArts gaming banner under EA, we're in for a massive change. I was around In the EH/DB back when the prequels came out, and those were a game changer. The DB of today is more fiction based, and story driven than it was back in the day, and I think that is a great thing. The addition of sweeping DB storylines and plots is a great thing, and I hope to see those changes continue on and beyond the new movies.
H: What do you like to do non-Star Wars club wise? Y: I'm pretty much a boring sports fanatic, when I'm hiding my nerd alter ego. When it comes to sports, I am a supporter of the greatest Football Club in the World, Manchester United. I'm serious about the fanatic thing as well. I've skipped multiple family engagements just so I could watch the United game live. I wept with joy when they won the Champion's League in 2008. I am forever a Red, and I am forever a lover and proponent of the beautiful game. I also follow American football, and play fantasy football in a league of my friends, who try really hard to be like the characters of the FX Show "The League" (which is awesome). Beyond that, I'm really mostly what you'd expect from a dude who's been in a Star Wars club for half of his life. I watch a lot of movies and tv, and trade quotes from them with my friends in an almost ceaseless stream of poorly delivered comedic phrases, I work a boring job that deals with computers, and I read a lot of fantasy and science fiction novels.
H: Read any good (Star Wars or non-Star Wars) books lately? Y: Ah hah. Yes, most recently I finished reading a series of books called "The Iron Druid" by Kevin Hearne. They're awesome books, and extremely entertaining. I pounded through all of them in like a week and a half.
H: If you were an animal, what would you be? Y: Probably a bear of some sort. Not some pussy ass panda either, talking like a big fat grizzly or something. In reality I'm a 6'4" white man who is built like the proverbial brick shithouse. I like to say I'm a massive mountain of a man, and it's pretty damned accurate. I also growl and yell a lot, so like I said. A grizzly bear.
H: What should people know about your homeland? Y: What they should know is that I hail from Canada, the True North Strong and Free. I love being Canadian, and Canada is to me the single most amazing country in the world, despite our shitty weather and questionable choice in neighbours (kidding, calm down). Basically, Canada rocks, we have cool shit, beautiful nature, good people, and are generally pretty awesome.
H: Giant Panda or dirty Red Panda? Y: PREJUIDICIAL QUESTIONING, GOOD SIR! Everyone knows Howie has a fetish for Giant Pandas, which are basically boring ass bears who do nothing but roll around like drunk children who chew on hard grass all day. The answer to this ridiculous question of course is the Red Panda. Red Panda's rule. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jWYUtQZhK0 Look at that little guy? Best. Animal. Ever.
H: Swim, swim, stab? Y: This is a reference from the show "The League" that I mentioned above. The League is amazing, if you like Fantasy Football and don't watch it? Watch it. If you don't like Fantasy Football? Watch it anyways. It's amazing.
H: Can you say why the Dark Brotherhood is the greatest internet star wars club in the world? Y: It's not. But it can be. That's a line stolen directly from the HBO series "The Newsroom", and I have no shame in it, because it's true. The Dark Brotherhood is a brain trust from literally thousands of Star Wars nerds all over the internet, who have been contributing to its growth and direction for nearly two decades. 18 years is an insanely long time for an internet club, of any sort to be still in business. Just think, when the DB started? Cell Phones were just dropping the visible antennas, DVD players were only just starting to be developed by the major manufacturers, and Monica Lewinsky was hiding her little blue dress. That's a hell of a run. The strength and the greatness inherent in the DB is one simple thingââ¬Â¦ you, the members, is what makes it great. You're what make Taldryan great, and you're the main reason I stick around, trying to make sure that every member in this club can participate, and compete to their highest ability, because what we're building here? And what we'll never stop building? It's something pretty fucking cool.
Well folks this thing is massive, but I hope it gives you all some insight into me, and my character. I'm 100% devoted to Taldryan, and to helping ensure that you guys have an awesome time in Tal, and the DB as a whole. If anyone ever has any questions, my door is always open, and I'm usually on IRC for a few hours every day (and idling there constantly).
Let's kick some ass, shall we?
DJM Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, Aedile of House Taldryan
Dossier #83 G-Talk Address: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] IRC Nicks: YacksAWOL / YacksGONE
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